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Suki-chan says... Different rants from me. Rants, not rats.

Satsuki Higurashi
Community Member
RL Collection

RL Art Request
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So here's where I'll keep the references for when I'm commissioning.
I'm looking for couple art of me and my boyfriend alongside art of our OCs (see my signature)

Art I've collected of us

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(Pervy luff is pervy XDD We both are)

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(He's the king of MY world <33 I'm queeeeen ^^)

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(18th birthday pressie from Shaiii)

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(Smooth Criminial- gettit?)

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Julia Constantine
(XD 19th birthday pressie! I'm holding Kaolla, my Pet Society koala-pet)

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(My hair is so much shorter now o.o)

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(Tall chibis are tall :3)

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Onion Grump
(Grumpeh luff ^^)

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As a rule, I prefer anime-styled art, I'm not looking for realism or Marvel/DC-style.

1) H "osuwari"-ing T, either because T has annoyed H or T has said something
perverted to make H blush/get flustered.
2) H and T as king and queen (preferably in a kind of Tudor get-up, but a mix of eras and
stuff is fine) with H either 'crowning' T or holding T's crown, saying: "Nuh-uh. You're the
king of MY world,"
3) T's head in H's lap, falling asleep
4) H having fallen asleep leaning on T, and T looking bewildered or a little peeved.

Those are just specifics. I'd appreciate arts that are of us: cuddling, snuggling, curled up together,
holding hands, kissing, in general romantic scenes, in ecchi/slightly-sexy scenes, sat together, play-fighting,
sneaking up on the other, nuzzling each other, stood back to back, etc. etc.

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- OUTFIT#1 -
- OUTFIT#2 -

best references
Zmei/tenhou. Purinchi. U. satsuki.chan

good references
melan. Kata. xlightwingx.

A Japanese male human, brought back from the dead.
He appears around nineteen years old.
He has chest-length mink brown hair and - importantly -
it waves towards the bottom as though he's had his
hair in a ponytail/plaited for too long. He has smoky-grey, cold
eyes that are narrowed. Being human, he has normal ears, and
is incredibly pale -ghostlike. He appears around the same
height as Satsuki and Taro. He is thin and compact, but looks
lethal all the same. Lasuko only wears the modern get-up given
to him by Mutsumi. That and his naginata are all he owns. The
outfit consists of a suit jacket/black unbuttoned coat, no shirt
(therefore he's bare chested), dark sea-green jeans that look
rather grey, black shoes and chains, as well as a silver rosary.
He's Buddhist, so perhaps an ornament like this would suffice.
His collar could be a little popped (typically so when it's raining/dark).
He may be drawn holding/weilding a black naginata. And may also
be drawn coming out of a body-length oval-shaped portal that
looks like a black hole (except deep blue-violet and purple). It
should look like it's been ripped into the air/world itself.

Serious, quiet, nostalgic, and stoic, after what
happened to him Lasuko is aloof, bitter and tormented.
Begrudging Satsuki for something she frankly didn't do and
that he did of his own accord, he's full of hate and the desire
for revenge. Lasuko is easily manipulated if he's susceptible
to believing it, and is difficult to convince otherwise once he
believes something is true. He's determined to do whatever
it takes... until he becomes indecisive and unsure of what he
wants. Does he want to kill Satsuki? Then, pray tell, why
does he feel a surge of jealousy everytime he sees her with
Taro? Why does he dream about her, pine for her, and why is
he so wistful - wanting to be with her again? He often goes into
denial, and feels regret for what he did before though realises
that he cannot change the past. However, his motivation is
great and he will not stop until he makes Satsuki fall for him
again, even if it mens forcing her to. Despite that, he knows
deep down he can never except her for what she is, and so
remains cold, nasty, and nothing but Mutsumi's pawn who
stupidly believes that he's the victim in all of this.
His eyes are often narrowed due to his hostile/homicidal/
dangerous thoughts. He is never happy. Never content.
Never smug. Never downright sad. He is only grim and
without that spark of life.

Extended information


Satsuki Higurashi
Community Member

Satsuki Higurashi
Community Member
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- OUTFIT#1 -
- OUTFIT#2 -

best references
Purinchi. satsuki.chan. melan. satsuki.chan.

good references
Abaddon. Miss Cadence

A Japanese female pure-blood dragon said to
be descended from a God. (Actually, she is) Due to the
purity of her blood she looks different to the other
dragons. She looks to be about seventeen/eighteen.
She has light-coloured white-blonde hair that is notably
a few shades lighter than Satsuki's. She keeps it
permanently up in a "sock" or bun decorated with either
ornamental hair-clips or 'chop-sticks'. She has dark
brown eyes, elven ears and eyebrows that extend off of
her face like whiskers. These are a few shades darker
than her hair. Mutsumi also has four filed horns that look
like diamonds of bone embedded in her forehead just
beneath her fringe and below her hairline.
This is a sign of power, due to her pure-blood. The
more horns, the more powerful. She also has an
amber tear-drop jewel embedded in her cheek beneath
her left eye. She is short, the same height as Emiko and
is petite with a small chest. Her skin is pale but not as much
as Lasuko's and about the same as Emiko's. She dresses
lavishly as a sign of her wealth as a dragon princess.
Her typical outfit is a mixture of cultures all slammed together
in one royal garment: European, Japanese, etc. She wears
a lot of expensive-looking jewellery, usually gold. The bottom
of her typical outfit should never display her feet and should
look like this.

Spoilt, bitter, and incredibly prone to fits of jealousy,
Mutsumi is the nasty and bitchy little queen-to-be of Satsuki's
home realm. She's energetic, spontaneous, and gets bored
very easily and in that sense is very much like a child. She
isn't stupid, however. She pretends to act sweet and "musical"
- even flouncing around calling Lasuko "Laa-kun" - but it's all
an act. She likes to play games with people, emotionally
torture them. Whilst she doesn't exactly think things through
(for example, she hates Satsuki because she can and that's that,
she doesn't give her a chance to redeem herself for something
she didn't even realise she was doing), she's a cunning plotter
and most important of all in the long run she gets away with it.
She's the kind to make others do her dirty work, and also one
who doesn't think of nor care as to how her actions will affect others.
She's bratty, whiney and much as she pretends to be Lasuko's friend,
however she helps him is always to do with her nasty plan. She holds
a grudge very readily, is stuck up, relentless in tasks she pursues,
active and doesn't have a shred of decency in her. Nothing is sacred
to her and people mean nothing to her - Lasuko is just a pawn,
a resource she's willing to get rid of as quicly as she brought him into
the world should he not play her game properly.
Mutsumi passionately hates Satsuki, almost without reason. She sees
her at being better than her, no matter what, and her hatred stems
from envy.

Extended information
Dragon information


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x o
good refs

Name: Maya. In this case, it's pronounced as it looks
- "May-ah" - not "My-ah" (as her mother's name, Maia, is pronounced
that way)

Partner - no one, Nia[?]
Sibling - Ai (older sister)
Half-siblings - Conrad (older half-brother), Satsuki (older half-sister)
Parents - deceased (father), Maia (mother)

● A female dragon
● Looks to be about nineteen/twenty.
● Chest-length black hair that's layered and glamourously 'messy'.
It's rather thick and full towards the back.
● Dark red eyes, like garnets
● Elven ears
● Average height, she is thin but just the right kind of curvy in
the right places, i.e. voluptious. She has a well-formed chest to
● Creamy pale
● Unlike her siblings she can hold her dragon-wings in her
humanoid form due to her shapeshifting abilities. These appear
like a pair of black bat-like wings the length of her body. She
doesn't always wear them, and if she is, she should be scantily
Outfit choices, however the ONLY colour options
are red, black, shades of grey, dark purple, navy and white. So an
outfit in that album may not be it's displayed colour. She wears
suggestive and sexy clothes that are flattering and may be
revealing in the right places. She can pull daring outfits off
without looking slutty, she shoud look glamourously beautiful.
Wears corsets, bustiers, "boob-tubes", bikini tops, tunic tops,
skirts (plaited, red tartan) with lots of belts, strap tops,
3/4-lengths, leggings, stockings/fishnets, boots/heels, capes,
suits, turtlenecks, waistcoats. Maya doesn't wear earrings!
She wears slight jewellery, mainly bangles and understated

Bad points~ Acts like a succubus more than anything,
the embodiment of a "female preying mantis", vain,
narcissistic, mischievious, bitchy, nasty, antisocial, angry,
hot-heated, flirtatious, short-fused, easily-disgusted or
displeased, heartbreaker, maneater, ruthless, cunning,
holds a grudge, jealous-type, arrogant, cutting, critical,
fight-starter, lazy, manipulative, stoic, uncaring, cold-hearted,
attention-whore, does not believe in working to get things,
in denial about how she feels.
Good points~ sexy, vivacious, independant, confident, has
some shred of loyalty deep down inside, secretly protective of Ai.

Typical expressions
● Looking smug/vain, as though in love with herself, probably
tossing her hair
● Looking jealous/envious and almost homicidal
● Seductive/flirtatious
● Stoic/aloof and even a little disgusted

Extended information
Dragon information

< BACK --- SEE NIA >

Satsuki Higurashi
Community Member

Satsuki Higurashi
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good refs

Name: Ornias "Nia" Spee. Pronounced "Or-ny-us", however
everyone calls him Nia/"ny-uh". According to the classification
of demons, "Ornias" is the name of the 'harassing demon' of
the underworld. Ornias is named after said demon.

Partner - Maya[?]
Siblings - unknown
Parents - deceased

● A male fire demon.
● Looks around twenty-three years old.
● Darkly tanned.
● Dark black hair that he always wears in a low ponytail.
He has rather messy bangs where it looks as though he didn't
tie it back very neatly.
● Amber eyes, however most of his eye is pupil. There should
only be a slight glint of amber towards the edges.
● Elf-like ears
● Usually always smoking
● He is not Japanese, unlike all the others (except Hikaru)
● Almost the same height as Conrad, he's a little shorter.
● Wears smart-casual like Conrad, but it's more likely to be similar
to what Lasuko wears. Nia wears jeans with chains,
hooded-jumpers, always long-sleeved tees or shirts (he doesn't
like short sleeve even in summer), casual suits, leather jackets
and ties. He usually wears shoes. He'd only wear greens, navies,
browns, blacks, greys and whites. And he also would not have a
top that mixed these colours, as he likes to keep things plain. He
favours the brand SuperDry.

Bad points~ Can be unapproachable, short-fused, defensive,
can be a show-off, wanderer/nomaed, almost has a split personality
(he can suddenly become snappish, rude, furious, even a little
deadly), is a risk-taker but gets angry if things don't go his way,
can be quiet and brooding, narcisstic, arrogant, often in denial
about feelings.
Good points~ Can be friendly, fiercely loyal, charming,
flirtatious, likes to help others, good sense of humour, confident,
a little eccentric at times, stubborn and determined (in a good way),
believes in right and wrong, usually sticks by his morals, is not
shallow and sees the good in others.

Typical expressions
● Smoking a cigarette
● Chuckling to himself almost vainly
● Looking brooding/unapproachable
● Looking 'badass' -shot-
● Flirtatious

Extended information


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best references
seiracchi. satsuki.chan. U. Shaihya. inky-tea. Vielot.

good references
Purinchi. melan. Eoran.

A Japanese male dragon, like his younger sister,
Satsuki. He appears to be in his early twenties.
He has snow-white hair that ranges in length but generally
falls just-below-his-ears (at the front) and around his chin
(behind his ears). He has a long fringe. His eyebrows and
lashes are black.
It's important to note that Conrad's eyes are not grey. Nor
are they violet. They are so light a lilac that they're practically
grey, but not quite. He has human-sized elven ears.
Conrad is tall and lanky (the tallest of all the characters). He
is long-legged, toned and lithe, however due to his size and
due to the fact that he doesn't like being noted for his height,
he slouches. When he walks he can either look lazy or elegant.
He has a fading tan: he used to own a beach bar and so spent
a lot of the time in the sun. He wears anything smart-casual
and only Western clothes. Suit jackets, waistcoasts, polished
shoes, trousers, boots, jeans, shirts (particularly the wrinkled
kind), ties, scarves, jumpers/sweaters, etc. His "lazy clothes"
would more likely be a baggy t-shirt and boxers or cut off shorts.
Essentially, he likes to look good.

Gallant, prince-like, charismatic, and charming, Conrad
has a handsome and disarming smile and finds it easy to make
friends and get girls. Because he likes to dress so impeccably
he seems a little narcissistic or vain, but it's actually all a
facade. He is caring, noble, gentle, loving and loyal (though
due to an incident in his past he was initially afraid of
commitment - "it's not you, it's me" wink He's suave, confident,
sophisticated and is a true gentleman who likes to save the
damsels in distress and serenade them with all the proper
etiquette and manners. With Emi, however, he is not acting -
and around her he is truly genuine and has even reverted to
the likes of a fumbling, shy teenager. Nevertheless, Conrad is
lazy (or maybe a better term is sloth-like), and swings from
being mature to immature quite easily. He can act like a child,
and gets bored easily, as well as being quite whiney when he
wants to be and sulking a lot.
He's protective of others but doesn't like getting into other
peoples' business unneccessarily. He's finnicky and neat with
his things, and revels in urban surroundings, always living in the
here and now and able to deal with the consequences of his
actions with a pinch of salt and a big grin. "Oh well, at least I had
fun," However, he's the kind to blot out (the bad parts of) his past
and pretend nothing ever happened, and finds it hard to open up
about what's really bothering him.

Extended information
Dragon information


Satsuki Higurashi
Community Member

Satsuki Higurashi
Community Member
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- OUTFIT #1 -

best references
Purinchi. aliii. LividPeas. Shaihya.

good references
Nahalie. melan. U.

A Japanese female human, Emiko is a "miko"
and inherited no demon blood from her parents, unlike
her brother, Taro. The demon blood of her parents
morphed into spiritual powers within her. She is
eighteen years old but can appear a little younger.
Has shoulder-to-chest length black hair with a fringe,
and brown eyes like her brother's. She is quite pale.
Emiko has human ears, and is petite, slim and
appears to be rather small. (She is the shortest out of all
the characters, and the same height as Mutsumi)
Wears typical priestess garments except her pants are
purple instead of red, (these may be decorated with a
feminine/floral pattern). She even has a pair of white
hakama pants. Her purple pants have slits at the sides
that show white. Her haori is white, and she can wear a
white or purple under-kimono beaneath it. The "slits" on
her haori are about the height at which she could detach
the bottom part and then still have a short-sleeved haori
on. Like these sleeves. If she has the sleeves
short then she should be doing something "dirty", like the
laundry or washing the dishes. Otherwise they should
be long and belled. She wears tabi socks and zori sandals.
May be drawn with a bow and arrow, and a katana as well as
demonstrating spiritual powers through blue or purple 'orbs'
surrounding her. She may also be shown as though
travelling, wearing a straw hat tied under her chin.

She is shy, bashful, quiet, and very wise and
intelligent despite her age. This is because of her teachings,
she was brought up to be respectful, polite, learned and to
enjoy simple pleasures as well as to be pure and "chaste".
(However, this all changed when she met Conrad).
Caring, sweet, and a bit of a dreamer, Emiko is a hopeless
romantic and longs for her dream life with a family of her
own one day. However, she is in no rush. She is maternal,
loving, selfless, compassionate and modest. Because of her
upbringing in a shrine she is afraid of her own desires in
case they're 'impure' or 'wrong'. However, she happens to be
very, very curious and this curiosity borders on naivety and
ditziness. Emiko loves to dish out advice to those who want it,
and she's willing to sacrifice herself for others if need be. She's
upbeat, calm, content, bashful and very easily-flattered.
Emiko loves helping others, especially doing chores, and is not
materialistic in the least. She is very old-fashioned, wistful and
innocent. She used to be mournful and lonely, before Conrad
showed up. The one thing she hates? Prejudice.



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x o x
good refs

Name: Koto. Pronounced "koh-toh".
Despite being a female name, we felt it suited
him and sounded more masculine anyway. His
name means "harp" and is written in kanji as 琴

Siblings: Noriko (elder sister), more to come
Parents: Taro (father), Satsuki (mother)
Aunt: Emiko
Uncle: Conrad

● Son of Taro and Satsuki, and their second-born (but
first-born son). Like his sister, he's a queer mix, however
unlike her he has a little bit of dragon and demon power.
● May be drawn as a young child only. No teen/adult art, please.
● Naturally spiky black hair with a strange but natural bang
of blonde at the front. All of his references accurately depict
his hair, including with the shape/size of the blonde bang.
● Brown eyes, like his father's.
● Elven ears
● Wears boyish Western clothes- t-shirts, jeans/cut-offs,
sneakers, scarves. He, however, may also wear traditional
Japanese clothes, including a form of "karate" uniform or
something similar to his aunt Emiko's outfit, but more masculine
and with blue hakama pants.

Mischievious, cheeky, playful, a handful, a bundle of energy,
clingy to his mother, happy, content, daydreamer, active,
curious about everything, perceptive.
As he grows he becomes quiet, serious, attached to his father's
hip and intent on becoming "strong" (perhaps to protect the
younger siblings that will eventually come after him).

Typical expressions
● Arms folded and looking stubborn
● Sticking out his tongue in a "so there" manner
● Giggling/grinning/smiling sweetly
● Spaced out, plotting
● Worn out by Noriko

Older Koto


Satsuki Higurashi
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Satsuki Higurashi
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x o x o x o x
good refs

Name: Noriko. Pronounced "noh-ree-koh", it is
Japanese for "child of law", ironic as according to
the Dragon Realm she is an illegal child. It is written
as 典子. Her nickname is "Nori".

Siblings - Koto (younger brother), more to come
Parents - Taro (father), Satsuki (mother)
Aunt - Emiko
Uncle - Conrad

● Daughter of Taro and Satsuki, their eldest child.
● May be drawn as a newborn up until she appears
around seven. I don't want art of her as a teen/adult.
● Cropped chin-length black hair that appears 'layered',
but it's just naturally a bit of a mess. As a small baby
it was human-ear length, and her bangs at the side
covered where human ears would be slightly. She should
always have a fringe. She does not always wear clips in
her hair, especially beneath her ears, as they would tickle.
As she gets older, her hair grows longer.
● Golden eyes like her mother's, but wide, warm and open
● Small white dog ears, like her fathers'
● Wears anything "girly". Satsuki likes to put her in pinks,
blues and browns. She would wear hoodies with "neko" ears
on the hood, as they'd have space for her ears. She also
wear a coat that matches her mothers', a burgundy or brown
coloured one that's short and like a cape. As a small baby she
would wear baby-gros and dungarees. As a child, ponchos,
skirts, tights. Nothing extravagant, nothing costumey.
Something normal.

Like a typical child. No bad points, really.
Sweet, 'daddy's princess', clingy to her mother and aunt,
stubborn, affectionate, acts good but can be a little mischievious,
eventually grows out of the scared-of-imaginary-monsters stage
to the point where she's brave enough to "beat them up herself",
cheeky (but in a sweet way), playful, full of energy, light-hearted,
giggly, bubbly, happy, polite, well-mannered but shy in public,
complete opposite of a tomboy.

Typical expressions
● Sticking out her tongue.
● Giggling/smiling/grinning.
● Blinking up at her parents and looking innocent.
● Tilting her head on one side in confusion.
● Sticking her tongue out of the side of her mouth slightly in
concentration (usually as she draws, which she does a lot.)

Older Noriko


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