Thomas Benjamin Sallow

"I am the Executioner. Murder someone in my town, and I'm the one that you get to see. Once."
{Incubus Dreams}
Name: Tom Benjamin Sallow, formerly Edmund James Thomson.
Age: 65, 40s-ish?
Birthdate: 03. 14. 1946.
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual, married to his work.
Birthplace: Manchester, England
Occupation: Lawyer, specializing in preternatural cases. Can't bring himself to retire.
Species: Werelion
Species Specialty:
Please mark which ranking of lycan your character is with an 'x'.
[] Omega
[] Beta
[x] Alpha
---If Beta or Alpha; what powers do you have?:
Emotional-Shifting Control
Pain Tolerance
Accelerated Shift-Coma
Magical Deflection
Charging Beast
Shield the Call (Alpha)
Are you a rogue?: []Y [x]N
Are you trying for a position in the Pride?: [x]Y []N
---If yes; what position?: Pangari
Are you a member of RPIT? If yes; what is your title? No.
"I am the Executioner. Murder someone in my town, and I'm the one that you get to see. Once."
{Incubus Dreams}
Name: Tom Benjamin Sallow, formerly Edmund James Thomson.
Age: 65, 40s-ish?
Birthdate: 03. 14. 1946.
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual, married to his work.
Birthplace: Manchester, England
Occupation: Lawyer, specializing in preternatural cases. Can't bring himself to retire.
Species: Werelion
Species Specialty:
Please mark which ranking of lycan your character is with an 'x'.
[] Omega
[] Beta
[x] Alpha
---If Beta or Alpha; what powers do you have?:
Emotional-Shifting Control
Pain Tolerance
Accelerated Shift-Coma
Magical Deflection
Charging Beast
Shield the Call (Alpha)
Are you a rogue?: []Y [x]N
Are you trying for a position in the Pride?: [x]Y []N
---If yes; what position?: Pangari
Are you a member of RPIT? If yes; what is your title? No.
"I look like a biker slut from hell meets soldier of fortune pinup."
{The Killing Dance}
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 150
Build: Not too thin and not too built, kind of happily in the middle.
Hair Color: Brown-ish blonde.
Eye Color: Grey
Distinguishing Marks: His hands, forearms, shoulders, and legs are practically scar tissue on scar tissue. Missing a small slice out of his right ear, his throat is scarred in a way that'd suggest that it had almost been completely ripped out at one point, and has a wide scar running the length of his spine. Slightly sharper teeth than normal as well. Luckily fast healing saves him from bleeding to death through his mouth whenever he bites his tongue.
Species Appearance:

Play- By: John Simm
"I look like a biker slut from hell meets soldier of fortune pinup."
{The Killing Dance}
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 150
Build: Not too thin and not too built, kind of happily in the middle.
Hair Color: Brown-ish blonde.
Eye Color: Grey
Distinguishing Marks: His hands, forearms, shoulders, and legs are practically scar tissue on scar tissue. Missing a small slice out of his right ear, his throat is scarred in a way that'd suggest that it had almost been completely ripped out at one point, and has a wide scar running the length of his spine. Slightly sharper teeth than normal as well. Luckily fast healing saves him from bleeding to death through his mouth whenever he bites his tongue.
Species Appearance:

Play- By: John Simm
"Love sucks. Sometimes it feels good. Sometimes it's just another way to bleed."
{Blue Moon}
Mother: Jane Thomson (Deceased)
Father: Henry Thomson (Deceased)
Siblings: Christopher, John, Harold, and Elizabeth. (Hasn't got a clue where they are, hasn't made contact in ages.)
Significant Other: Henrietta Dawson (Deceased), Katherine White (Divorced).
Children: Matthias Dawson, Jane Dawson, Edward White, Judith White, and Christine White.
Other Important Persons: A large Siberian Forest Cat named Bartholomew that he raised practically from birth. (She looks a bit like this. )
Maureen Garrett-Schmitt, his former Worthy Adversary. (Deceased)
Simon Garrett, saw him as a son-but-not. Pretty much watched him grow up. (Deceased)
"Love sucks. Sometimes it feels good. Sometimes it's just another way to bleed."
{Blue Moon}
Mother: Jane Thomson (Deceased)
Father: Henry Thomson (Deceased)
Siblings: Christopher, John, Harold, and Elizabeth. (Hasn't got a clue where they are, hasn't made contact in ages.)
Significant Other: Henrietta Dawson (Deceased), Katherine White (Divorced).
Children: Matthias Dawson, Jane Dawson, Edward White, Judith White, and Christine White.
Other Important Persons: A large Siberian Forest Cat named Bartholomew that he raised practically from birth. (She looks a bit like this. )
Maureen Garrett-Schmitt, his former Worthy Adversary. (Deceased)
Simon Garrett, saw him as a son-but-not. Pretty much watched him grow up. (Deceased)
"Before I knew you, I thought brave was not being afraid. You've taught me that bravery is being terrified and doing it anyway."
{Blood Noir}
Personality: Once upon a time there was a young tyrant of a king who believed that everything he did was just and right because he thought he was doing what was best for his Pride. Thomas is nearly proof that people do change with time. Being mauled and exiled by your own children can prove a useful catalyst. Nowadays he still maintains that air of "I am smarter and more powerful than you, so back of" but he doesn't quite express it as often and as loudly as he used to. He's essentially a grumpy, arrogant old man. As much as it pains him to admit it. His personal space bubble is incredibly large unless he knows a person, and depending on the day it can mentally expand to envelop entire rooms. He's just lucky that he doesn't physically remove people from said personal space as vehemently as before. His temper's cooled off enough to go in the opposite direction as well. The quieter he gets, the angrier he is. Until he snaps, of course.
His only redeeming qualities when he was a Rex was that he was good with kids, and not particularly violent. Over time the term kids has expanded to everyone close to him, mostly because of his age. He does his best to carry a "guardian" role at all times, even dipping into the realm of grandfatherly with people above him when he deems it appropriate. Though just because he's gone a touch soft doesn't mean he's gone all the way. He's heard himself compared to a bulldog before, and he certainly supports the claim. He's incredibly determined, and once he receives a task, he'll complete it to the letter no matter the method he has to use (as long as the method is legal). He's a merciless brawler at the core, and extremely set in his ways. So the study of law and courtroom politics came almost naturally, especially since his father had been a police officer.
The little he does regret from his time as Rex usually hits him in waves, and certainly helps bolster the "grumpy old man" archetype. He'll grumble for days about the most mundane things until someone hits him upside the head, either physically or not. Speaking of that archetype, he certainly uses it to his advantage. He absolutely delights in making someone think he's a weak, foolish, old house cat before snapping around and proving the exact opposite. It's a tactic that's almost always worked for him, so why not use it? It takes a bit for Tom to trust someone, but he tries his hardest to return that trust as much as he can. Tell him a secret and he'll take it to the grave, give him a command and he'll follow it enthusiastically to the letter. On the flip side, he's just as quick to hold a grudge and will probably take most of his to the grave as well as his secrets.
More recently though, he's turned to grieving. He won't say who he lost, and he certainly won't acknowledge the fact that the pair of deaths broke his heart when he wasn't aware that his heart could actually break anymore. All he ever wears is black, and even his version of a "loud" voice is quieter than usual.
-Football. Proper football, not the American sort.
-Tea with honey. He won't take it any other way.
-Children, which somehow extends over into young cats.
-Has a begrudging respect for people similar to him. The current him, at least.
-Sparring. Verbally and physically, of course. The two go hand in glove.
-Jazz, classical, and latin music.
-Though he keeps very few of them, friends. Especially going out for drinks with them. Usually ends up as the designated driver at the end of the night, though.
-Peace and quiet.
-Classical literature.
-Holds a lot of respect for strong Omegas. Strong meaning that they don't need to advance with their beast in order to gain and hold a position of power.
-Holidays. Christmas and Halloween especially. Extremely overzealous about decorating. If someone's standing still too long while he's working on it, they'll likely become part of said decor.
-Nothing beats the feel of clothes that are right out of the dryer or freshly ironed. Nothing.
-Chocolate. He's allergic to it, why would he like it?
-Has a burning hate for hipsters and doesn't have a clue why, which annoys him further.
-Romance novels.
-Vampires. Actively hunted them down when he was a Rex, doesn't regret taking a single one of their un-lives. The only way to get around his dislike is to appeal to his fatherly instincts.
-Don't like authority? Good news, authority hates you too.
-Losing clients to other law firms.
-"Weak" leaders and ones who can't be bothered by politics.
-Certainly doesn't appreciate when people stare.
-Does not respect people similar to his old self.
-Omegas who don't know their place, especially when they haven't earned one.
-Petrified of heights.
-And clowns.
-And dentists.
-And people finding out what he used to be.
-And being stabbed in the back, though he does think he deserves it after that.
-Loyal to a fault. He also tries to prove this fact often.
-Incredibly clever. He wouldn't be a good lawyer without that trait, now would he?
-Driven. Give him a goal, and he will try to accomplish it, even if he has to try a thousand different ways.
-Very good at chess, though he hasn't played in a while.
-Slightly above-average memory, especially when it comes to law and history. Often memorizes things when he writes them down.
-Plays the piano fairly well. Isn't absolutely the best at it, but he tries.
-Very, very competent fighter. He isn't trained in a specific style but when a fight breaks out he can be either a very powerful ally, or a very tough foe.
-He's kind of a wizard with an iron/steam cleaner. It's taken him 40 years to master it.
-Stubborn. It often takes a verbal or physical whack to the back of the head to get him to change his mind. It took that much to break him out of the stereotypical 40s/50s view on certain social groups.
-Often very single-minded.
-More than a little bit bloodthirsty, in several definitions of the term.
-Don't leave him alone in a room with a vampire. It takes almost all of his concentration to keep himself from murdering one outright, and leaves him tired and grumpy afterward.
-Often very blunt (and for lack of a better term, short) with people. It's gotten him into a lot of trouble before.
-Slightly humourless. He does laugh at jokes, but only really laughs if they appeal specifically to his sort of comedy. It's easy to tell when he's faking it to be polite.
-Damaged. He can't focus as well as before, so it's tougher to use some of his abilities. He also can't speak very loudly, can't roar at all, or lie flat without some small measure of pain.
As an Omega, he gained the powers of Emotional-Shifting Control and Pain Tolerance. His control over shifting is automatic, but he can never really hold it back for more than two hours anymore. If he tries, it usually strains him enough to make his shift more difficult and tiring. His pain tolerance is much better, however. As a drawback, he doesn't often notice injuries in the heat of battle until someone points them out to him. This can obviously lead to several complications.
When he became a Beta, he picked up Accelerated Shift-Coma, Magical Deflection, and Charging Beast. Accelerated Shift-Coma works just as expected, but leaves him sleepy enough to need a nap afterwards. His concentration is very easy to break when it comes toe Magical Deflection. Charging Beast is is absolute favourite ability and he uses it often. It's fairly easy to block out if you know how, though.
His Alpha powers are Commanding and Shield the Call. Commanding is his favourite ability after Charging Beast, but he only tries it when absolutely necessary. Which isn't often enough to keep it sharp. Shield the Call is the only remnant he has of once being a Rex. It certainly isn't as good as before and it takes most, if not all of his concentration to maintain it.
The year 1946 brought with it the first meeting of the UN, the founding of Mensa International, "It's a Wonderful Life", and the official end of World War II. For a small community of werelions in Greater Manchester it was the beginning of a long, tiring nightmare. Tom (then Edmund) and his twin Christopher were the eldest of the six brothers, Edmund being the smaller of the two. While Chris had always wanted to be a police officer just like his father, Edmund grew up wanting the man's other job, being the Rex. Of course, the fascination with his father's role in the justice system was there, but it just didn't appeal to him as much as that power.
At the age of 21 he got his wish, as his father had passed away from a work related accident. Edmund bested his twin and took on the role their father had left for them, two years before he would start on the path to becoming a lawyer. His first act as the new Rex was to name a new Regina and establish an heir. His second was to essentially banish his siblings and take down their supporters by spinning a wide enough web of lies to actually pull it off. His work obviously didn't end there, as he spent the next five years making sure the city was free of vampires. This policy also extended to rogues, who were "invited" to either join the Pride, or leave. During that fifth year, Tom's first Regina died, victim of an attack by a vampire that he thought he'd gotten rid of. His policies on them changed drastically. Bounties were placed, curfews were harshly enforced, and he took on the full responsibility of being a father.
Not a year later he remarried and fathered three more children. See, Edmund had a plan. He didn't want to be just the Rex of one city, he wanted control over more. The best way to do that? Get his heirs into other Prides and eventually get them to take over. So for the next 20 years his policies tightened up as his children aged. Nobody really did anything in those years, because they were afraid of how far he'd go if they upset him. The only ones who weren't afraid were in fact those very kids that he spent his time raising. They were every bit as clever as their father, and once his plan started rolling and they'd been sent to a few other prides to hopefully join with them, they hatched one of their own. They were swift, calling on the other Prides to join and finally apprehend him. They ganged up on him and mauled him to within a fraction of his life- an inch would be far too generous- and kept him like that for the better part of a month. One of his own punishments for traitors. It still makes him a bit proud when he looks back on it.
After that they gave him a choice. Remain in the UK and in their custody, or leave and never return. Clearly, he took the better choice. His Pride against him, his pride with a lowercase broken, and his tail between his legs... he moved to the US. After a few strings were pulled his past was all but forgotten and he became a full citizen, and took to his books. He's been practising law in the city for 24 years and earned his full Doctorate. He's only been part of the Pride for about ten, only recently rising in the ranks to become Pangari. He prefers to fill his role both physically and mentally, not that the current crowned leaders need either. Mostly he offers his services as a damn good lawyer to the Pride and their allies. Pro bono, of course. And when asked about what became of his children? Well... the best chessmasters always leave a plan that completes itself. He's a very proud father, even though his children aren't that proud of him.
"Before I knew you, I thought brave was not being afraid. You've taught me that bravery is being terrified and doing it anyway."
{Blood Noir}
Personality: Once upon a time there was a young tyrant of a king who believed that everything he did was just and right because he thought he was doing what was best for his Pride. Thomas is nearly proof that people do change with time. Being mauled and exiled by your own children can prove a useful catalyst. Nowadays he still maintains that air of "I am smarter and more powerful than you, so back of" but he doesn't quite express it as often and as loudly as he used to. He's essentially a grumpy, arrogant old man. As much as it pains him to admit it. His personal space bubble is incredibly large unless he knows a person, and depending on the day it can mentally expand to envelop entire rooms. He's just lucky that he doesn't physically remove people from said personal space as vehemently as before. His temper's cooled off enough to go in the opposite direction as well. The quieter he gets, the angrier he is. Until he snaps, of course.
His only redeeming qualities when he was a Rex was that he was good with kids, and not particularly violent. Over time the term kids has expanded to everyone close to him, mostly because of his age. He does his best to carry a "guardian" role at all times, even dipping into the realm of grandfatherly with people above him when he deems it appropriate. Though just because he's gone a touch soft doesn't mean he's gone all the way. He's heard himself compared to a bulldog before, and he certainly supports the claim. He's incredibly determined, and once he receives a task, he'll complete it to the letter no matter the method he has to use (as long as the method is legal). He's a merciless brawler at the core, and extremely set in his ways. So the study of law and courtroom politics came almost naturally, especially since his father had been a police officer.
The little he does regret from his time as Rex usually hits him in waves, and certainly helps bolster the "grumpy old man" archetype. He'll grumble for days about the most mundane things until someone hits him upside the head, either physically or not. Speaking of that archetype, he certainly uses it to his advantage. He absolutely delights in making someone think he's a weak, foolish, old house cat before snapping around and proving the exact opposite. It's a tactic that's almost always worked for him, so why not use it? It takes a bit for Tom to trust someone, but he tries his hardest to return that trust as much as he can. Tell him a secret and he'll take it to the grave, give him a command and he'll follow it enthusiastically to the letter. On the flip side, he's just as quick to hold a grudge and will probably take most of his to the grave as well as his secrets.
More recently though, he's turned to grieving. He won't say who he lost, and he certainly won't acknowledge the fact that the pair of deaths broke his heart when he wasn't aware that his heart could actually break anymore. All he ever wears is black, and even his version of a "loud" voice is quieter than usual.
-Football. Proper football, not the American sort.
-Tea with honey. He won't take it any other way.
-Children, which somehow extends over into young cats.
-Has a begrudging respect for people similar to him. The current him, at least.
-Sparring. Verbally and physically, of course. The two go hand in glove.
-Jazz, classical, and latin music.
-Though he keeps very few of them, friends. Especially going out for drinks with them. Usually ends up as the designated driver at the end of the night, though.
-Peace and quiet.
-Classical literature.
-Holds a lot of respect for strong Omegas. Strong meaning that they don't need to advance with their beast in order to gain and hold a position of power.
-Holidays. Christmas and Halloween especially. Extremely overzealous about decorating. If someone's standing still too long while he's working on it, they'll likely become part of said decor.
-Nothing beats the feel of clothes that are right out of the dryer or freshly ironed. Nothing.
-Chocolate. He's allergic to it, why would he like it?
-Has a burning hate for hipsters and doesn't have a clue why, which annoys him further.
-Romance novels.
-Vampires. Actively hunted them down when he was a Rex, doesn't regret taking a single one of their un-lives. The only way to get around his dislike is to appeal to his fatherly instincts.
-Don't like authority? Good news, authority hates you too.
-Losing clients to other law firms.
-"Weak" leaders and ones who can't be bothered by politics.
-Certainly doesn't appreciate when people stare.
-Does not respect people similar to his old self.
-Omegas who don't know their place, especially when they haven't earned one.
-Petrified of heights.
-And clowns.
-And dentists.
-And people finding out what he used to be.
-And being stabbed in the back, though he does think he deserves it after that.
-Loyal to a fault. He also tries to prove this fact often.
-Incredibly clever. He wouldn't be a good lawyer without that trait, now would he?
-Driven. Give him a goal, and he will try to accomplish it, even if he has to try a thousand different ways.
-Very good at chess, though he hasn't played in a while.
-Slightly above-average memory, especially when it comes to law and history. Often memorizes things when he writes them down.
-Plays the piano fairly well. Isn't absolutely the best at it, but he tries.
-Very, very competent fighter. He isn't trained in a specific style but when a fight breaks out he can be either a very powerful ally, or a very tough foe.
-He's kind of a wizard with an iron/steam cleaner. It's taken him 40 years to master it.
-Stubborn. It often takes a verbal or physical whack to the back of the head to get him to change his mind. It took that much to break him out of the stereotypical 40s/50s view on certain social groups.
-Often very single-minded.
-More than a little bit bloodthirsty, in several definitions of the term.
-Don't leave him alone in a room with a vampire. It takes almost all of his concentration to keep himself from murdering one outright, and leaves him tired and grumpy afterward.
-Often very blunt (and for lack of a better term, short) with people. It's gotten him into a lot of trouble before.
-Slightly humourless. He does laugh at jokes, but only really laughs if they appeal specifically to his sort of comedy. It's easy to tell when he's faking it to be polite.
-Damaged. He can't focus as well as before, so it's tougher to use some of his abilities. He also can't speak very loudly, can't roar at all, or lie flat without some small measure of pain.
As an Omega, he gained the powers of Emotional-Shifting Control and Pain Tolerance. His control over shifting is automatic, but he can never really hold it back for more than two hours anymore. If he tries, it usually strains him enough to make his shift more difficult and tiring. His pain tolerance is much better, however. As a drawback, he doesn't often notice injuries in the heat of battle until someone points them out to him. This can obviously lead to several complications.
When he became a Beta, he picked up Accelerated Shift-Coma, Magical Deflection, and Charging Beast. Accelerated Shift-Coma works just as expected, but leaves him sleepy enough to need a nap afterwards. His concentration is very easy to break when it comes toe Magical Deflection. Charging Beast is is absolute favourite ability and he uses it often. It's fairly easy to block out if you know how, though.
His Alpha powers are Commanding and Shield the Call. Commanding is his favourite ability after Charging Beast, but he only tries it when absolutely necessary. Which isn't often enough to keep it sharp. Shield the Call is the only remnant he has of once being a Rex. It certainly isn't as good as before and it takes most, if not all of his concentration to maintain it.
The year 1946 brought with it the first meeting of the UN, the founding of Mensa International, "It's a Wonderful Life", and the official end of World War II. For a small community of werelions in Greater Manchester it was the beginning of a long, tiring nightmare. Tom (then Edmund) and his twin Christopher were the eldest of the six brothers, Edmund being the smaller of the two. While Chris had always wanted to be a police officer just like his father, Edmund grew up wanting the man's other job, being the Rex. Of course, the fascination with his father's role in the justice system was there, but it just didn't appeal to him as much as that power.
At the age of 21 he got his wish, as his father had passed away from a work related accident. Edmund bested his twin and took on the role their father had left for them, two years before he would start on the path to becoming a lawyer. His first act as the new Rex was to name a new Regina and establish an heir. His second was to essentially banish his siblings and take down their supporters by spinning a wide enough web of lies to actually pull it off. His work obviously didn't end there, as he spent the next five years making sure the city was free of vampires. This policy also extended to rogues, who were "invited" to either join the Pride, or leave. During that fifth year, Tom's first Regina died, victim of an attack by a vampire that he thought he'd gotten rid of. His policies on them changed drastically. Bounties were placed, curfews were harshly enforced, and he took on the full responsibility of being a father.
Not a year later he remarried and fathered three more children. See, Edmund had a plan. He didn't want to be just the Rex of one city, he wanted control over more. The best way to do that? Get his heirs into other Prides and eventually get them to take over. So for the next 20 years his policies tightened up as his children aged. Nobody really did anything in those years, because they were afraid of how far he'd go if they upset him. The only ones who weren't afraid were in fact those very kids that he spent his time raising. They were every bit as clever as their father, and once his plan started rolling and they'd been sent to a few other prides to hopefully join with them, they hatched one of their own. They were swift, calling on the other Prides to join and finally apprehend him. They ganged up on him and mauled him to within a fraction of his life- an inch would be far too generous- and kept him like that for the better part of a month. One of his own punishments for traitors. It still makes him a bit proud when he looks back on it.
After that they gave him a choice. Remain in the UK and in their custody, or leave and never return. Clearly, he took the better choice. His Pride against him, his pride with a lowercase broken, and his tail between his legs... he moved to the US. After a few strings were pulled his past was all but forgotten and he became a full citizen, and took to his books. He's been practising law in the city for 24 years and earned his full Doctorate. He's only been part of the Pride for about ten, only recently rising in the ranks to become Pangari. He prefers to fill his role both physically and mentally, not that the current crowned leaders need either. Mostly he offers his services as a damn good lawyer to the Pride and their allies. Pro bono, of course. And when asked about what became of his children? Well... the best chessmasters always leave a plan that completes itself. He's a very proud father, even though his children aren't that proud of him.
"People are supposed to fear the unknown, but ignorance is bliss when knowledge is so damn frightening."
{The Laughing Corpse}
Alias: Boogaloo
Codeword: Did you read the rules?
Experience: Plenty, of course.
How you found us: LJ
Other characters: Juno Christopher, Sigmund Browning
How we should contact you: PM, AIM
"People are supposed to fear the unknown, but ignorance is bliss when knowledge is so damn frightening."
{The Laughing Corpse}
Alias: Boogaloo
Codeword: Did you read the rules?
Experience: Plenty, of course.
How you found us: LJ
Other characters: Juno Christopher, Sigmund Browning
How we should contact you: PM, AIM