A Magpie's Journal |
Hi, everyone! My name is Morgan, and I like reality tv shows, talk shows, X-men, Harry Potter, Mythbusters, and wrestling. I enjoy writing and drawing, even if I'm not all that great at either. Nice to meet you! |
Magpie Midge
Community Member
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 12:41pm
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 12:40pm
Magpie Midge
Community Member
Magpie Midge
Community Member
Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 @ 04:29pm
Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 @ 02:20pm
OMG, another entry!
I talked to one of my friends last night that works at the McDonalds mentioned in my last entry. Turns out the manager yelling is kind of like a trickle-down effect. See, the store owner comes in almost every day and screams at the general manager, who in turn screams at the shift managers, who in turn end up screaming at the wage slaves.
He said the general manager wasn't always like this, but the owners came close to failing three inspections in a row (which would have meant the owners lose their stores), so now the owners go way overboard on everything, and yell when the tiniest thing seems out of place. They had their entire night crew walk out last weekend, and the day shift is talking about doing the same thing because of all the stress. Damn, you gotta be doing something wrong when your whole shift walks out on you. eek
I'm gonna start dropping by there more often when my friend gets off his shift- that store has gossip like woah. For instance, one of the shift managers is dating one of the 16 year old employees, and is now getting pushed into a shotgun wedding because her father found out. Two of the female managers that used to work there got caught making out in the cooler, and one of the wage slave couples got caught having sex by the security cameras. At least no one has been caught getting frisky on the food prep tables yet- that would be kinda... yeah. I don't think I'd want to eat there anymore. gonk
Magpie Midge
Community Member
Magpie Midge
Community Member
Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 @ 01:33am
First post!
So, this is my first post to my brand new Gaia journal. I'm watching Mythbusters at the moment, the one with the helium-filled footballs and catching bullets with your teeth experiments. I watched the exploding pants episode right before this one, which was really funny. I'm such a fangirl for Jamie Hyneman and his jaunty beret. :B
Anyway~ I was at McDonalds yesterday, and the manager was screaming at an employee in the back office, and he was so damned loud, I could easily hear every word at the front counter. I felt sorry for whoever he was yelling at, the staff looked kinda used to it and just rolled their eyes and went on working. Even if it's just a fast food place, damn that's unprofessional! If you have to yell at your employees all the time to get anything done, your management technique is full of fail, seriously. scream Those workers deserve a major raise for having to put up with such a jerk.