
Age: 4 years younger than souta looks like he is 16 when he is playing and mid twenties when he is serious
Race: One of a pair of twins who were born to be the guards to the heir of hell's thrown.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: um hmmm he hates everyone but Kearo and a few others and his love fo Kearo makes him gay technically heehee
Hair Color: Light ice blue
Eye Color: ice blue with slits for pupils
Physical Characteristics: He has pointed ears claws pointed inscisors and extremely pail skin. His hair is long ice blue alot longer than Kearo's and he wears it up just as much as he lets it hang.
Souta is ghostly pale and skinny with a soft feminine face and features.
Height: 5' 7"
Clothes: Souta normally wears a whitish male kimono that seems to have a hard time staying on. feel free to dress him up but he only wheers loose clothes
Description: Souta hates everyone though he has gained odd friendships with Amy and Cashmere and he is fully devoted to Kearo his childhood friend Souta loves Kearo more than anyone else and hangs on him like a leech though Kearo doesn’t really mind most of the time.
Other pics:

uh this one makes him look like a hooker....O.o