Hiya CB/other non CBers, how are you all? Well, I'm good. I have finally decided to perform my final quest. And what a beauty of a quest it will be! The avatar I am persuing is worth more than 30 mil!! So, I won't be able to do this alone. Hence, why this is here. I am requsting your help with this - surprise, surprise. I'd like to say I'm not asking for handouts, but that's exactly what I'm doing. If you have any unused items, ingredients, trash items, or even luxury items wink could you forward them onto me please? I won't let you do this without cause to do so. Everyone who donates will be listed in the Journal along with what they donated. Any donation worth more than 1k will get avi art - please be patient as I actually draw it and screenshot it, not photoshop or anything like that (not yet anyway). And, depending on the size of the donation, I may do something nice - I have iced a cake with an avatar on it once because someone donated 100k cool . I'm not expecting anyone to donate the actual items due to price tags on them - the cheapest is almost 100k crying - but, as I said, any donation is appreciated as it will help me on the way.
Another way you can help me out is by buying my zOMG ingredients. I have them in abundence and would like to get rid of them. I prefer doing bulk orders. Translation: I'll sell you more at a heavily discounted rate. Also, if you are hunting a certain ingredient but don't want to have to hunt the MP for it, I will quite happily go hunt one day at no extra charge mrgreen . I'm a bit of a zOMG whore so I enjoy playing it. So, if you have a wishlist - recipes, ingredients, etc. - then just PM me saying what it is you want and I will do the best I can to get what you are after.
Final piece before the quest is my side quest. I'm trying to fill my aquarium with lots of pretty fish. I'm after Cardinals, Killer whales, zOMG Mini Monsters (not fussy), and maybe some Mermaids. I don't want to have to buy them hower while I'm doing the quest. If you'd like to be of assisstance with this matter, it would be gratly appreciated. Also, if I'm glowing, bump me please mrgreen .
And here is what we have all been waiting for!! The actual quest!!
Total Value: 31,012,917 Gold [Item Information]
Fallen Wish
Gloriana's Chantilly Lace by Dernier*Cri
Silver Laurels
Mythril Halo
Nartian Star
Staff of the Angels
Kiki Kitty Plushie
Noble Plummage
White Body Dye
Kuro's Induction
Questing => Magical Mender <= Questing
Chill of Artemis
So, there is the current Item list. Not too long, just expensive. Some final notes before I leave you to start a trade with me. I am a RIG whore. I am in love with them!! Please, if you are going to donate something fun, let it be some of them. They're how I made my most recent fortune - I got two Valhallas Eternal Armours from Poseidon's Legacy cool . I don't much like Dark Reflection or Code Alpha, I'm more into Poseidon's Legacy and Love Charm. Also, I am trying to get the white ink to do the Body Dye, not trying to get the money. So, if you could donate your bugs - red, blue and green - or your inks - red, blue, green and white - that would be muchly appreciated. So, here I'll shut up and here are my progress indicators.
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