I would like to write something about things that is going on in my life now... I would like to express myself by writing such things about myself... where I could be real and true to everyone... So sit back and relax... read and don't insult...
Confusing Decisions in Life...
Hey y'all... What will you do if you're at the point of giving up... Where you want to surrender yet you can't coz you just can't... I mean you feel like giving up but you can't coz you can't leave without that person.. or you might say that you don't want to waste your precious relationship. Yet you tried everything you can for that person but seems like everything you've done wasn't good enough... I kept thinking why do people always feel this way... I just wish i was a monkey where all I'll do is climb a tree and eat bananas.. Or maybe a bird where all I can do is fly in the sky enjoying the view up high.. Is this why we're superior among the other animals... do we really have to undergo this kind of confusing decision?? .. why can't we just be a dog where all we can do is bark, run in the park, eat and sleep... or if you want you can hump one another... *LOL*.. But this kind of things are just a test in life... Where we are being tested up to where we can achieve... without this we could never pass all the trials in life... right?!.. So one thing for sure... Never give up... If you fall down twice, Rise up 3x... Stand up and say... "Sorry, I'm just drunk *hick*".. lol.. Honestly, I just want her to know that she means a lot to me... and I'm willing to do everything for her because its how i love her and it's how the way i loved.. Too bad my english sux.. xd... well its up to you readers to understand...lol XD Either way I don't want any insults here... ayt?! evil Ciao~ m/(O_o)m/