Frank!e · Sun Jul 10, 2011 @ 09:51am · 0 Comments |
Frank!e · Fri Feb 02, 2007 @ 03:02am · 0 Comments |
Taste me, i'm delicious~!! |
Aww. I'm so tired. I don't even know why, I just am.
I've been listening to this song by Nine Inch Nails all night. And I like it.
Frank!e · Tue Dec 05, 2006 @ 02:06am · 1 Comments |
So, you know it's getting harder and harder to earn gold, right? Well, with items going up in price, earning gold is getting pretty hard.
Right now i'm saving up for an Angelic Microphone, but they're prices are gonna sky-rocket soon. Now, I would go and ask my dad for a few dollars, but he's stopped listening to me. neutral Right now I only have about 1200 gold, but, if you have any spare items or gold you could donate, it would be great. ^^`
Hopefully posting this will get me some gold. I can only hope. xDD
Til next time, Gaia. -Frank!e
Frank!e · Thu Sep 07, 2006 @ 01:11am · 0 Comments |
Posting randomness. Horray.
Frank!e · Wed Sep 06, 2006 @ 12:27am · 0 Comments |
I'm reposting yesterday's entry to make gold. |
Stupid gold-system is making it harder to earn gold. I bet i'm only going to make 8g off of posting this. I'll just type random s**t and pray that I get 20g or something "Good".
I don't even know why it decreases, even if your post is long and smart, someone cn just post "a**" or something n00bish and get 30g, I mean, what the bloody ********? Why can't we just take their gold? They seem to be making it all.
MUSICAL NUMBER!!! *Ahem* There's my 2 cents. Along with spam.
Hmm....Still not enough space filled up, it's gotta scroll to be a good entry. Maybe I can just become a poll whore and spam troll, then I'd make something. DX Okay, we've gotton slight scrollage. Maybe I can load up my favorite quotes page or something. Yeah, i'll do that.
Heeeeeere we go~!!
Best. quotes. EVER. "All ninja in Naruto are able to walk on water, which leads us to believe that Jesus was actually a ninja" -Myself "...SHAZAM! -Explodes-" -Robot Chicken "There seems to be blood spurting out of my d**k uncontrollably. Should I poke it with a dirty needle, or call 911?" -VGcats forum "And Neo, when your wing-wong falls off due to lack of proper medical care, have it stuffed and hang it in a common room, like the living room. Makes for a hell of a conversation piece." -Vgcats forum "Father:"Son, why are there bandages around your p***s?" Neo:"I was playing doctor with a friend." Father:"WHAT?!" Neo:"I mean a girl! A GIRLFRIEND!" Father:"You're... you're gay?!" David Hasslehoff: "You're son's GAY!" Out of nowhere, it's ********!" -VGcats forum "At least you didn't say you had child porn openly on the internet. Oh wait." -VGcats forum "*grabs dye bottle and reads instructions out loud* "Step 2, rub petroleum jelly on hair line to avoid dye on face." Dude, isn't that Vaseline? ...Lube! You could rub this s**t on your d**k to masturbate or something. *laugh* You'd then have a pink p***s, a pretty pink p***s. Maybe even have your pubics dyed pink. *sings* Paint your pubes the color of the rainbow!" -Lynelle "Im gonna get a bunny rabbit when I grow up and name it shnagalflagger and dye it pink and run around screaming "attack of the evil shnagalflaggers" with twigs sticking out of my ears." -Tohma "What greets you when you step outside each day? The sun? No..? MURDOC'S a**!" -ChrryBlssm "Eminem, Wife Kim Divorcing Again April 6, 2006 Maybe those years of singing about torturing, kidnapping, and killing your ex-wife should have been a sign that a re-marriage might not work." -??? "I baked your cat into a danish pastry. I'm so sorry. TT " -Mehself
Frank!e · Sun Sep 03, 2006 @ 02:12pm · 0 Comments |
Stupid gold-system is making it harder to earn gold. I bet i'm only going to make 8g off of posting this. I'll just type random s**t and pray that I get 20g or something "Good".
I don't even know why it decreases, even if your post is long and smart, someone cn just post "a**" or something n00bish and get 30g, I mean, what the bloody ********? Why can't we just take their gold? They seem to be making it all.
MUSICAL NUMBER!!! dramallama dramallama dramallama *Ahem* There's my 2 cents. Along with spam.
Hmm....Still not enough space filled up, it's gotta scroll to be a good entry. Maybe I can just become a poll whore and spam troll, then I'd make something. DX Okay, we've gotton slight scrollage. Maybe I can load up my favorite quotes page or something. Yeah, i'll do that.
Heeeeeere we go~!!
Best. quotes. EVER. "All ninja in Naruto are able to walk on water, which leads us to believe that Jesus was actually a ninja" -Myself "...SHAZAM! -Explodes-" -Robot Chicken "There seems to be blood spurting out of my d**k uncontrollably. Should I poke it with a dirty needle, or call 911?" -VGcats forum "And Neo, when your wing-wong falls off due to lack of proper medical care, have it stuffed and hang it in a common room, like the living room. Makes for a hell of a conversation piece." -Vgcats forum "Father:"Son, why are there bandages around your p***s?" Neo:"I was playing doctor with a friend." Father:"WHAT?!" Neo:"I mean a girl! A GIRLFRIEND!" Father:"You're... you're gay?!" David Hasslehoff: "You're son's GAY!" Out of nowhere, it's ********!" -VGcats forum "At least you didn't say you had child porn openly on the internet. Oh wait." -VGcats forum "*grabs dye bottle and reads instructions out loud* "Step 2, rub petroleum jelly on hair line to avoid dye on face." Dude, isn't that Vaseline? ...Lube! You could rub this s**t on your d**k to masturbate or something. *laugh* You'd then have a pink p***s, a pretty pink p***s. Maybe even have your pubics dyed pink. *sings* Paint your pubes the color of the rainbow!" -Lynelle "Im gonna get a bunny rabbit when I grow up and name it shnagalflagger and dye it pink and run around screaming "attack of the evil shnagalflaggers" with twigs sticking out of my ears." -Tohma "What greets you when you step outside each day? The sun? No..? MURDOC'S a**!" -ChrryBlssm "Eminem, Wife Kim Divorcing Again April 6, 2006 Maybe those years of singing about torturing, kidnapping, and killing your ex-wife should have been a sign that a re-marriage might not work." -??? "I baked your cat into a danish pastry. I'm so sorry. T crying T " -Mehself
Frank!e · Sat Sep 02, 2006 @ 11:54pm · 0 Comments |
I'm only posting this so I can actually make money. |
I don't like the new system. The end/
Frank!e · Fri Sep 01, 2006 @ 12:28am · 0 Comments |
Taste me, i'm delicious~!! |
Lawl, over the past...While, I've grown an obsesseve compulsive Dib disorder. >:3 Nothing much going on here, just school starting up again.
Heh, I gotta start making gold again.
Frank!e · Fri Aug 18, 2006 @ 01:44am · 1 Comments |