I'm a lambykins and it's okay, I sleep all night and I poing all day!
Community Member
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 @ 11:10pm
So, I thought that I was going to have to avoid my family for Thanksgiving...
I didn't have to, though. Trystan was born Nov. 11, at 11:23 PM, 38 days early.
As far as I know, the adopting mom is with him at the hospital in S.F., and as soon as our case worker can give us a court date, we will be signing the little one over to the adopting parents.
Maybe he will be able to leave the hospital early, and he can be in his new home for his first christmas...
Oh well, we will see.
Love love, bon bons.
Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 @ 03:04am
Life so far...
Ummm... let's see, Davy and I set a date. July 7th, 2012. A while aways, but by them we should have our own place, steady jobs, and secure in ourselves. Besides, by waiting, we can make sure that we are right for eachother. (Just 'cause you love someone doesn't mean you should spend the rest of your life with them, right?)
Other than that, I'm pregnaunt, yes by Davy, but we aren't going to keep it (come on, we're just starting our second year of college, and we both have a hard time working AND going to school. If we tried to take on a child as well, what kind of life could we give it? Not a very good one.
Annnd... I'm signed up for school, got a B in my summer class, still got my license and my car, Davy and I might start living together in an apartment on his mum's property... can't think of anything else.
So, until later, take care bonbons.
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 @ 06:33pm
So, I got some free clothes and house stuffy... hmmm... that was odd. Oh well.
Hi to everyone who knows me, and a howdy to those who don't, maybe you'll introduce yourself.
So, I'm in summerschool, summer session is kinda tough, although with the right class it can be fun, but driving down to the CR campus is still a long drive no matter what time of the year it is.
Davy and I are engaged, not here on Gaia, but in real life, and I'm pregnaunt. Yes by Davy. But don't worry about another teen mother not being able to cut it in the real world, 'cause Dave and I agreed to give it up for adoption. I will be able to change my mind (I can't sign the final paper work until 30 days after the birth).
Maybe everything will turn out okay, and maybe it won't. But I know this, I'm gonna try to have no matter how nauseous this baby makes me.