Before you blackmail me I'll blackmail you. D:<
ANGRY DRUNK TARD: OKAY I ADDED YOU. FreakF52: Kay' D: ANGRY DRUNK TARD: biggrin biggrin biggrin FreakF52: Oh so it's like that? D:< Oh so it's like that? D:< ANGRY DRUNK TARD: lol ANGRY DRUNK TARD: like what? FreakF52: I pay the bills too. ]: ANGRY DRUNK TARD: Buying stamps is not paying bills. ANGRY DRUNK TARD: You could at least take me out to dinner once in a while! ;o; FreakF52: Why, when you could just make me a sandwich? biggrin ANGRY DRUNK TARD: lol sexist FreakF52: While I watch football with the guy. FreakF52: And drink. ANGRY DRUNK TARD: *SOB* FreakF52: And play golf. biggrin FreakF52: And you can clean up my mess. ANGRY DRUNK TARD: The next time you bring your poker buddies over I'm going to put poison in their drinks FreakF52: D: ANGRY DRUNK TARD: And they'll all choke and be like WTF! FREAK'SS MAN WIFE HAS SET US UP ANGRY DRUNK TARD: and they'll never come over again! FreakF52: ;-; FreakF52: Then I'll kill your book club members. D< ANGRY DRUNK TARD: DX FreakF52: Anf maybe I'll fire the pool boy! D:< FreakF52: And* ANGRY DRUNK TARD: OH YOU'RE SO MEAN! ANGRY DRUNK TARD: crying FreakF52: I know. biggrin
FreakF52: It's great. ANGRY DRUNK TARD: XP FreakF52: People get mad at me when I say Hitler is my idol. ]: ANGRY DRUNK TARD: lol ANGRY DRUNK TARD: A lot of prople can't think for themselves ANGRY DRUNK TARD: people* ANGRY DRUNK TARD: Which is unfortunate FreakF52: Indeed. ANGRY DRUNK TARD: My ankle itches. ANGRY DRUNK TARD: Yeah, you needed to know that. D: ANGRY DRUNK TARD: And I have to get going to work. <O ANGRY DRUNK TARD: er... >O FreakF52: Haha work. ANGRY DRUNK TARD: Yeah -_- FreakF52: I can't work. =D ANGRY DRUNK TARD: WHY THE HELL NOT FreakF52: Too young ;-; ANGRY DRUNK TARD: Bah! ANGRY DRUNK TARD: That's hogwash! ANGRY DRUNK TARD: Why... ANGRY DRUNK TARD: There's children 3x less than your age who are assembling sneakers right at this very moment FreakF52: I know they are so lucky. ;-; ANGRY DRUNK TARD: XD FreakF52: Damn you America. D:
ANGRY DRUNK TARD: Work sucks, seriously. Don't do it. Find a rich guy that likes Hitler and marry him right away. FreakF52: Everyone says I'm going to marry a rich guy because i like money. =D ANGRY DRUNK TARD: lol ANGRY DRUNK TARD: Then you're already one step ahead FreakF52: I guess. ANGRY DRUNK TARD: Well it's either that or get a mail order bride. And well... who's what you might get. /gonk ANGRY DRUNK TARD: who knows* ANGRY DRUNK TARD: I CAN TYPE FreakF52: RLY?
ANGRY DRUNK TARD: 4 RILLS FreakF52: U R TRIPPIN ANGRY DRUNK TARD: Everybody in the club get tipsy. FreakF52: Tips are for drunk drivers. FreakF52: And old people. ANGRY DRUNK TARD: Well g2g. ;o; It was nice talking to you. For me anyway. You were probably like, GOD WTF THIS FGT MUST WANNA RP N s**t ANGRY DRUNK TARD: Old people? ANGRY DRUNK TARD: Old drunk people? FreakF52: Yes ANGRY DRUNK TARD: Huh. D: Didn't know. FreakF52: the people you have to sit by on the bus biggrin ANGRY DRUNK TARD: lol bus ANGRY DRUNK TARD: You mean those people I speed by and scream at FreakF52: Unless you sit by the hookers.... FreakF52: Yes them. ANGRY DRUNK TARD: Ah well. IDK if they're tip worthy. Some of those characters are a complete nuisance FreakF52: That's the whole joy of going on the bus! ANGRY DRUNK TARD: XD ANGRY DRUNK TARD: True FreakF52: You get to meet people you can't find outside biggrin ANGRY DRUNK TARD: lol When you put it like that, it's really true. I guess in a way I actually do miss the bums and elderly that rode on the bus or train with me. FreakF52: Sometimes I have to stand up, then I fall on people. cool FreakF52: It's bonding. =D ANGRY DRUNK TARD: Sexy XD FreakF52: Then the driver is all "GTFO! D:<" Cause he's fat and his wife cheats on him and his kids have no life. ANGRY DRUNK TARD: What a loser. FreakF52: I know. ANGRY DRUNK TARD: He's probably gay. Gay for the taxi men he can never have. ANGRY DRUNK TARD: The ones that drive by and shout PRAISE ALLAH FreakF52: xD ANGRY DRUNK TARD: And he thinks to himself, their beards are so dreamy ANGRY DRUNK TARD: idk wtf I'm talking about anymore ANGRY DRUNK TARD: BUT YEAH. I gotta go, less I be docked and fired. :O FreakF52: What's your job? O: ANGRY DRUNK TARD: I EAT POKEMONS FreakF52: WTF No ]: ANGRY DRUNK TARD: And carpentry. It's hammer time ANGRY DRUNK TARD: !* FreakF52: Haha when i get my job it's gonna pay more. cool ANGRY DRUNK TARD: hehehe ANGRY DRUNK TARD: But will you like it? ANGRY DRUNK TARD: eh? EH?!? ANGRY DRUNK TARD: Probably FreakF52: Well duh. =/ ANGRY DRUNK TARD: XD FreakF52: I'll be an actress and you'll be all " Omgrly I knew her on the internet. O=" ANGRY DRUNK TARD: lol ANGRY DRUNK TARD: I should save this ANGRY DRUNK TARD: And blackmail you FreakF52: Right... FreakF52: I know you just want to sell it on eBay, don't hide it. ANGRY DRUNK TARD: Nah, you've got me all wrong ANGRY DRUNK TARD: That's what your trash is for! ANGRY DRUNK TARD: Banana peels! 2 for $20 FreakF52: I hate bananas ANGRY DRUNK TARD: UM ANGRY DRUNK TARD: ZEBRA CAKES! 4 for $50 FreakF52: If you're lucky you'll find old socks and some throw up. =D ANGRY DRUNK TARD: lol ANGRY DRUNK TARD: yum FreakF52: It doesn't taste that great. FreakF52: Ive tried it. =/ FreakF52: Too sour. ANGRY DRUNK TARD: Well sorry to IM and run, but...that's what I gotta do. I'm late. I'm late. For a very stupid rate. No time to say hello, goodbye, I'm late I'm late I'm late ANGRY DRUNK TARD: It just needs more sugar and milk ANGRY DRUNK TARD: Trust me ;D ANGRY DRUNK TARD: I'll talk to you again, ja? I hope so ANGRY DRUNK TARD: Get some rest ANGRY DRUNK TARD: And do the damn dishes! ANGRY DRUNK TARD: BYE BYE! FreakF52: It's only 2:45 am b***h please. D; FreakF52: Bye ANGRY DRUNK TARD: lol ANGRY DRUNK TARD: bye