chapter 2 - the taste of blood
kikiyo: just here is his castle and it is guard with makos!
Kingo: what are makos?
kikiyo:they are evil beast bulit to kill and there is alot at his castle so watch out try not fall in traps or I will leave you!
Kingo: so that sound easy xp
kikiyo: stop makos
kingo: where
kikyo: on top
kingo: blaze uppercut!!!!!!!!
kikiyo: that was quick
kingo: I learn from tv
kikiyo: somebody else it's a shadow bersker
???: who out in the woods!
kingo:no one
kikiyo: shut up!
???:who are you
kingo: kingo and kikiyo
Ivan:I'm Ivan
kikiyo: what are you doing here
Ivan: getting my brother hiyoshi and you
kingo: where here to seek revenge on ganmeg mando will you help
Ivan: sure now lets kill all those makos
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the mighty storys of kingo
it is a story about my character and how he figure himself out
update every Thursday
this is my dream avatar so can u people help me make him happen and I will award u with something and the costed of this is 994,032