Halo Art Awesomeness. A useless Entry. :D |
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Linux cannot encode some of the characters in here, because I'm too lazy to go find every single minuscule useless symbol package windows has deemed necessary to clog your computers with.
But it does make preeety art doesn't it?
If you don't like Halo, whatever. I say it's an awesome game and because this is my journal, my opinion instantly pwns yours. Yay.
>>>>><<<<< THIS IS NOT MY WORK I am not claiming it as mine, I found it here: http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/sims/index.php?songid=5271 Posted by FFR user: sephiroth724
Laurana Elven Mage · Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 01:36am · 0 Comments |
Every time I try to quit Gaia, something pulls me back in. I'm not really quite sure why, since it is a different something every time. Congrats, Gaia you've created the one of the first Virtual reality drugs. The only thing that really works at keeping me away are those big projects that are handed out each semester in college. I'm not talking about those weekly or monthly ones, either. I'm talking about those looming death monsters you get at the beginning of the term and ignore/procrastinate on until the last two weeks. Then the tidal wave falls and suddenly you're a** deep in alligators just trying to stay alive until exams arrive. All of a sudden you're at home passed out on the floor wondering how you made it through the semester and who the hell drove you home. Oh, you've never experienced anything like that? ................ Yeah.... Neither have I. ^_^;
Laurana Elven Mage · Sat Aug 25, 2007 @ 08:28pm · 0 Comments |
Vicious Voracious Vermin. |
It's been ages since I've updated. Yes, AGES. I've been without animations on my computer for so long, those smilies on the side of the post input are really quite distracting... but that's okay I've got friggin' motion on the interweb ocean once again! Now I can see the sig animations I never really cared about to begin with! whee Unnecessary tangent. ^ mrgreen I just got firefox today, and it beats the s**t out of Internet Explorer. IE crumbles and dies in the wake of Firefox (not that it needs any help in failure, but you know). Who reads my journals anyway? Seriously. I haven't had a comment on one of these in literally years. I write really boring cool entries, thank you. sweatdrop
All this text and I haven't said a thing. Whoops. Well, for some reason my computer desk smells like hamsters and my hands are covered in scratches. Hmmm. There's something fishy here, especially since I don't own a single hamster.
Laurana Elven Mage · Thu Aug 23, 2007 @ 04:05am · 0 Comments |
I'm at school right now, yep, I'm still in driver's ed. How tedious.... I forgot to pack lunch ^^; so I'm starving. *munches on mouse* mmm plastic.
The bright side? I've figured out a way to get by Bess. Hopefully this will be the last time I'll ever need to use a bypass to go where I want on the internet. No. I will not tell you how to do it. :p I will tell you however, that this is a wonderful place to get free music: http/mp3realm.org
David randomly visited me two days ago in my off time between sessions. That was strange... It's getting more and more awkward to talk to him. Some girl in my brother's grade said we'd make a good couple. rolleyes
What the hell? gonk And why is that? That pisses me off... mad
Laurana Elven Mage · Fri Jul 28, 2006 @ 02:26pm · 0 Comments |
I'm in Driver's Ed now, so My free time is getting the crap beat out of it. Yeah. I must get up at 6, be out the door at 7, and I arrive home around 1 ish. I'm not even getting paid to do this. Dammit. scream So. Not only that, but mom went to visit Lorelle, who is currently in New York city. Oh joy, I get to spend the next few days with Dad as the sole parental figure. gonk At least he doesn't get home until 5 ish.
Anyway. It's been a while since I posted... And the reason I posted is this:
This is so Jerrica... I was laughing my a** off. Yeah... I posted because of this icon. Shows how far I've fallen from the updating tree, eh?
Thunder!!! Woo-hoo! cool
Laurana Elven Mage · Wed Jul 12, 2006 @ 08:30pm · 0 Comments |
THANK THE ALMIGHTY! The damned exams are over. I only had AP chemistry BUT STILL! The abomination is over and done with.
the People who made it had ouR best Intrests in mind esp. since it Contained KineticS
Eh. y'know what? The exchange isn't that bad... If you're buying. cool
I got avie art today! Wonderful stuff, Art. heart
Laurana Elven Mage · Thu May 11, 2006 @ 01:58am · 0 Comments |
A word on the Market place.
Don't bid on an item if the Bid Increment is at 500g.
Don't be a blonde like me. gonk
edit: (It's okay if the item is worth much more than 500g though.) wink
Laurana Elven Mage · Sat Apr 22, 2006 @ 05:57pm · 0 Comments |
D: Ugh. The gaia exchange sucks rocks. No one is willing to take the prices as is. They all want it lower. Guess what. I got cheated. However, 'cheated' is not the right word, because that would give a misconception that I 'didn't know'
I undersold an item to some guy. He turned around and sold it for the accepted marketplace price. stare
Therefore, I have come to this conclusion!
GAIA Exchange = EVIL scream scream
So. I say, screw it! I'll just use the market place. I'm rather fond of the buy-only option anyway.
Laurana Elven Mage · Thu Apr 20, 2006 @ 12:40am · 0 Comments |