heart Hey my name is Tiffany and this is my Journal
exclaim I
heart to skateboard,ridebikes,whatch anime,read manga,play video games both on game stations and computers,I
heart hanging out with my family and Friends,I go to a private school called Librety Christian,I
heart to whatch nascar my favriate driver is tony stewert,I
heart to go to HotTopic at the mall because they have both anime and gothic stuff there I also
heart to go to the book store at the mall cause they have alot manga books there. I'm a Christian and I was saved in 5th grade and i'm geting baptisd in January. I
heart my friends in school but I really hate the school. I have a myspace and my name on there is Luna Goth. I also have a MyOtaku site my name on there is Angel dog. Oh and i'm 16 years old. I
heart to cook when I grow up I want to become a top chief and I want to own a restrant one day like my mom dose she owns the HeartSisters cafe in Sandford,FL