I was so happy a few days ago, but now I'm feeling miserable.
I brought my cat into the vet today because he's been having trouble using his sandbox, and I come to find that he has a blockage in his urinary tract. If I am not able to get him to an emercency pet clinic to have an operation that costs anywhere from $300-$500--which I know we cannot pay for right now--he will die in the next 48 hours due to kidney failure. I am now faced with two decisions;
One, I wait till tomorrow and, hopefully, I can somehow have the operation performed, and he lives.
Two, I have him put to sleep tomorrow so he doesn't have to suffer.
He's only five years old, and I'll possibly be putting him to rest tomorrow. I've had him since he was a kitten, so it's hard for me to make these decisions. Would it be selfish of me to try and wait another day for the possibility of the operation? Or should I just put him to sleep?
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