OC Revised
Name: Teagan Isla Byrne Age: 20 Race: Caucasian (Irish) Height: 5'2" Weight: 113 lbs. Eyes: Deep green, large, deep set Mouth: Thin lips, wide mouth Hair: Long, wavy, very dark brown (sometimes in a messy braid) Skin: Very fair |███| Other notable features: Heart shaped face, cleft in chin Outfit reference: Total Value: 2,170,150 Gold [Item Information]
Item List: Puppet Master White Russian Nutcracker Prince Keen Bandit Deinocti's Oath Blade's Leggings Keen Bandit Purple FLEX TopPersonality: Serious, passionate, loyal, stubborn, honest, clever, vengeful. D&D Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Family: Father (unnamed)- Left Teagan when she was only 4, to start a business in England. Mother (unnamed)- In poor health, has always begrudgingly accepted her role as mother and provider in the family. Favored Jonathan, her eldest son, over Teagan. Jonathan- Teagan's older brother. He was 21 when he died suddenly- his body wasn't recovered, but everyone is certain he was murdered. Ava- Teagan's younger sister, age 7 at present. She often feels ignored and unimportant, and is somewhat spoiled and babied. Teagan regrets not being able to connect with her better; she feels she fails as an older sister. Story: To be added later
Profession: Assassin
Posted by: Finoewae Tue Jul 26, 2011 @ 08:48am