- The world consists of 99.9% stupid people, .01 decents, and the remaining .09 are fortunate enough to be vegetables.
- Labels are not just for soup cans.
The best way to use labels is as a prediction rather than a complete definition; people who have similar tastes and behaviors often seek out other people of the same category.
You can and will be labeled... live with it.
- Flaming is just the best way ever to show you don't care.
- People who hate Jeffree Star, Chris Crocker, etc. don't necessarily dislike or hate them because they're homophobic.
Did you ever consider maybe... it's the attitude and the fact they are attention-seeking trash with little to no talent?
- Gays/bisexuals are not "DA BEST!!!1". They can be just as ******** and bitchy as the straights and everyone else. Sexuality does not determine one's disposition and you are a complete idiot if you think it does.
- 99% of all humans are offended/disgusted too easily, whether by labels, vocabulary words, or just by being called fat.
It's hilarious.
- We grow old to become young again.
- If men could get pregnant, I'd like to be there when one is giving birth just so I could yell "s**t IT OUT" the entire time.
- You can't talk behind someone's back on a public forum and especially not if the one being talked about has an account there.
And if you don't want the person you're talking about to see what you've written about them, then go post about them in a private online journal or just don't post about them at all.
- Your attempts to be completely "unique" or "individual" are LOLable. :LOL:
Chances are, someone's all ready felt/seen/done the same things you have and truly, the only thing completely unique about humans is their fingerprints.
- Emo IS a subculture, if not a short-lived one. If a genre of music exists, there will be a fad and subculture that certain people, even groups of them, follow.
Would you deny the existence of Goths, metal heads, gangastas, juggalos, etc.?
Then shut the ******** up and stop pretending that you know what you're talking about.
- Humans will often choose to believe in a lie, even if they KNOW it's a lie, in order to avoid contradiction with their beliefs.
Facts about Eyelash:

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