It doesn't matter how rich you are or how popular you are because you win or something! your personality is what it matters,this is what others are interested in!!
I will tell you a story that you might find weird... i once met a girl in NYC...she had a blue eyes ,blond hair,great body....but she was cursed by disrespecting the others and not giving any care about what she says to people....and the thing is...she liked me...but i did not!! Why???Are you crazy??? that were the words my friend started shouting at me see don't look at the house from the outside only ,it may look really good......but whats inside is more important than any thing! and the opposite is true!!
OH...and for the people who are calling other gaians as newbs and noobs.....Ive got 5 words for you "YOU WERE ALSO A NOOB/NEWB"