I know I'm going to get yelled at immensely with this, but I'm right, and if you don't want it then stop reading.
First off, I think iPods are a horrible invention. I don't see why I should get an mp3 player for $300 when I can get one just as good for half that price. People keep on telling me that the reason one gets an iPod is because it has more space than regular mp3 players. Well, that may be so, but I'd rather be stuck with a couple gigs for 50 bucks than pay $300+ for so much storage space that I couldn't use on a regular computer. What's funny is that people actually pay for iPods that have more storage space than the laptop I'm typing on right now. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, 40,000 songs. If you average three minutes a song for that you get 120,000 minutes, or 2,000 hours of music. Now, I ask you, what could you possibly use 2,000 hours of music for? Meh. You can get one if you want. I'd get one if I could. But I can't.
For my second topic of the day, I would like to talk to you about MySpace. Now, if you don't know, which I'm sure you do, MySpace is a place for friends to come together and hang out. I'm all for hanging out with your friends. I have a MySpace, too, and thats what I do. But, nonetheless, I hate MySpace. It has become and obsession with too many. Once upon a time, long ago, the few were the ones who were obsessed, who were diseased by this plague. Now, only few have been able to combat this menace. People log onto this every five minutes, thinking something major could have happened to one of their friends, and maybe they posted a bulletin about it. The thing I find so amusing is that people actually enjoy this. Please, explain to me how logging onto an internet community every few minutes and seeing the same things every time constitutes a fun activity. I don't think you can.
Pakyul · Sat Sep 22, 2007 @ 04:38am · 1 Comments |