I saw this in someones signature but they disappeared or at least are never on while I'm on. But the solution to the edit button problem is.
1. Click quote on your post, You will now get a link that looks like this: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/compose/entry/new/44400799/?quote=19
- Ignore the first part of the URL and copy the bolded numbers.
2. Find an edit button anywhere on the page or even anywhere in the thread, it will look like this: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/compose/entry/44400799_20/
- Replace the bolded numbers with the ones you just copied so it looks like this:
And hit enter or the go button and edit away!
Sexual Becca · Sat Jan 03, 2009 @ 02:05am · 1 Comments |