The Uncomprehensible
Life - The one thing no one, not even the smartest person, nor the most unintelligent being, can fully comprehend. The smartest person would most likely overanalyze everything, and the unintelligent being would see things that the smartest person wouldn't, but not being able to relay his thoughts in a way that others would be able to see their view. If someone told me that they fully understood life, I'd ask them why they weren't insane, as it would be too much information, philosophies, thoughts, ideas, and ideals for one to contain in one's brain.
Though life contains many things people strive for, reach for, feel the need to obtain, there are usually only a few people really see. The tunnel vision that human society as a whole has can be interesting to speculate upon. It usually affects everyone, even myself, I will admit. The few things people strive for tend to be: Happiness, wealth, perfection, independence, and power. Most of which, in the end, add up to mean nothing.
Wealth may bring the happiness that people desire for a short time. They may never be satisfied though. Always wanting more, to fullfill thier materialistic ways. For example, the whole view point of seeing the glass half empty, not as half full. Instead of seeing the liquid that they have and enjoying that, they see the room that is empty, and wants to fill it with more liquid. But what is the point of that? You will just have more liquid that, in the end, means nothing. They just added more liquid to the cup that they need to deal with. And after that glass is full, they will still feel the need for more. Nothing was accomplished.
Now, perfection. Something most people try to achieve. But why? Is perfection really all that people make it seem? I don't think so. If a person's life was perfect, wouldn't it become boring? Imperfections are what make life...well...life. Imperfections are what create the drama, the joy, the craziness, the happiness, and the feeling of being yourself. Imperfections are what make people their own self - are what allow people to have different lives, instead of everyone living the same life. So, instead of believing that you want a life that will be perfect, filled with no problems, why not wish for a life that is filled with the perfect imperfections that will make your life perfect? Like that, an imperfection in this blog. A condradiction. How ironic. Imperfections: the things that make life perfect, in an imperfect world.
What is the use in having power? Well, I mean, yes, power can bring you what you want. But once you loss that power, all people seem to think about it getting that power back. That void of power drives one mad. So, why don't people learn to find a level of power they, and the world, agree upon. That way, they will be happy with how powerful they are, and the world won't feel a need to take any power away.
The only two things I mentioned before that I view as worthy to strive for would be independence (to an extent) and happiness. Those two things are quite help make life enjoyable. You need to be independent to do what you want, and doing what you want eventually leads to happiness. Happiness is the one thing that is the true wealth. The happiest man is richer than the man with the most money.
So, why live life without striving for happiness and independence? As the cliche saying goes, "Life is short. Live it to the fullest." Though that saying is overly used, it is also very true. Who cares about material things that are really unneeded, and problems that don't need to be worried about? Everything in life will work out in the end, assuming you allow things to run their course. Just do the things in life that make you happy. Sure, you need to be aware of those around you so you don't distress them and cause them unhappiness, but still. Your happiness should be one of the most important things in your life, forever. One of your top priorities. So make sure that you are happy, and then go to worry about others.
Living life without striving for something on the other hand, would be meaningless. It is like a black and white movie, without the sound. Sure, you are going through and seeing everything, but you don't get to see the vivid colors, or enjoy the odd, and yet enthralling, noises that you may take for granted. It would be like living life, just to live it. A corpse walking, just to walk. Someone talking, just to talk. If there is no point in it, why do it at all?
But, some people can't achieve happiness without accepting themselves. And that, is a battle within ourselves. To start, some people won't be able to accept themselves without accepting others first. Those people who pick on others, focus only on the flaws of others, and don't accept others are just taking out thier insecurities and not being able to accept themselves on others. People should accept people who they are, and treat everyone the same. I've come to learn that lately. It crept into my mind slowly, but it came. Everyone has their flaws, their imperfections, and that is what makes them...them.
"Treat a man as he is, and he will continue to be. Treat a man as he should be, and he will become." A favorite quote of mine. Some people wish they could be different, but don't do anything about it. Instead, they just state they want to be different, wish for it, continue to be unhappy about it, and thus don't reach and accomplish that strive for happiness that would accomany that change. If someone wishes to change, why not start acting like that change has already occured, and eventually it will become truly you. And you will be happy. Don't want to be weak, or a coward? Live with bravado, and courage, even if it goes against what you think you should do. You will eventually realize you can be that couragous person you wanted to be, and then you will start to act courages, and then eventually reach the level that you will live courageously. Happiness will be achieved. Mission accomplished, only by believing you can do something and not the opposite.
In the end, only being happy is what matters. "The only true measure of how well you have lived your life is by seeing how many people could consider you their friend." Be nice to others, you will love yourself. Strive for something and notice the joy that life can being, you will enjoy life more. Try new things. The more you can say you have experienced, the more enjoyment life has brought you. So, get out there. Experience more. Strive for more. Realize what you really want, and go for it. But, in the end, no matter what you do - be happy doing it. Happiness. The one emotion, no...virtue...that is really worth striving for in the end.
"The only good stomach ache is one from laughter."