General Caraway is of Asian descent, though her great grandmother was European. As a result, her hair, as well as her father's, is a lighter shade than the typical black. However, that is the only thing she retained from her European ancestry. Much to her frustration she gets her height from her mother, coming in at a petite 5' 3". People say not to worry, that she'll grow later on. But, seeing as how she hasn't noticeably grown upwards in the past couple of years, Caraway has her doubts. Her eyes are an incredibly dark brown, with flecks of hazel and gold.
appearance ref
History Caraway was born to a family of magic, though they aren't truly pureblood by any means. Her own father is a half blood himself - his mother being a muggle and all. There have also been a number of marriages to muggles throughout the extended family as well. As a result, Caraway has grown up in both worlds. As a younger child, she was schooled first at home - since young children aren't exactly renowned for their self control - but was eventually moved to a normal primary school until she became old enough to attend Hogwarts.
She was taught from an early age that tolerance of all peoples is a necessity of basic humanity, so she views the beliefs of the old purebloods as archaic and ridiculous. Hard work has also been viewed as preferable over natural talent, as the family belief is that, allowing oneself to simply become stagnant as a person is just a waste of potential.
Her father is a healer, though he often (discretely) mixes the modern sciences with magic. Her mother is an ex-auror - having retired when Caraway was born - and now teaches new potentials.
Personality + Sociable + Slow to anger
= Pragmatic: the glass has water in it
- Somewhat uncompromising, especially if she's set her mind on something - Holds grudges - Sarcastic and snappy when upset
Hobbies || Art || Musical things || Reading || Messing around with magic
Used Alohamora
Phoenix Songbird · Sat Jan 24, 2015 @ 11:40pm · 0 Comments |