Super Name: Jack's Minion
Secret Identity: Saber Smith
Age: 16
Description/Picture: Day-
Main Power: The Ability to control darkness
Secondary Power: The ability to control fire
Vehicle: Jackmoblie and the Jack Bike
Personality: In the day, Saber is nice and is your average kid. He loves to skate board or anything that is a sport and deals with skateing or a board. He loves to give advise to kids in need and is helpful to both young and old. But at night, all that changes. His powers kick in and he now speaks with his fists than his mind. He becomes Jack's Minion
Bio: When Saber was just a kid, he got picked on by his name. One Halloween night, he ran through the allies to get away from it all. He didn't know that two creatures were there. One of the creatures lerked and formed to be his shadow. Through that, Saber got his main power, darkness. The second one fused with him aswell but created a mini virsion of him, a small dragon that flies next to Saber. With this creature, Saber now controlled fire too.