Winter Storm Alfred
Its Halloween. Yet I look outside and all I see is SNOW. WTF???? Freaking blizzard took out the entire freaking state. 88% of my city is without power and heat and water. So, I played get to know your neighbors. We migrated through the neighborhood helping dig each other out, and whoever managed to have a generator welcomed us into their homes for food and water and warmth. And when the generators died, we moved onward. I somehow ended up here, at my aunts house, because her town is one of the few with power. Heat, water and electricity have never been so coveted. I'm never taking anything for granted ever again. Im lucky to have all this stuff at my fingertips, when hundreds of thousands dont even have clean water period, never mind hot water. This weekend, living in the dark, literally, has changed my perspective. So, I want you all to learn this moral. Don't take ANYTHING for granted, because you could lose it all in a second.