Introduction- The three freinds (Note this whole story is a very very rough copy) All critisim is welcome!
A flash of light from the Tv brought new light into the dark cramped room on the screen stood the Nintendo Gamecube Logo in all of it's glory. Three male teenagers sat closely to the tv. Xander a 14 year old with black hair and brown eyes. his love for everything video game was as appaarent as the sky was blue. Tyler a strong 16 year old kid whom enjoyed flirting with the ladies. Also last but not least we have HiroShima a japanese forign exchange student who loves to get things bootleg from japan for his companions. "I heard about this game from that that live E3 expo!!" Screamned Xander in delight "It has like the best cel shaded animation and framerate of any Gamecube game ever to be graced in our presence." Xander quickly started praying "Dear god we thank you higly for this Video *WACK* Tyler slapped Xander across the back of his head cuasing Xander to fall to the ground. "Shut up you game obsessed retarted" Tyler said angerly. "Now pass me a paddle so we can get this thing started. "It's not a paddle Tyler it's a GAMECUBE CONTROLLER" Xander said silently. "Thats it time for a beating you little" "Now sto[p Tyler I didnt get this thing boot leg so you can fight over the proper name of a paddle" screamned HiroShima. "You mean A gam..." "Just shut the hell up and lets play"
The screen on the Tv changed into the games title screen on it was a young anime girl wearing a pink dress. She stood on the screen and in a word bubble she said "Welcome to Anime Showdown"
"Hey Tyler" Xander said. Tyler did not respond. "Hey Tyler" Xander started to nudge Tyler. "Hey Tyler Hey Tyler Hey Tyl." "What the @#$% do you want!" Tyler Screamed "That chick is hot" Xander whispered with a smile on his face "Oh god now your dead you h**** little @#$%" Tyler trough his paddle across the room and started attacking Xander. "Oww don't hurt that thats my Manga reading thumb." Xander screamned in pain "Umm" HiroShima said as he watched the torutre of Xander "Are we ever gonna play the game?"
Winry_Rockbell11 · Thu Jul 06, 2006 @ 12:56am · 0 Comments |