Name: Nathaniel Justinian Swift
Aliases: Gunlance Specialist, Stalwart Sentinel Monster Hunter/Connosiuer
Age: 25
Race: Human, of Vikin, Celtic and Germanic Descent, surprisingly.
Appearance: Though it would seem Nathaniel lacks the size and physical capabilities to be a master of the Gunlance and world-reknown Monster Hunter, it's been proven fatal time-and-time agan to underestimate him. Standing at only 6'0, this Hunter lacks the grotesque muscles had by other hunters who use massive weapons, though he is well-toned and handsomely muscular with lightly tanned skin that greatly contrast his emerald green eyes-which are complemented by his hay blonde hair, always pulled back lightly into a lax ponytail. Though capable of growing a full blown beard, he prefers a close cropped patch of facial hair purely on his chin. He seems like a knight of old in his dragon leather and bronze armor, but what really stands out is the surcoat he wears over it, bearing his family crest. With a light, yet warm smile always playing on his lips, it's hardly surprising this man has fanclubs scattered about the four winds!
Personality: Being a world-reknown Monster Hunter, it comes as a great surprise that Nathaniel is a humble man, quick to point out his own flaws and quick to praise other-though he is in no way self-depricating! A proud man with a loving heart, he repays any kindness shown to him twofold, no matter how small. Despite being humble, Nathaniel is still a man with honor, who leaps to defend any who are treated injustly and can go out of his way to assist others at times. His greatest joy in life so far is the Hunt, and the pure thrill he gets from it.
Imperial Gunlance 'Earth Shaker': Weapons with the name of Imperial are given only to Hunters who have proven themselves as some of the best, and are often customized after an informal ceremony and presented as their weilders creation at a highly formal and traditional ceremony. For Nathaniel, the Imperial Gunlance he was presented with had to meet his style of combat, so there was much work to be done. First off, he completely disassembled it and remade it with more durable, lightweight metals. He then replaced the small bayonet at the tip of the guns barrel and added long blades along the top and bottom, to slice his Mark, and hold it still while he blasted it with Wyvern Fire. He then moved to the gun portion of the weapon, and incresed the shell capacity of the gunlance from three to five, and heavily modified the barrel to be able to stand up against the usage of various ammunitions. It is known far and wide as the Earth Shaker.
Hunters Body and Mind: Years of training and Hunting have left Nathaniel with not a trace of fat on his body, yet only lean, well-toned muscles. Though not the strongest of Hunters, he makes up for it with his incredible speed, which comes from a career of running with the massive Gunlance and Shield. His stamina and durability are well known, being able to shrug off a number of strikes from a monster and still come barrelling at it. Knowing full-well the dangers of his profession, Nathaniel has learned-many times the hard way- how to read his opponent movements and make surefire guesses at their next move, which have made his intellect and reflexes his second weapons.
Monster Knowledge:A lifetime of study and pursuit of the swiftest, strongest, and most powerful monsters have left Swift with a full library of monster traits, names, attack patterns and territories. You ask him about one kind of monster, you'd be sitting by the fire with him on hours, learning every single ounce of information on the creature.
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A Gunslingers Observations and Thoughts.
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