"Where...where am I? My head...ngh...I can't move...am I dreaming? I can hear voices..."
"Ah! Quick, someone get the boss!"
"Woah, she blinked!"
"Calm down you two, we don't want to frighten her."
"Wah, what pretty eyes she has..."
"Woah...she's breathing!"
"Gah, don't touch her there!"
"Ow! Gomen!"
"Pain...everywhere...no, this definitely isn't a dream...what's going on? I can't see anything? Wait...something's coming into focus..."
A group of five stood awe-struck around a grey hospital bed, and on it, a green haired girl who appeared to be sleeping.
"Give her some space, everyone. She's probably in a lot of pain." said a young male with white hair. Twin boys with blue hair, appearing to be a couple years younger, backed away a few inches. They stuck their tongue out at the white haired man in unison. A boy with sandy brown hair sat next to a girl with short red hair, both silent. Just then, a small girl with pink pigtails, and glazed, grey eyes walked into the room. At that moment, everyone was silent.
"She has awakened?" she asked. Even her voice was emotionless.
"That's right, milady," Said the white-haired man. "Though she hasn't yet shown any signs of movement." The pink haired girl stood over the girl in the bed, looking at her face intently.
"She's weak, Kakeru. Did she lose much blood?" she questioned, referring to the white haired man.
"Not at all, milady. Though she didn't have much energy before, so this is to be expected." He replied. The small girl put her hand on the cheek of the green haired maiden, and muttered something inaudible. Suddenly the girl's eyes were fully open, and she seemed to be in pain, twitching around and gritting her teeth. The pink-haired girl turned away and began to exit.
Her name is Kumokoe. Treat her with care." And with that, she left.
The group suddenly stood up quickly, looks of concern and fear on their faces.
"Kakeru, what's happening to her?" asked the twins in synch.
"She's fine, Akio, Akira. The numbness is just going away." he replied. The girl opened her eyes again, and slowly sat up. She looked around, mentally questioning the faces of the group surrounding her. Her long, green hair laid messily over her shoulders.
"Hi! My name's Akio, and this here is my brother Akira,we're twins!" said one of the blue-haired boys hastily.
"And I'm Gambette, and this is my partner, Emile." Said the red haired girl, now proven to actually be a man. He pointed to the brown haired man next to him, who nodded in greeting.
"And my name is....Kakeru." The white haired man said, almost hesitantly. "Can you speak?" Kumokoe slowly opened her mouth, and a small "Yes" followed.
"Ah, how cute!" exclaimed Gambette, proceeding to hug her. "And such fine hair..."
"Too bad we'll have to cut it off," said Kakeru, picking up Kumokoe bridal style. She had a distressed look to her face, but Kakeru smiled, shrugging. "Boss' orders." he said, walking away with her in his arms. It wasn't long before she lost her consciousness again.
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