I forgot about this....
Subobo · Tue Apr 19, 2011 @ 04:39am · 0 Comments |
Birthday/Christmas wishes...?=O |
Art by GlassCrow Name: Nemo Morana Name meaning: Nemo: nobody (Latin) Morana: Means "death" in Slavic. In Slavic mythology this was the name of the goddess of winter and death. Nicknames: Nene, Neeners Gender Female Age: Unknown, was 23 when zombiefied Hair: None Eyes: Completly dark red, no iris, whites, or pupil to be seen Height/weight: 5'11"/unhealthily thin Likes: Her plants, swords, music, reading/literature Dislikes: Shotguns, very hto weather, morticians Distinguishing features: Well, she's bald and has two nubthings gorwing out of her head for starters. She also has sharper than normal teeth, and rather long, claw like fingers that she usually keeps wrapped with strips of black cloth. Her skin has a slight greyish tint, and you can see most of her bones because she's so thin. Being dead has it's setbacks, huh? xD Clothing: At work, she usually wears button-up shirts and a long, floor-length skirt and a pair of very clunky boots, and glasses, which no one is quite sure if she actually needs them or wears them just because. The rest of the time she wears clothes like in the picture up thar, or just a pair of jeans and a tshirt (usually with some dorky saying on it xD; ) and a pair of flip-flops if she bothers to put on shoes. A recent 'discovery at a garage sale' is a chain circle that seems to hover around her head at eye-level, which she 'wears' occasionally.
Because of the events a few years ago at Halloween, Nemo has become a zombie, but has refused the 'cure' for it. Many people shy away from her due to that, so she lives a relativly solitary life. She lives in a small apartment near the outskirts of the town, and works in one of the local libraries. She has a fly problem in her house, so to fix it, she got a venus fly trap one day. ..And then another. ...And another. And a few pitcher plants, and some more fly-traps. Eventually, she ended up with what looked like a field of carnivorous plants which she affectionatly calls her 'babies', and can frequently be seen talking to them. Another odd thing about her apartment is the lack of a refridgerator/freezer. Why? Cause she doesn't really need to eat, and she never used it, so it just drove up the electrical bill, so she just sold them, along with the oven.
She started to bring her sword with her to work everyday shortly after an incident in the storage room, where the books on reserve are held, as well as those waiting to be shelved. Through a door in the back of the storage room is another small room, where many old and rare books are stored.
..It also helps people realize that it is a good thing to bring your books back on time =D
Just small tidbits: -Wherever she goes, she usually has some sort of music with her, and can be seen listening to it at every possible moment. At work, she has a small radio/CD player on the counterdeskthing, and plays it during the day, and has a portable CD player she carries around with her. -She enjoys classical and rock music the best, but also greatly enjoys movie soundtracks. -She sings laong to her music, no matter what the language. If she has no idea what they're saying, well, that's what the internet is for. -The library is run by an old man who is not seen around much, and leaves Nemo in charge of most things - Nailed to the wall above the desk at the library is a small wooden sign with Chinese characters carved into it, reading; "Wo shang mei er, mei xin, bian shi tou" ("I will close my ears and my heart and I will be a stone" wink xD Yes, like in Serenity.
Name: Sethur Name meaning: Hid, destroying Gender: Male Race: God (of Destruction) Age: xD Technically? Oldliekwoah. Physically? mid/late 20s '.' Status: Taken, baybeeeee~ Appearance: Height/Wieght: In the 6'6" area/unknown Hair: White, ending just below his shoulders with the bottom couple of inches being red Eyes: Black. blackblackblack. No whites. No irises. Just blackblackblack. Other schtuff: His arms and legs are tinted red (starts at the elbow/knee and gradually fades into red) Has black claws where finger/toenails would be, three markings below his left eye and three above his right. Personality: To most, he's usually cold and distant and reallyreally quiet, only speaking a few words when necessary. And to those veryvery few people who have managed to worm their way past that.. ..well, he's still quiet, but he shows more emoshun xD;; Job: Anything and sundry. Works at the Gaia branch of a company that kinda acts like the system in Naruto, customers come in and pay for someone to do a job, and they get paid. One stop shopping 8D He tends to do more of the harder jobs that no one else can really do well. Powerrzzzz: At the moment? Pretty much none at all. He has incresed speed and veryslightly increased strength. Only in times of extreme danger/stress, or when the other gods deem it necessary will he regain abit of his old powers, and he can go smite joor arse x3 Likes: Rithe, quiet, cereal, scary movies Dislikes: Annoying people, very loud things, having his reasons questioned. Background: Sethur used to live with all of the gods not quite so happily, seeing that most of them were afraid of him (for good reason, he could completely obliterate them if they were thatannoying) so he pretty much stayed in his own little corner of the Godverse. Until, yenno, the other gods thought it'd do him good to 'relax' abit. So they shoved him into Gaia, mostly powerless, and very annoyed. If he was able to, there would be a large smackdown right then and there.
Subobo · Sun Jul 23, 2006 @ 05:20pm · 0 Comments |
=D Dont you just effing love summer? |
>3> Really, I dont know what about summer makes me want to rip my hair out. It could be the fact that I'm bored for two months on end, seeing that none of my friends ever want to do anything with me, oor the fact that I'm practically locked in my room all day, seeing that the sister person whines and bitches about me being downstairs during the day, wondering why the hell I'm there instead of in my room.
My general brain activity takes a large drop, I am never satisfied with anything I produce, be it art, RP, or otherwise, I find absolutly nothing interesting. ...And to top it off, it's boiling hot with 80-100% humidity all the time, and I get all bitchy.
=D So, really, summer to me is a time of hot, apathetic bitchyness <3 Dontcha love it?
Subobo · Thu Jul 13, 2006 @ 05:06am · 0 Comments |
[ ] my fingernails/toenails are almost always painted [x] during the summer the only shoes i wear are flip flops [ ] my favorite toys as a child were barbies [x] my favorite colour is pink or purple [ ] I did Gymnastics [ ] I love skirts [ ] hollister is one of my favorite places to shop [ ] tight jeans are the only jeans i'll wear [ ] I love chocolate [ ] I've never had a real job
[ ] my hair is almost always straightened [ ] I have at least 8 myspace pictures [ ] I usually go shopping once a week [ ] I love to hang out at the mall with friends [ ] I have a real diamond ring or diamond necklace or earings [ ] I've gone to a tanning salon [ ] I've gone to the beach to tan - not to swim [ ] I have at least 10 pairs of shoes [ ] I watch either the OC or Laguna Beach [ ] I change my icon weekly [ ] I wear a shower cap
[ ] I dont shop at Hot Topic [ ] my cell phone might as well become a part of me [ ] I wear mascara everyday [ ] I've been or am on a diet [ ] bathing suits are adorable [ ] I dont know the difference between a sheep and a goat. [ ] big sunglasses are hott [ ] I have gotten my nails done before [ ] MTV is one of my favorite channels
[ ] all I want to do at sleepovers is talk about boys [ ] I love to have gurls do my hair [x] I give and recieve hugs from all my friends [ ] I hate bugs [ ] carnivals are so fun! [ ] Summer is THE best season [ ] my swimsuit has 2 pieces [ ] Im waiting for my knight in shining armor [ ] musicians are so hot [ ] you write me a poem and tell me im beautiful and im all yours
[x] I am self-conscious [ ] I cry often [ ] my car smells like vanilla or cherry [x] my dishes get washed more than once a week [x] I dont do sports [ ] I HATE to run [ ] I squeal when i am surprised or angry [ ] I eat dried fruit as a snack [ ] I love romance novels [ ] Drew Barrymore is so cute
[ ] I dance a lot. [ ] usually spend an hour or over to get ready to leave my house [ ] I only have like 5 billion hair products [ ] I love to get dressed up. [ ] every part of my outfit needs to match [ ] I talk on the phone at least once a day to my friends [ ] I would love to have a photo shoot [ ] I apply lip stuff 50 times a day [ ] I wish I were a model
[ ] I wish I could meet Paris Hilton [ ] I have been something that was semi [ ] I own Uggs [ ] Hip Hop is the best music [ ] I pop my collar [ ] I like to be the center of attention [ ] guys with Mohawks are crazy [x] horses are beautiful [ ] I'd rather not pay attention in school [x] Cats are adorable
[ ] I write my own music [ ] I would love to visit Hawaii [ ] Valentine's day is so cute! [ ] white is better than black [ ] I wouldn't be caught dead in all black [ ] my closet is STOCK FULL of clothes [ ] hate the grunge look [ ]I love to read magazines
[ ] I love to gossip [x] I had Lisa Frank folders/posters/notebooks as a kid [ ] I love Celine Dion [ ] my bubble baths are 1-2hrs long [ ] My wedding only needs a groom because it's already planned [x] My friends and I are in a strict group. We mostly only hang out with each other. [ ] I like little kids [ ] Diet drinks are the best [ ] I'm all about being vegetarian [x] I refuse to eat at McDonalds
[ ] I check my myspace everyday. [ ] I love life! [x] I have a lot of jewlery! [ ] my screen name(s) have x's in them [ ] either one of my myspace names has/had <3's or in them [ ] I would never want to be the opposite sex [ ] It's not what he/she said it's the way he/she said it [ ]I have more than 3 pillows on my bed
Subobo · Thu Jun 22, 2006 @ 02:11am · 0 Comments |
(x) - Yes. ( ) - No.
( ) smoked a cigar ( ) made out with a member of the same sex (x) kissed a member of the same sex ( ) crashed a friend's car ( ) stolen a car (x) skipped school ( ) slept with a co-worker ( ) slept with more than 15 people ( ) been called a slut ( ) had a one night stand ( ) had more than just one night stands ( ) lied about how many people you've slept with ( ) lied about it so you can just sleep with someone ( ) slept with someone you don't even know their name (x) seen someone die (x) been in love ( ) been dumped (x) shoplifted ( ) been fired (x) been in a fist fight ( ) snuck out of your parent's house (x) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back ( ) been arrested ( ) made out with a stranger ( ) gone on a blind date (x) lied to a friend (x) had a crush on a teacher (x) been to Canada ( ) been to Mexico (x) been on a plane ( ) thrown up in a bar ( ) purposely set a part of yourself on fire (x) eaten Sushi ( ) been snowboarding ( ) been moshing at a concert ( ) been in an abusive relationship ( ) taken snorted painkillers (x) love someone or miss someone right now (x) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by (x) made a snow angel (x) had a tea party (x) flown a kite (x) built a sand castle (x) gone puddle jumping (x) played dress up (x) jumped into a pile of leaves (x) gone sledding (x) cheated while playing a game (x) been lonely (x) fallen asleep at work/school ( ) used a fake id (x) watched the sun set ( ) felt an earthquake (x) touched a snake ( ) slept beneath the stars (x) been tickled ( ) been robbed (x) been misunderstood (x) petted a reindeer/goat (x) won a contest ( ) almost commited suicide ( ) been suspended from school ( ) been in a car accident (x) had braces (x) felt like an outcast (x) eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night ( ) told a complete stranger you loved them (x) kissed a mirror (x) sang in the shower ( ) have a little black dress (x) had a dream that you married someone (x) glued your hand to something ( ) got your tongue stuck to a flag pole ( ) kissed a fish ( ) worn the opposite sex's clothes ( ) been a cheerleader (x) sat on a roof top (x) screamed at the top of your lungs ( ) done a one-handed cartwheel ( ) talked on the phone for more than 6 hours (x) stayed up all night (x) didn't take a shower for a week (x) picked and ate an apple right off the tree (x) climbed a tree (x) had a tree house (x) are scared to watch scary movies alone (x) believe in ghosts ( ) have more then 30 pairs of shoes ( ) worn a really ugly outfit to school just to see what others say ( ) gone streaking ( ) played ding-dong-ditch ( ) played chicken (x) pushed into a pool with all your clothes on ( ) been told ur hot by a complete stranger (x) broken a bone (x) been easily amused ( ) caught a fish then ate it ( ) made porn (x) caught a butterfly (x) laughed so hard you cried (x) cried so hard you laughed ( ) mooned/flashed someone (x) had someone moon/flash you (x) cheated on a test ( ) have a Britney Spears CD (x) Forgotten someone's name ( ) slept naked ( ) French braided someone's hair ( ) gone skinny dippin in a pool/LAKE? ( ) Been kicked out your house? (x) had deja vu ( ) danced NAKED in the moonlight (x) hated the way you look (x) witnessed a crime ( ) pole danced (x) questioned your heart (x) been obsessed with post-it notes (x) squished barefoot through the mud (x) been lost (x) been to the opposite side of the country (x) swam in the ocean (x) felt like dying (x) cried yourself to sleep ( ) played cops and robbers cowgirls n Indians (x) recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers ( ) sung karaoke ( ) paid for a meal with only coins (x) done something you told yourself you wouldn't ( ) made prank phone calls (x) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose (x) caught a snowflake on your tongue (x) danced in the rain (x) written a letter to Santa Claus ( ) been kissed under a mistletoe ( ) watched the sun rise with someone you care about (x) blown bubbles ( ) made a bonfire on the beach ( ) crashed a party (x) gone roller skating (x) had a wish come true ( ) humped a monkey ( ) worn pearls ( ) jumped off a bridge ( ) screamed p***s in class ( ) ate dog/cat food
Subobo · Tue Jun 13, 2006 @ 07:15pm · 1 Comments |
How does the world see me? X Japan- Endless Rain ...xD DAMMIT, I'M AN EMO PERSON?!?!
Will I have a happy life? VfV soundtrac-Cat Power- I Found a Reason ....I'll take that as a yes...
What do my friends really think of me? Gazette-Reila xD Wellnow...uhm..
Do people secretly lust after me? KC & the Sunshine Band- Play That Funky Music White Boy HOO-LAH!
How can I make myself happy? Shrek Soundtrack- Halleluja Join the urban contemporary choir? o_O;
What should I do with my life? Kaiser Chiefs- I Predict a Riot ......LEMME GET MY PICKET SIGNS!
Why must life be so full of pain? Lovers, Lore, and Loss (mercedes Lackey)- Battle Dawn o_o.....yessum, that works.
Will I ever have children? Miyavi- Ippiki Ookami Ron I'MHAVINGBABIESWITHMIYAVI?!?!? <33333
Will I die happy? Gazette- Miseinen This isn't terribly helpful >_>
What is some good advice for me? Modest Mouse- This Devil's Workday So...join the gospel choir, but sell my soul to the devil? *doesn't get it*
What is happiness? Dir en Grey- Psycho DeG=<33
What's my favorite fetish? Scrapped Princess- Daichi no La-li-la *no comment*
How will I be remembered? Dir en Grey-Rebirth I'MGONNABEREBORN? Like reanimated? Like ZOMBIE?!!?!?!?!
Subobo · Wed May 17, 2006 @ 02:18am · 0 Comments |