Typical typical apprentice...
How he shuns the Master
After years of hard work and training-
But now, he thinks
"I'm better than you."
The Master weeps.
Feels betrayed, angered,
But this Master Craftsman
Nothing will stun him.
He sighs
Shakes his head
and says "Oh well."
And has now learned himself
What an apprentice he truly had.
The apprentice no longer looks
Only wavering about the new big head-
Never knowing truly
Outside deeds of the Master.
How he shuns the Master
After years of hard work and training-
But now, he thinks
"I'm better than you."
The Master weeps.
Feels betrayed, angered,
But this Master Craftsman
Nothing will stun him.
He sighs
Shakes his head
and says "Oh well."
And has now learned himself
What an apprentice he truly had.
The apprentice no longer looks
Only wavering about the new big head-
Never knowing truly
Outside deeds of the Master.