$harp$sh00ter --> Ace xAng3l |
*was partway picking her nose until she recognized what was going on*..huh?!..whut?!..hm?..*looks to the viewers and glances at her finger, slightly blushing*..heylo there..hehe, yesh it's me..Lucki..just read the fine print! |
Ace xAngel
Community Member
Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 @ 02:54am
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 @ 12:26am
Ace xAngel
Community Member
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 @ 06:44am
Ace xAngel
Community Member
Ace xAngel
Community Member
Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 @ 05:54am
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 @ 08:37pm
Home Sweetened Home:whee:
Wel'p, I'm back from Music and Drama (MAD) Camp..which is a good yet..bad thing..good to be home..miss my fellow campers, crying ...waaahhh..
The two most awsome words made up during camp that I will add to my random vocabulary:
Fluffled (Jon got mixed up b/t ruffled and flustered >>;; )
Click-ish - (Katie)
Words/phrases from other years:
"What a kawinky-dink!" - (Tyler)
"Who killed Kennedy?!" - (Group deal)
Camp Rule (term): No PDA = No (Personal Display of Affection) Camp(er) Rule (term): No GPDA = No (Gay Personal Display of Affection)
* - So like, if anyone even touched moi, depending on the gender, I would yell either PDA or GPDA ^^ - *
"Check it, church." - (Steven)
"Smoley Hokes!!..the church is on fire!!" - (Yes, I said smoley hokes instead of holy smokes..) -
"Lurple, my favorite-ist color.."
Miscommunication & misunderstandings can make up some of the best moments..
Jonathan M. - "Dude, it's only used for sex offenders.."
Moi (in a daze) - "..sexy fingers..?..where?!.."
Cayla: "For serious!"
Moi: "For serious..?..I dun't get it.."
Cayla: "See, I used to say 'Are you serious?' for a long time and then I changed to 'For real?' after a bit..eventually I ended up saying 'For serious?!'..yeah..that's where it came from.."
Moi: "Ooohh....*ponders a second*..dude..have you ever used that vice versa..?.."
*everyone around us break out laughing*
(If you missed that..you would be saying "Are you real..?" wink
Ace xAngel
Community Member
Ace xAngel
Community Member
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 @ 06:53am
MUSIC!!11!!1!!!one!!eleven!..*snarls'n'foams at the mouth*
Wel'p..since this was brought up in a thread..er..somewhat..I might as well place my list of fave music heres..*takes a deep breath*
Alanis Morisette, Reel Big Fish, Crystal Method, FLCL(Furi Kuri) OST, Yellow Card, Moulin Rouge OST, Superchic[k], Relient K, GooGoo Dolls, Chuck Berry, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Bare Naked Ladies, Aerosmith, Evanescence, Bon Jovi, Guns'n'Roses, Fountains of Wayne, Shinedown, Chad Kroeger, 2 Fast 2 Furious OST, Kutless, Newsboys, Sonic Flood, Linkin Park, Counting Crows, Casting Crowns, U2, Cowboy Bebop Soundtracks, Simple Plan, Green Day, The Vine, Sanctus Real, Goldfinger, Less Than Jake, Mad Caddies, Alien Ant Farm, Nickleback, Will Smith (any of his hits), Kamelot, Three Days Grace, Crossfade, Barlow Girl, ApologetiX, anything Carlos Santana plays, Gwen Stefani, Jock James, Harry Belafonte, James Brown, SR-71, The Starting Line..
..that's it..so far.. ^_~