Entry number one of the Gaia Journal of the Awesome Me! This is so exciting!!!
4laugh Today, after making a ton of money completing jigsaw puzzles, I was sitting here bored and noticed that West was hanging out in some sort of town. So I went to join him. It must have been fate, because before I knew it, I was surrounded by a swarm of giant Gilbirds!!! It was... The Prussian Army!!!
pirate That was awesome itself, but it turns they were not the only ones there to greet me. I also met up with Veneziano, Russia, and, unfortunately, Austria.
stare Oh yeah, also Canada (if you don't know who that is, ask America). For some reason, Italy was dressed in some sort of a schoolgirl outfit. Later I discovered that he had decided to wear a skirt because he lost his pants... Which apparently happens often.
neutral Russia was being creepy as usual, causing Canada to hide behind me and Italy to hold onto my arm for safety (you jealous, West?). Of course, I was awesome enough to eventually make him go away! I'm also apparently so popular that I'm going to have dinner with Italy (and I don't care if certain Beethoven fanboys are going along), breakfast with Canada (pancakes with maple syrup are amazing, you should try them sometime!), AND go see the Danube River with Italy (...and West).
Speaking of dinners, guess who I witnessed having a dinner date? Kesesesese.... As you could have guessed by this entry's title, it was Austria and Canada!!
rofl Unfortunately, they were both pretty boring. But they DID have a little good-night hug...
lol I would have taken a picture as proof but my camera took too long to turn on! I don't need the picture, though. It's common knowledge that whatever the awesome Prussia says is undoubtedly true.
Well, that's all for today. I'm going to go draw some comic strips of what happened today. Perhaps they'll be posted up here later.
3nodding End!
P.S. I'm awesome!!!