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Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 @ 07:39pm
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 @ 10:44am
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Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 @ 02:59am
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 @ 10:41pm
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Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 @ 03:54am
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 09:51pm
I GAVE IN TO MY...WHATEVER!! This is Reshaidas. I half stole the name from Farorea (only half stole, because it was half Kris's idea, and Farorea is his.)...Its my favorite drawing of him to date, because he looks cute. I dont draw him so much anymore. I should do that again sometime...meh. This is Ninja. Originally, I drew her so I could illustrate what I wished I could do to freshmen my junior year of highschool. Oh, how i loathed those beastly creatures...well, most of them. My senior year of highschool, my (and one of the few tolerable) freshmen minion, Sean, bought a 'how to draw manga' book. A terrible how to draw manga book. In said book, there was a 'rocker chick' that looked like a man and was generally disproportionate...So, I drew a better one! Uhm...Hm. Demons. This is Akoura, the creator (as far as the story is concerned) of Farorea. I drew this while talking to Kris about her. Talking to Kris about Farorea is ever so interesting. At one point, he and Snake sat down and built basice character sheets for EVERY character in Farorea...thats very impressive, but kind of scary. See how angry this fellow is? I feel like that some times. uhm...i think this was my Larping outfit once..maybe? YAY! Kana! My level 17 Augerer! From Farorea, of course. I never actually played her as a character, but Kris and I were working on re-writing Farorean history. She is one of the first two goradi. I draw things like this fairly often...This one just made me think 'Vegas'. Funny, I've never been to Vegas (or, I hadn't when I dew this) Kind of a self portrait, but not really. Not really at all.
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Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 09:43pm
DOOM OWNS YOUR SOUL!! Nick used to say that all the time...*sigh* I miss my crazy Utah buddies. Dont miss UTAH, just my crazy buddies that happen to live there. Is it sad that I come to Gaia more than I check my email? I think it is. no one send me emails anymore. I feel so unloved. I dont get messages on myspace to often either...I get some on DA, but thats just because I'm loud...Yeah...I'm suc a loner! Please buy me cool things! So, out of boredom, I compiled a christmas whishlist. I havent done that since I was SIX!...Ok, shutup. I think I was 12 the last time I did that. Thats beside the point. It was still long long ago. I remember my lists used to be ridiculously long. I can't even think what a little kid could come up with anymore. I mean, really, what could I have asked for? Five different barbies, a pony and my very own ninja? No joke, I could fill up three pages sometimes. I wonder if half the stuff I asked for even existed. I know I asked for the internet once, but that was for practical purposes. But anyway, back the list I just made...the total cost of everything I want would amount to roughly $105. And its mostly because brush tip pens are so expensive. I wish they weren't, they're my favorite medium, but $3 a peice? Thats just crazy! I bought three of them anyway. All just shades of grey, because I figure that if I cant get enough to get all the 6 basic colors...I'll just go grey. I could've taken the primary colors, but I HATE MIXING COLORS!!! I can stand it with acrylics, but not with pens. Well, you know, this rant was originaly going to be about me showing you art, but then I was just going to say "GO CHECK OUT MY GALLERY, YOU FATTY McGEES!"...but then I ranted about wishlists...And now I want to complain about how i keep digging pits for myself. I really have a problem with not thinking before I say things, wich makes for a lot of witty come backs, but that...causes a lot of problems, sometimes. For example, i can rant for hours on how much Utah SUCKS...But I still want to move back. and i tell people that after ranting to them, and they give me this 'goodness, yoru shallow!' kind of look, which causes my stomache to feel as if i had just eaten a brick of solidized toxic smoke, and I go on explaining why...I didn't do this in utah, because all my friends there allready that my brain consisted of...whatever it is that my brain consists of (cant think of a good analogy)...ANYWAY! I miss people allready knowing that I'm like that. I mean, I had a reputation in Cedar! If someone said "hey, do you know chani?" people would either say "You mean the crazy one?" or "yeah, I have scars on my shins from her."...Or something to that extent...but I'mma gonna shut up now, because this is boring, and I'm having a hard time keeping up with myself *tired*
Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 @ 09:33pm
STUPID PEOPLE LIVE ON THE INTERNET!! stressed stressed stressed I MEAN, REALLY! How stupid do you have to be to think you're awesome these days?! Good crap! Its not even just being stupid, its being stupid and MEAN! I can handle nice idiots, but the mean ones...I just wanna STAB THEM! Rrg... Why am I so angry? Here's 3 examples:: 1: I saw some guy's avatar, thought it looked an aweful lot like Edward Elric, and told him as much. He and his friend told me I was a c**k-biting b***h for it, because he was trying to look like Cloud. WHAT THE HELL! 2. I ran an avatar contest. Six contestants, 200g to enter, 1st prize being 500g +avatar art, 2nd/3rd prize was just a drawing of your avatar. The girl WHO CAME IN FOURTH PMed me after I'd closed the polls demanding her money back because she didn't get a prize. I gave it back to her (its freakin' 200g. 1st off, its virtual, 2nd you can't really buy anything but fishbait for that amount.) and she called me a liar and a cheapskate. 3. Some idiot decided to start a Tiger Clan, with roles like 'Alpha male' and what have you. I was feeling uppity, so I pointed out that tigers are solitary creatures. THIS WAS HIS RESPONSE: dgndndn its an rp so just leave it alone and get lost - dont interrupt the flow of the game
who cares wat they're really like!!!! Who cares indeed?! Admittedly, I did expect to get rebuked for that, but the 'who cares wat they're really like!!!!' irked me. 1st, 'what' has an H in it, 2nd, questions end with '?'s, not '!'s, and 3rd, If you're gonna role-play something, you might as well play it right. *grumble grumble* stare
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Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 @ 06:46pm