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No really, I'm not insane...

Community Member
Stock Profile: Magic
Ok, So I had been doing alot of Blocky looking profiles, so I tried something different... This was really an experiment o.o But I like how it turned out ^_^ w00t!
I found the nifty anime chibi guy on www.animevisions.net
Go there, it's a great stock image gallery for all sorts of anime series, and categories ^.^
Here it is.
If you want to use it, please give me credit somewhere o.o

Also, If you would like to send me feedback, please do so on my other account name, ProfessorDemetri.

#extendedProfileBody #header #avatar {display: none;}
#extendedProfileBody #header h1
{background: url(http://i7.tinypic.com/21jxcn7.jpg) no-repeat;
width: 800px;
height: 303px; }

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color: #000000;}

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border: none;}

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text-indent: -6000px;
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text-indent: -6000px;}

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text-indent: -6000px;}

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#extendedProfileBody #footer
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#site {margin:auto;}
/* Theme by Navall, hope you guys like it! */

Stock Profile! Elliot!
Yeah, My main man from Dead or Alive 4.... ELLIOT!! ^__^ I play him the most while playing online... and I usually use this outfit, or the 4th one, with the nifty punker/goth outfit ^__^ It's so emo for a highschool kid that knows martial arts! *Giggles* I lurv him almost as much as Kadaj o.o lol thats alot of love!
Here it is.
If you want to use it, please give me credit somewhere o.o

Also, If you would like to send me feedback, please do so on my other account name, ProfessorDemetri.

body {background: #FFFCCF url() bottom left no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed}
#content {background: transparent}

#extendedProfileBody #header h1
background: url(http://img466.imageshack.us/img466/1110/header012uq.jpg) center no-repeat;

background: #CDC673 url(http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/603/profile013mv.jpg) top left repeat-x;
border-right: 1px dashed #FFFCCF;
border-bottom: 1px dashed #FFFCCF;
border-left: 1px dashed #FFFCCF;
border-top: 1px dashed #000000;
font-size: 7pt; color: #FFFCCF;


#profile h2
background: url() top left no-repeat;
text-indent: 1px;
font-size: 1pt; color: #FFFCCF;


background: #CDC673 url(http://img466.imageshack.us/img466/976/details011ts.jpg) top left repeat-x;
border-right: 1px dashed #FFFCCF;
border-bottom: 1px dashed #FFFCCF;
border-left: 1px dashed #FFFCCF;
border-top: 1px dashed #000000;
font-size: 7pt; color: #FFFCCF;


#details h2
background: url() top left no-repeat;
text-indent: 1px;
font-size: 1pt; color: #FFFCCF;


background: #CDC673 url(http://img466.imageshack.us/img466/283/wishlist011qu.jpg) top left repeat-x;
border-right: 1px dashed #FFFCCF;
border-bottom: 1px dashed #FFFCCF;
border-left: 1px dashed #FFFCCF;
border-top: 1px dashed #000000;
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filter: glow(color=#FFF8DC, strength=4)

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background: url() top left no-repeat;
text-indent: 1px;
font-size: 1pt; color: #FFFCCF;


background: #CDC673 url(http://img466.imageshack.us/img466/5015/about013ow.jpg) top left repeat-x;
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border-bottom: 1px dashed #FFFCCF;
border-left: 1px dashed #FFFCCF;
border-top: 1px dashed #000000;
font-size: 7pt; color: #FFFCCF;
height: 1%; /* Holly Hack */


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border-bottom: 1px dashed #FFFCCF;
border-left: 1px dashed #FFFCCF;
border-top: 1px dashed #000000;
font-size: 7pt; color: #FFFCCF;

height: 1%; /* Holly Hack */


#friends h2
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text-indent: 1px;
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#friends #friendGroup li

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background: #CDC673 url(http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/866/journal014jh.jpg) top left repeat-x;
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font-size: 1pt; color: #FFFCCF;

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border-bottom: 1px dashed #FFFCCF;
border-left: 1px dashed #FFFCCF;
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border: 1px dashed #FFFCCF;
background: transparent;

border: 1px dashed #FFFCCF;
background: transparent;

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font-size: 12px;
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left: -22px;
font-face: tahoma;


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position: relative;
padding: 0 32px 0 0;
min-height: 45px;
margin: 0 0 0 -12px;
background: url() top right no-repeat;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: normal;
right: -22px;


Community Member

Community Member
Stock Profile! Kadaj!
I know everyone lurvs Kadaj after AC... and I'm not different ^__^ lol
So I just had to make a profile for him ^.^ It's very shiney and pretty ^_^
Here it is.
If you want to use it, please give me credit somewhere o.o

Also, If you would like to send me feedback, please do so on my other account name, ProfessorDemetri.

body {background: #739AC5 url() bottom left no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed}
#content {background: transparent}

#extendedProfileBody #header h1
background: url(http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/8696/titleheader011bk.jpg)

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border-right: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
border-bottom: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
border-left: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
border-top: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
font-size: 7pt; color: #BFEFFF;


#profile h2
background: url() top left no-repeat;
text-indent: 1px;
font-size: 12pt; color: #BFEFFF;


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border-right: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
border-bottom: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
border-left: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
border-top: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
font-size: 7pt; color: #BFEFFF;


#details h2
background: url() top left no-repeat;
text-indent: 1px;


background: #5D7B93 url(http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/3420/wishlist013yi.jpg) top left repeat-x;
border-right: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
border-bottom: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
border-left: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
border-top: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
font-size: 7pt; color: #BFEFFF;
filter: glow(color=#C1F0F6, strength=4)

#wishlist h2
background: url() top left no-repeat;
text-indent: 1px;
font-size: 12pt; color: #C1F0F6;


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border-right: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
border-bottom: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
border-left: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
border-top: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
font-size: 7pt; color: #BFEFFF;
height: 1%; /* Holly Hack */


#about h2
background: url() top left no-repeat;

background: #5D7B93 url(http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/3091/friends014tq.jpg) top left repeat-x;
border-right: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
border-bottom: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
border-left: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
border-top: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
font-size: 7pt; color: #BFEFFF;

height: 1%; /* Holly Hack */


#friends h2
background: url() top left no-repeat;

#friends #friendGroup li

{border-right: none;}

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#comments .avatar img,
#profile img.avatar,
#comments .avatar2 img
{filter: glow(color=#C1F0F6, strength=7)}

background: #5D7B93 url(http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/6954/journal015hx.jpg) top left repeat-x;
border-right: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
border-bottom: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
border-left: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
border-top: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
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background: url() top left no-repeat;

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border-bottom: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
border-left: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
border-top: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
font-size: 7pt; color: #BFEFFF;

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background: url() top left no-repeat;

background: #5D7B93 url(http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/1526/comments010ny.jpg) top left repeat-x;
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border-left: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
border-top: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
font-size: 7pt; color: #BFEFFF;


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background: url() top left no-repeat;


background: #5D7B93 url(http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/5029/signature013ro.jpg) top left repeat-x;
border-right: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
border-bottom: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
border-left: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
border-top: 1px dashed #BFEFFF;
font-size: 7pt; color: #BFEFFF;

#signature h2
background: url() top left no-repeat;

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#details a:hover {color: #C1F0F6; text-decoration: line-through; cursor: crosshair;}

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#wishlist a:hover {color: #C1F0F6; background: url; text-decoration: line-through; cursor: crosshair;}

#about a {color: #C1F0F6; text-decoration: none; cursor: crosshair;}
#about a:hover {color: #C1F0F6; text-decoration: line-through; cursor: crosshair;}

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#friends a:hover {color: #C1F0F6; text-decoration: line-through; cursor: crosshair;}

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border: 1px dashed #C1F0F6;
background: transparent;

border: 1px dashed #C1F0F6;
background: transparent;

.caption .message
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padding: 0 0 0 32px;
min-height: 45px;
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background: url() top left no-repeat;
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font-weight: normal;
left: -21px;
font-face: tahoma;


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position: relative;
padding: 0 32px 0 0;
min-height: 45px;
margin: 0 0 0 -12px;
background: url() top right no-repeat;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: normal;
right: -22px;


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