Everyday for some people is a ticking time bomb, with every moment comes a older you. But the bitter age of everyone is what makes us wise, and incomparable by any means. Yet not many people understand why we have to get old and kill over, like its some forbidden action that over whelms their head with guilt, sorrow, and demise. If people could see rather than look then they would see who they really are the true beauty that overwhelms them with self confidence which they so lacked just a split agonizing moment ago. Some things are as easy as it seems but other are not. Not everyone can believe what’s right and wrong, for both options seem just fine to their liking ,weather its Family , friends or their enemy. I believe this is wrong not only how some refuse self confidence and those ,but abuse it.
ninjagal · Fri Jun 15, 2007 @ 08:58pm · 0 Comments |