Around this time of year, there are certain things circulating around o3o That is to say, candygrams and gifts <3 If they're that kind of person and love me, certain friends always come around with armful after armful of gifts, for me or for my OCs 8D
If you're looking for my B/C pets, by the way, they're three pages back : )
So thank you to everyone, here they are, listed by name~

Thank you, thank you, Kota <3 I have to be so touched that you're always thinking of me : ) It's a wonder that we've stayed together for so long and we always seem to compliment each other.
Let's continue to be friends, eh? Even after everything else changes owo
Morphie (Ravina Loki)

Faustus*: Morphie! : ) I really do hope we'll see each other again, that was fun!
Ravina Loki

AWWWH! Thank you, Ravi ;____; <3 I'm always touched by the things you do for me, and I'm glad that we're constantly in this happy friendship that I can always rely on. Thanks for being by my side! o3o Let's continue on just like this.
Salem (ex o ex Snoof)

Faustus: -blink- F-for me...? Thank you... -deeply touched- You didn't disturb me at all.
*If you're wondering who Faustus is, here <3