this world is fake its all fake its a peace of s**t no im not really here im probly some ones ******** dream and love is all fake she says she loves me its a fake nothing is real any more were all dead theres nothing left of us we did it our self were all fakes we live i lie the suciside boomer r just r fake nightmare where all r already dead were and if were not all fake were all ganna die some day i know that for a fact.. love hurts i dont care what you say it hurts and every relation ship will have there fight and if you havent had a single fight your full of s**t and your just a bunch of fakes no one can really be that happy and if you can you should die cuse it not fare to every one else so ******** off were all dead any ways we all died and went to hell now get of my back b***h god you guys just go to read jurnals cuse your bord do you think you tricking people into thinking you give 2 shits ya know what i dont care eather so just well ******** off