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Deaminion Princess's Journal

Kiki Rukata
Community Member
My anime is named Chaos.

Its about a alien demon called Jc, who is destined to command all the elements of the universe. In other words become a god.

Summery Of The Beginning

On the date of his birth he was cursed to be hated by his father, the King of the alien demons(the Deaminions). His own father dis-believes that Jc is his son soulfully on the fact that his blood(the blood of the god)doesn't match his own, and the fact that he don't even remember doing his wife for this kid.

At the age of 2 earth years (1 earth year-5 deaminion years) Jc was scorned from his own planet to Earth, in a act to get rid of the true Deaminion prince, led by his own father(Kaion). In this act Jc's mother(Relia), was slain before Jc's very own eyes. The seal of the royal blood which courses threw Kaion's veins busted which changed his body from a royal Deaminon to a shadow beast. As Jc tries to escape his own planet and his fathers wrath, Kaion gives him a mark on his forehead, a mark that will destroy him. But Kaion's mark(shadow's mark) was interrupted with a blast from the rebels of the planet. Jc was saved but if the mark was not treated the mark would turn itself into the real deal, he is saved by the rebels of his planet.

During his escape from the planet Deamon (his home world), as the rebels treat the shadow mark, the rebel ship he travels in is nearly destroyed by the imperial force. He then crash lands on earth. All rebels forces on the ship died trying to save the prince.


After destroying the rebel fleet, Kaion believes that Jc has died, but he was wrong.

On Earth Jc wakes up in a hospital, soon learning that a group of human children saved him. Among these kids was a kid the same age as Jc, his name was Cloud. Soon after he wakes up, he remembers all that happened to him and faints, as he fades out the kids that saved him came in to check on him.

After meeting the kids Jc's soon becomes fast friends with them, especially Cloud.

Since Jc didn't look to much different then a human he thought he could start a new life... he was wrong, after only a month Cloud finds out Jc was an alien. Cloud felt he must turn him into the Earth forces after being chased out of everything he knew on Earth .... Jc has been betrayed twice now, first by his father, and now by has newest friend.

After only a few days of being chased, he was forced into the underground (The area where all refugee's are hiding from the Earth forces.) Jc finds himself in and out of places without any idea of how the underground works. He then ends up in the underground fighting arena. In his first match he is put in a team fight. He is paired with a more experienced partner named Kid.

The Underground

Two Years Later..(in other words skipping detail)
Jc finds himself in his final match after all the time building both his skills and his friendship with his new friends to determine if he can win back Kids freedom from the Underground Leader Kindo Igamashi or as every1 calls him Master Kin but even after Jc wins the fight and the Master Kim says ...yes Kindo's assistant Gin Morogo decides that Jc is getting to strong he calls the Earth forces and claims the over paid reward on Jc's whereabouts.

Jc is forced to run but Jc decides he is done running and takes on the Earth forces putting on a great battle Jc is forced to retreat after Gin sets off atone of explosives to get the whole Underground to vanish along with the the Earth forces Jc manages to escape the place he called home for a while but a few Earth forces pursued him and Kid but in the escape Kid was killed by the Earth forces the chased them seeing the person who got closes to Jc die Triggers the Curse Mark that was place on him by his father to awaken but instead of killing Jc the darkness in Jc's heart absorbs the Curse Marks negative energy forming a Gegon eye(a third eye) as a shadow forms over Jc and in a Blind fury Jc kills Kids murders

Jc regain consciousness and finds himself in a escape tunnel with some of his friends from the Underground. Jc questions what he did and wonders how he did it not yet noticing his third eye. As Jc approaches the exit he is ambushed by stationed Earth forces and someone else is there to greet him ...Cloud... just as Jc and his friends
defeat the Earth forces more come but this time Jc's Friends are captured and Jc is left to fend for his self even though he defeats the enemy Cloud still stands and as Clouds readies to finish off the already weakened Jc a Deaminion ship descends over the area and Jc is captured by a women who claims to be Jc's sister.....

Welcome to Space

Starting from where i left of the girl that claims to be Jc's sister is Kiki but Jc thinks she is crazy(i know u probably wondering how come i didn't mention her at the beginning well the truth is she was born yet that's because in the universe works in time zones where time moves faster or slower but it will never feel like it so for two Earth years that makes 12 Deaminion years so Kiki is 12 and Jc is 14 that will clear some confusion) Kiki looked down on this planet that mistreated her brother and in a instant called a invasion but she only had 1 warship to battle with and failed to destroy Earth but managed to kill countless humans including Clouds parents from that day on Cloud soul split in two (a split personality icon_razz.gif)

Kiki and Jc were 2 of 10 survivors. The invasion drew some alien curiosity a intergalactic ship came down to scope out the area this ship was led by another character in this freaky story Mytho the space pirate with the biggest bounty on his head. Kiki quickly used her smarts to trick Mytho into giving her and Jc a ride(Jc still can believe Kiki is still helping him).

Once in space Kiki explains the time theory to Jc so now Jc believes her and Kiki also explains why she had to leave and search for u after she found out she had a older brother (and to escape her posses father Kaion).

Meanwhile back on Earth Cloud has joined the Earth Forces with the leading high scores cloud quickly rises up in ranks thanks to his new impatient other side who has been nicknamed Blue-Lightning who has found a way to steal the ideas on building warships to go into space to go after Jc.

Jc and Kiki join Mytho in his pirate-hood and with Mytho's expert knowledge on how to avoid all the forms of justice around the universe and this time bad things don't happen...OK I lied after two days of wondering where his daughter is Kaion starts to get pissy and orders a search across the universe but Jc luck ran out again and Kaion was really pissed off when he saw Jc was still alive and even more pissed off when Kiki wanted to protect Jc thanks to Mytho helping Jc and Kiki they toke down Kaion by blasting him into a airlock and sending him into space and finally getting rid of the old a*****e but Jc was still not happy Jc went back to his old planet to find it was destroyed(while he was on Earth the rebels and the royal knights from chapter 1 destroyed each other along with the planet Deamon but many survived so Kaion made a new planet) Kiki told him that there was a new Deamon and so they left to planet Deamonia the new Deamon to Crown Jc the new king of all Deamonions....

Chapter V
Welcome to Deamonia

Upon arrival to Deamonia Mytho decided to gather info on the castle before attacking but while in the market place they all get split up following things each character finds something to their liking while Jc was after a Deku fruit eating contest Kiki was shopping for new clothes and Mytho found a weapon store that happen to be next to a tavern.... Jc won the contest and got a nice 10,000 bon (bon=Deaminion money but most galactic currency is Kokin coins) while going off to spend it on Deku sweets and a new pair hover blades(roller blades anti-gravity style) he bumps into a lot of people but as he pays for some Deku sweets he finds out he gets pick pocketed but Jc knows exactly who it was as Jc flies threw the crowd and actually found him and corners him and the thief gives back the bons and offers a apologizes and retribution and Jc listens to him and offers that he joins the crew.

~Rev joins the party~(sorry had to do that)

meanwhile Mytho finds nothing and Kiki forgot her wallet on the ship and they both are disappointed... and meets up with Jc and finds out that Rev knows all the ins and out of the castle(he stole from there a ton of times a few pantie rads from Kiki's room ) at night they storm the castle and infiltrate the throne room the queen is in shock that her daughter return without her father while Rev and Mytho hold back the guards and Kiki holds back her mother(they got in a b***h fight o.o) Jc pawns threw the royal files to find proof that he is Kaion son as he was looking Kiki's mother gets angry that her husband was blasted into space by Kiki and some strange kid Kiki runs off to find, because a tavern girl tells her a rumor.


After proving Jc's existence but knowing Jc's luck there was a catch he has to learn the elements of the universe just as his father,grandfather, ect had to do.
so the trial was to go across the universe searching for the original temples of elements the first temple he has to go to is the temple of kings so he can find the first location planet for the first element (but unknown to Jc he already has the power to command the elements but he has to learn how to use that power.

So before Jc has to leave on his quest Jc and friends get a rude awakening Mytho's old friends come to visit (Mytho being a space pirate also mean he has a pretty big bounty on his head that only elite bounty hunters go after) Ginjuu a elite bounty hunter and Mytho's old arcadin buddy attacks Mytho and Jc and others aide in Mytho's fight. Ginjuu retreats but that's wont be the last they see him.

Chapter VI
Temple of Kings & Fire

Upon arrival to the planet Geferion the first stop on the journey,The Temple of Origins where the original deamons lived the pure blooded deaminions Jc quickly finds out that each temple would have a puzzle to them as Rev quickly finds the answer inside Jc falls into a trap where he finds himself in a room where a statue of the first king of Geferion Jc's long ancestor Jc falls into a dream of the past of which he finds the next location of the next temple and Jc learns he needs the finds a artifact of the elements he also sees images of the future though at the time Jc didn't understand he sees a unexpected alliances a betrayal and the return of a friend amused to be dead.(though Jc couldn't see any faces)

After rejoining the others Jc and friends start to leave as a man stops them the man turns out to b a boy who Kiki falls for on site the boy was studding the ruins when he found our heroes the boy wanted to tag along but he annoyed everyone in the group(except for Kiki she was blind with love)
The boy hid on the ship as it left the boy was named Walkern.

Upon entry to the a watery planet Niphoon , Walkern was found in the Mytho's room everyone felt that he could be of use even though Mytho only wanted him thrown out the airlock.
Rev found the temple on a island. at the temple its surroundings looks completely burned as if the sun fell on the island Jc solved the puzzle for this temple this time too make sure nothing goes wrong Walkern plans everyone goes in groups of 2 Walkern goes with Mytho,rev with Jc and Kiki stayed on the ship because she couldn't stand the smell of ashes.
Jc and Rev find the secret room with the artifact inside the elements power was given to Jc and Rev(only later does Jc find out hes meant to go alone into the temple to prevent others getting the elements) As Jc and Rev quickly learn of there fire manipulating abilities does a waters monster seep through the walls and attacks them Jc finds out that fire wouldn't b enough to beat it only till Mytho throws a ice grenade at it do they escape. with the artifact in hand they find the next location in no time.

Chapter VII
temple of lightning and surprises

on their way to the next planet Jc and friends get into more trouble as they run back into Cloud but thanks to Rev this time they get away quick and Blue Lightning throws a hissy fit at his new partner Janet(you will definitely be seeing him get mad at her a lot especially since she is a klutz =P) as our team

Now things turn to the fun as the have a fun crash land on a cloaked planet while Mytho stays back and repairs the ship Jc and the others look for a village at this moment Cloud and the earth force crash land as well with no death(sadly) and they send a small team to find a town or village oh and Cloud is with them
both teams find them self on opposite ends of the Lightning temple but Clouds team meet a mysterious person outside who kills half of that team
the shadowed person is Kid she retreats into the temple and finds herself in a trap soon after every1 finds themselves into a trap except Jc and Kiki(Kiki through Rev into a trap by accident but i say she did it on purpose if she knew it was there) Cloud finds away out of his trap and Jc and Kiki end up in the artifact room together with Cloud(o.O) a small fight starts and the guardian appears to fight them fortunately they team up! once the guardian was slain the artifact of lightning gave them all the power of electric power(rev is still in his trap) a small cave in prevent a round 3 from starting and every1 gets out Jc and the others regroup but b4 they leave Kid reappears too Jc delight icon_heart.gif
but Kiki didn't like her....

Chapter VIII
Temple of Earth and JiX

we find our heroes (i use that term lightly)on a space colony for aliens who lost their home planets too the deaminion, so Jc,Kiki and Rev have to wear funny hats to cover their ears(that's a dead give away) among the shops a crazed inventor offers Mytho a (ship part yet to b named) to enter them into a new speed level, but that isn't what Kiki likes about the shop (she has fallen for the owner JiX) but Mytho gets angry at the price and Kiki offers to be his bodyguard in exchange JiX didn't object after he looked at her body(another perv!!)

after stocking on supplies they leave to find the next planet...
which they find quickly not hard to see a planet of cold metal (of course there are robots on this planet its Cybertron!)
once on the planet Jc and the others find the robots r at war(no its not Cybertron i would get sued) but Jc find a very trusty weapon while there a necklace around the good robots neck(its the Time Saber of the Moon... Jc has the sword of Sun) using the Blades the stops the war easily and with gratitude the robot leader shows them to the center of the planet where the temple is
but the robots leave Jc to go in alone as a trial for him to see if he is worthy to be a deaminion King and to keep the new sword
once he finds the Artifact Jc fights a earth Golmem which changed between sand,crystal and rock which was a close battle till he turned it to glass with the fire
once he got out they got a big dinner which they couldn't eat(robot food not edible) but JiX and Kiki was happy to have sum new parts for inventions as for Jc he was happy Kid was there

Chapter IX
Temple of Water and Winds and surprises

everyone is skeptical of Kids arrival especially since Jc said she was dead....
though after a few miss haps and filler episodes every1 warmed up to her except for Mytho
as they close in on the temple of water which of course if u haven't been paying attention is going to be on a dessert planet
as they draw near Mytho fakes a ship engine failure and corners Kid on the ship,he questions her loyalty and Kid bluntly says that she is only on the ride because Jc's love for her is the only thing keeping her alive
(Mytho would have bought that if he was drunk)
as he prepares to kill Kid the ship gets pulled into a strong gravity pull to the planet caused by 1 of the planets massive eternal sand storms
Kid was lucky Mytho gave up the man hunt to save the ship as every1 is dumbstruck when he turns the ships power he quickly says the back up power finally kicked in but no one would doubt the captain knowledge of the ship

mean while as they all go into the temple they quickly learned they were not alone as they all got into the final room they noticed there was no guardian protecting the treasure of the water but they got stop by something else... a shadow beast that warped them and the treasure to what looks like another temple treasure room

as they awaken from the teleport knocking them unconscious they find 3 men in cloaks and hoods with a strange marking on their chest
Jc and kid both rush them without asking which side they were on they were both knocked the ground by a water attack
Rev snatched the treasures while the bad guys were beating up Jc and Kid
Mytho Kiki and Jix were working on getting out and finding a way to teleport back
Jc's third eye awoken again while Rev just got away and Kid looked dead, Jc took the enemies down all at once but b4 he could finish the job they teleported away leaving a devise that teleported them
once they all regrouped the team quickly got back to the desert planet and found Walkern loopy from dehydration
once on the planet Jix and Kiki work on a way to mend the teleportaion devise to the ship
mean while Jc guards Kid while she recuperates and Rev and Mytho have a chat to find out Mytho tricked every1 and now Rev isn't sure who to trust Mytho or Kid

Chapter X
the enemies name and the another mysterious face

Now Kiki and Jix have fixed the repairs and upgrades
while Kid is still healing and being watched over by Walkern and Rev, Jc goes to take another look at the water temple to find clues
instead he finds the artifact of water shattered
but of course Jc tries to find all the pieces

meanwhile on the ship during a teleportation test Kiki and Rev find themselves at the other temple except this time they also find a map of the other temples locations and layouts
and quickly they learn they are in the temple of shadows
and from the shadows a women wearing a cracked mask comes forth and explains who the people were wearing the cloaks
she tells them that they were members of the light planet and trying to collect the ancient elemental abilities to open the Gate of Etaf
but when Jix questions why she told them this she only answered
"aren't the good guys supposed to tell people in hopes of giving faith?"

Jc manages to reassemble the artifact and gains the powers of water and returns to the ship to find Kid has awoken and Kiki reporting on the news Jix and her found
and as she speaks of the people of light Mytho speaks and says that the people she is referring to are called the Divine and that they are not the good guys they are people that think they are holy
now that they have gathered the information Kiki Mytho and Jix activate the teleportation drive and jump to the next temple just to find out that using the ships teleportation system cost them a lot of power ( fun fact the ships of this show fuel is known as Deku oils made from the most common nut/ or fruit juices found on Kiki's home world of Deamonia)
apon arrival they find the new enemy the Divine and learn that they are a group of 12 plus their leader who wasnt preasent
and after they kicked our heros asses with only 2 of their own warriors
it was the Earth forces who crashed this party and ended up capturing the wounded heros and sending the Divine away leaving the temple to the Earth researchers.

Chapter XI
The temples of Wind and nature

Thanks to the new warp drive, we find our heroes(if you can call them that) about to land on the planet of the next temple and the start of the epic battles
Jc is reviewing his new powers with Mythos and learns some of his attacks like his fire ability pyro sphere take to long to shoot, but with mythos help with his unknown expertice in the art of magic Jc learns how to combine his abilitys to do some interesting combos
while Kiki and Kid get to have some conversations about Jc and how Kid should show more interest if she truely loves her brother and if she doesnt should bac off or else a certain wrench should happen to fly up side some ones pretty little head...
and for some fun i'l throw in a lil scene of Revs pervy and unhealthy attraction for Kiki and has a lil panty raid(Ha!)

Now the crew have landed on the planet safely this time, its the wind temple on a vally and craggy location of silence and no wind in the air, and start the exploration of the temple to find some one has broken the booby traps
and as Jc and Mytho find the final room they are greeted by two of the 13 devine
The two devine are none other then LyLi(LEE LEE) the card bearor
and Tikogen(Ty coe GEEN) the swift
as Tikogen and mytho have a litteral quick battle of no importance
Jc activates the artifact of winds and for some reason only Jc and Mytho gain the abilitys of wind
using Jc new combo tricks he learns that his new wind abilitys actually amplifies his fire powers and activates a strange visor that takes part of his face
witht he new powers he quickly surprises Lyli and the devine retreat(yea u better run!)
after a little analyse Jc learns that the elements have weakness and strengths(omg i had to try and teach the viewers a lil about the crap just in case they are in diapers)

Now we arivie on the planet where the temple of Nature resides

(ok yes it is the element of wood-grass-life-heart and poison resides i didnt want to name it after any of that crap because it sounds all... only part right in this element he gets the ability to grow plants summon animals near by and shoot poison from he hands and mouth)

you guessed it its on a planet of just desert, flame and rock they enter the temple to find it just empty and they gained the nature artifact easily (i wanted them to be all parinoid when they got here just to give them no fight icon_biggrin.gif) and before they leave Jc uses his powers to give life to this barren planet
he uses his water to create a vast ocean and his wind to carry breeze then he forced the forrest to grow
just to spark life in this dead world...

Chapter XII
Miyuki the wrong side?

After terraforming the last planet we find our heroes(i give up tryin to call them anything else) in the middle of a warp tunnel when all of the sudden the tunnel is filled with reckage(the theory on the warp tunnel is that people dont warp they merly step into another dimention then back to save time so its more of a short cut)
out of ceirousity Mytho stops to explore the destroyed ships for anything useful (but in truth he recignizes the ship to be Ginjuus the bounty hunter from before, and thought he could collect his body and sell him insted of viseversa because he too has a reward on his head) Jix finds several working fighter ships and takes them abord the Epislon. Mytho does not find Ginjuu, but finds the ships log. The ship log tells him that Ginjuu has been tracking him and has been after another fellow by the name of Jinochi Chrono a ex-leader of a secret orginization known as the Shadows heart, but it goes on to say that he has been missing for 12 uni-years(universal years = 5 earth years but since time has been warped some galaxys has it time speeded, slowed or stopped) Jix and Kiki hook up for a lil while. Walkern finds several dead crew members appearing to try to have escaped.
after leaving the reckage the team continues and once outside the tunnel Jc's bad luck shows itself again and the Divine mothership comes into view, and after mytho finishes his swearing rant, Rev suggest an attack on the enemy to take down their leader and everyone agrees except Mytho and Walkern who gladly stay in the ship while everyone else grabs one of the new fighter ships and heads into battle the battle last about 10 minutes until our heroes finally have a casuality and Jix is damaged, then quickly outnumbered so they had to surrender and were prisoner of the Divine.

while abord the mothership, our heroes find out that every member of the divine are very pompous and show all respect to their leader even when hes/shes not around (even though Jc and the others havent seen him/her) the guards of our heroes is Miyuki and Hekeh(heh-keh) but when all hope seems lost a turn of event helps them it turns out that Miyuki has fallen inlove with Mytho's diligent expressions meanwhile Hekeh just isnt too bright....
our heroes are aided on their escape by the enemy, then find their ships to escape with, and are on their mary way to the next planet.


Chapter XIII
Temples of Ice,Metal and another bad team?

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