So. I was banned on 4/8/08 for scamming and/or profiting from scamming. [which I never did] and inquiry refused to answer my questions or even give me a real response to any of my e-mails. If they did, it was filled with rude remarks and blatant sarcasm on their part.
Yesterday, 4/22/08, I made this thread [x] Within three and a half hours of said thread, I had my account back.
Turns out that when one of my friends quit and gave me their account, they had scammed items on that account and it ended up making me look like I was the scammer/hacker. Anlina, a site assistance lead, told me to PM her for info prior to my unbanning. She answered my questions and within just a few PMs we had figured out the whole problem, and my account were unbanned almost immediately. [note: I had my friends old posts telling me he would give me his account to prove it, she didn't just take my word for it. I had solid proof that the account was given to me]
But yes, it's great to have my accounts back. My trades are currently turned off, though, as they are removing the illegal items from my account or items I have that are of equal worth as said scammed items. (if I happened to sell the items that were scammed) Trades are back up now.
So yes, I have cleared my name with help from Anlina and got my main back. Oh how I missed my horns and kiki kitties these past two weeks.
- sleepynaga - · Thu Apr 24, 2008 @ 12:28am · 0 Comments |