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Ms. Fattypants
Community Member
get ready!!!!

What is your name?: Christine

Are you named after anyone?: yes, my mothers first cabbage patch doll

What's your screename?: pogopogo33

Would you name a child of yours after you?: absolutely, Elizabeth Ann is a wonderful name for a pastey white girl

If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?: Micheal i think...*ponders*

Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: nah

gender: female

Straight/Gay/Bi:: i go where the love comes from

Single?: at the moment, I think

If not, do you want to be?: to have random sex, sure

Birthdate:: 9.18.87

Your age:: 19

Age you act: Depends. Mostly, about 12. But parts of me are older

Age you wish you were: 18...kinda

Your height:: 5'6 or so

Eye color:: Blue on the inside, darker blue on the outside, with silver inbetween

Happy with it?: It's interesting

Hair color:: dark brown....little blonde when ive been in the sun *hiss*

Happy with it?: *shrugs* it's hair. Not bad

Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: Right. Lefties are weird

Your living arrangement: my parents home, my room and standing in front of the fridge with no intent on eating

Your family:: I live with my mom and dad. ...a spastic bird

Have any pets?: parrot (aka, spawn of satan)

Whats your job?: Professional B.U.M. - Borrows Unlimited Money

Piercings?: 1 in both ears

Tattoos?: Nope. Don't see any in the immediate future either. Maybe someday, I'll get something cool. When the rest of me isn't so fat

Obsessions?: I guess there's a person. Aside from that, INTERESTS include Morrowind and other games and friends

Addictions?: cocaine, heroin, pot. Caffeine...mostly

Do you speak another language?: some japanese, as much as you can learn from undubbed anime. german and some spanish.

Have a favorite quote?: Dave Attell "I mastubate like if i keep doing it, im going to win something!"

Do you live in the moment?: *sighs* if i must

Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: As long as they're not fools

Do you have any secrets?: A few. Most things I tell someone though

Do you hate yourself?: 50/50

Do you like your handwriting?: no, i prefer typing...although i still make typoes

Do you have any bad habits?: eating, laziness

What is the compliment you get from most people?: Called Cute/Sweet by guys pretty often. Also get smart a fair bit, though I dunno wtf they're thinking

What's your biggest fear?: Knife-style pain. I hate the whole stabbing/cutting thing.

Can you sing?: Sure. Unless you mean hit the right notes.

Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: for a while I did. I was someone completely different online. While, my personalities have pretty much merged now.

Are you a loner?: 50/50.

What are your #1 priorities in life?: Friends and love.

Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: About myself? I hate being fat, and I hate being weak

Are you passive or aggressive?: I do what I think the situation calls for.

Do you have a journal?: *points at the title of the page*

What is your greatest strength and weakness?: Weakness is probably laziness, and gaming arrogance. Strength... I dunno, intelligence, maybe

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: drop to about 12% body fat. That's a healthy level, isn't it?

Do you think you are emotionally strong?: I can be.

Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: A few things. One major thing that I regret, a few minor ones.

Do you think life has been good so far?: A lot better than some people's.

What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: Always bring a towel

What do you like the most about your body?: thin waist and ankles, hand friendly boobs, long eyelashes, wide curves and non firm butt, buns of steal make me gag

And least?: *pokes stomach and love handles*

Do you think you are good looking?: Sometimes I think I'm not horrible looking. Does that count?

Are you confident?: YES! I mean, no..... what do you want?

What is the fictional character you are most like?: Probably sleeping beauty, dont ask

Are you perceived wrongly?: Sometimes. I can often be perceived as colder than I mean to be. Of course, that could also be me being an idiot and saying the wrong thing

Do You...
Smoke?: i have, but refuse to now

Do drugs?: nope

Read the newspaper?: i try

Pray?: To what?

Go to church/synagogue?: no

Talk to strangers who IM you?: almost always

Sleep with stuffed animals?: no, i hug my pillow in my sleep though ^^

Take walks in the rain?: no, but i love to sit in a dry spot and watch storms with someone im close to, mostly family

Talk to people even though you hate them?: if i hate someone, ive already started to have an anxiety to avoid them, like ex's and stuff

Drive?: Sure. but only when krystals bekons my soul....and stomach

Like to drive fast?: depends...im a little careful though, ive been in some pretty bad accidents when i was a passeger

Would or Have You Ever...
Liked your voice?: only when im singing

Hurt yourself?: Intentionally? Not really.

Been out of the country?: once, mexico is really dirty

Eaten something that made other people sick?: besides spicy foods, no

Been in love?: not on purpose >.>

Done drugs?: not that i remember

gone skinny dipping?: Does losing your bikini top in the pool count?

Had a medical emergency?: Twice, when I was little.

Had surgery?: yeah, wisdom teeth

Ran away from home?: Nah

Played strip poker?: yep, and i won still fully clothed

Gotten beaten up?: ive been cornered in a public bathroom, but nothing that caused perminent mental damage

Beaten someone up?: in 4th grade, i kicked this 7th grader in the nuts for calling me names, i think that that counts...i mean...i won

Been picked on?: In middle school I was. That's kinda stopped in high school.

Been on stage?: only to play strip for friends of mine

Slept outdoors?: yesh

Thought about suicide?: About commiting it? half and half. Never for more than a minute, and never seriously. About how it's wrong? Yep. About how to do it if you're really serious? yep

Pulled an all nighter?: only when with other people

If yes, what is your record?: over 48 hours

Gone one day without food?: I might've. Probably when I slept theough it

Talked on the phone all night?: Yeah

Slept with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: of course, i spent most of my child hood as the flaming lez preteen

Slept all day?: Yep.

Killed someone?: emotionally, yes

Made out with a stranger?: yes, partys where i was still sober

Had sex with a stranger?: no and i dont have any immediate plans

Thought you're going crazy?: constantly

Kissed the same sex?: more so than than the opposite >.<

Done anything sexual with the same sex?: yes, often

Been betrayed?: Not really. Had people do things I don't like, but never been true

Had a dream that came true?: Yes

Broken the law?: Daily

Met a famous person?: I AM a famous person.

Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: nope

On purpose?: nah

Told a secret you promised not to tell?: Yeah, I have. Sorry

Stolen anything?: yes, i tend to get and fullfill the urge when in large departmentstores

Been in a mosh-pit?: sort of, i landed on my a**....really hard

Had a nervous breakdown?: Not quite.

Bungee jumped?: nah, not my thing

skydiving? nah, but I think I'd like to try it

Had a dream that kept coming back?: Not really. Had a sequel-style dream though.

Believe in life on other planets?: Sorta. Statisticly, there has to be

Miracles?: not at all

Astrology?: It's all bullshit, but that doesn't prevent me from taking pride in my symbol(Virgo)

Magic?: I believe there are things we can't explain right now. Eventually we will be able to.

God?: Not really. Maybe in some kind of guiding purpose, but not anything at all like what most religions hit on

Satan?: I know him personally. He owes me $2

Ghosts?: yes, that 21 grams has to go somewhere

Luck?: From time to time.

Love at first sight?: Yeah, I can see it happening

Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: Good and Evil are human ways to describe s**t. It could be

Witches?: Dated one. Oh wait, you said Witches....

Easter bunny?: That horny b*****d? he owes me $2 too

Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: Maybe. But forever is a long time.

Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: Metaphoricly, maybe.

Do you wish on stars?: only when i see a shooting one, which is rare

Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: almost, but i have a little bit of a tweaked idea of hell

Do you think God has a gender?: What doesn't exist can't have gender.

Do you believe in organized religion?: NO. Have any beliefs you want, that's your perogative. BUT ORGANIZED RELIGION IS THE WORST THING TO HAPPEN TO MANKIND. EVER.

Where do you think we go when we die?: I don't really have a belief. I kinda like the idea of reincarnation though. Nothingness is a scary concept sometimes.

Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: more straight...that i know of

Who is your best friends?: i dont like people in general, therefore i could never handle the company of one for extended periods of time

Who's the one person that knows most about you?: my ex's and my old buddy courtney, my first love

What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: "think of him as a lesson to your heart of what you really want in a friend and lover rather than s**t stuck to the bottom of your sneakers after a long walk", advise from my father about my first and worst boyfriend after our breakup

Your favorite inside joke?: The meaning of life?.....F2

Thing you're picked on most about?: no one picks on me, i tend to fade into the back of the room...maybe my legs if i forget to shave

Who's your longest known friend?: courtney, we've long since seperated from different ideas but it was wonderful while it lasted

Newest?: tori, ryan and a few others

Shyest?: ryan....only sexually....*fondles*

Funniest?: Kevin or Peter

Sweetest?: melissa

Closest?: Not picking.

Weirdest?: Kevin

Smartest?: kristen

Ditziest?: mary or mae

Friends you miss being close to the most?: dan, dhyana, eich and brittany

Last person you talked to online?: new random guy from pounced...dont know his name

Who do you talk to most online?: collin

Who are you on the phone with most?: shorty

Who do you trust most?: Melissa

Who listens to your problems?: not sure, you can never tell when theyre listening

Who do you fight most with?: kristen, but its all in fun

Who's the nicest?: sara

Who's the most outgoing?: jessi

Who's the best singer?: mae

Who's on your s**t-list?: a girl names paige, punk people at school *spits on*

Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?: Of course. and i have :p

Who's your second family?: dnd group

Do you always feel understood?: hell no

Who's the loudest friend?: barring myself, Kevin

Do you trust others easily?: About some things

Who's house were you last at?: kristen

Name one person who's arms you feel safe in:: not dans...not anymore...maybe my dads

Do your friends know you?: If they don't, they haven't paid attention

Friend that lives farthest away:: shorty and alex

Love and All That
Do you consider love a mistake?: yes, a very good mistake

What do you find romantic?: doing nothing but still having the time of your life

Turn-on?: chub and a barrel chest

Turn-off?: female body hair

First kiss?: truth or dare at a halloween party, 7th grade

If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?: i would pity them

Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them: I think I'd prefer it

Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out: That's not socially acceptable?

Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive: yes, ive always thought that people with less to flaunt have better attitudes

Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: only in a boddise with frilly panties, make up and fishnet sockings....maybe a feather boa...and leather...and a paddle....wait, thats my wish list

What is best about the opposite sex?: honesty...for the most part

What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: B.O.

What's the last present someone gave you?: a new bondage collar actually

Are you in love?: always

Do you consider your significant other hot?: i havent got one anymore

Who Was the Last Person...
That haunted you?: dhyana, but its ok now

You wanted to kill?: everyone

That you laughed at?: my mother

That laughed at you?: dont remember

That turned you on?: guy i met on vacation at the beach

You went shopping with?: my entire family, souvenier shop on vacation

That broke your heart?: dan

To disappoint you?: dan

To ask you out?: ...dan

To make you cry?: ................jeez...dan

To brighten up your day?: alex

That you thought about?: alex

You saw a movie with?: the mexican, the forgotten

You talked to on the phone?: dad

You talked to through IM/ICQ?: collin

You saw?: shorty and alex in a pic together

You lost?: dan....or mick, both lost from lack of interest on thier part

What was the last..
word you said: gnight

thing you ate: 2 big slabs of lasagna

song you listened to: bunch of songs i hadnt heard in years on a new radio station, mostly excellent 90's songs

thing you drank: water

place you went to: great escape, to wave at george and pick up zero girl and other comics ive come to love

movie you saw: master and commander *swoons*

movie you rented:monty python and the holy grail

Who was the last person you..
hugged: mom

cried over: dan

kissed: dan

danced with: random guy on the beach

shared a secret with: cant remember

had a sleepover with: old people before their wedding, we watch hentai and played ddr...it was coo ^^

called: dad

saw: mom

were angry with: mom

couldn't take your eyes off of: victor, hes so squishy ^__^

obsessed over: hmm, starts with a "d" and ends with an "n"

Have you ever..
danced in the rain: every chance i get

kissed someone: yesh

drank alcohol: yeah.... have had some, not much

partied 'til the sun came up: yesh

had a movie marathon: yesh

gone too far on a dare: does running around naked and singing count?

spun until you were immensely dizzy: Back in the day

*runs around sans pants*

Ms. Fattypants
Community Member

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