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Gah! Yo, 'tis I. I want to speak of methinks and thoughts. Aye, I spelt it right... You'll notice I have a tendancy to write in a strange combination of Olde English, Pirate-slang and just my own little language. Enjoy the misunderstandings!

Cornered Brain
Community Member
Long Absences and Shopping Sprees...
Alright, so I've been away for over a year - who gives a damn? WINE AND CHEESE! cheese_whine

The last time I logged in, henceforth refered to as The Last Time, I was on Gaia so often that I could rot and die in its servers. I'm sure someone wouldn't like that, I'd be a real mess to clean out. Well, since The Last Time, I've been totally deprived of Gaia, and, though I can't say that I miss it, it feels distinctly good to be back on.

And of the Shopping Sprees - that's what I really love about Gaia. I can make money just by wandering around, and I can spend them on all the clothes, toys, accessories and other pointless things I want. I can do practically anything with it, and it has no effect on my real life. It feels nice.

Well, that's as much as I want to talk about - no rants this time. Maybe later.

YARR! pirate

The Flip Side
I hear so many beefs and complaints and bitching about 'Generation X', 'Kids These Days' and 'Those Youngsters' - s**t, I hear it from myself sometimes, too! But what I'd like to explore today is the other side of the street - the (really) older side of the street.

Now, while I shall make this a very accurate rant and argument, I shall not excuse absolutely everyone. I shall excuse the nice seniors and older adults who are accepting change, greeting new ideas and adapting well. If you are over 55, and are goin' with the flow, dancin' to the music, or doin' whatever you cool cats do best, then you, my friend, are a very awesome exception.

However, for the rest of the seniors/older adults/grown up kids who believe that, since they have lived, slept, ate, taken shits and sat in the same chair for a hell of a lot longer than the rest of us, you, people, are the subject of this rant. This is specifically directed at my very old and stubborn neighbors. Now, I find it necessary to note that I have seen them out of the house once. They were walking to the corner to point out to my other neighbors that their wall was at once ugly, annoying and a hazard to "god-knows-whats".

I have lived the same community for a number of years, though I wouldn't call myself "born and raised" from there, and I find it very charming. Most of the older couples and seniors in the area are fun-loving, hard-working and community-active young-at-hearts. It ought also to be noted that my neighborhood is to the dogs - literally. My neighbors down the street have around 6 dogs, and they are involved in an animal rescue program; my other neighbor used to have a dog, he was a very nice and gentle neighborhood watch-dog; and almost every other house in our immediate vicinity has a cat, dog, rabbit or pet of any kind.

The way that the old man and lady parade themselves about as though they're so high-and-mighty is just down-right disturbing and rude. I can hear them complain loudly about "loud, annoying animals who smell and s**t all over", about "children who screech to no end (though I agree)" and about how they want to "dismember and shut up those mangy mutts".

I have a dog, she is very cute and very nice. We let her go outside when the temperature isn't too cold or too hot (she get frostbitten paws quite easily), and she is a staple in the days of neighborhood children. Now, as we live near a ravine, there are occasional people who do not belong in the ravie who choose to live there. My dog barks at them and scares them to the other side of the ravine, where there are no little children or houses.

Unfortunately for my innocent and cute puppy, the old man and lady find her annoying and useless. The old lady actually came out and stood, fists on hips, giving my dog the eye. My dad, who was out doing yardwork (and is not exactly the yougest man on the planet), noticed this smoldering old woman and her wrinkly, ugly expression and how she made kicking motions at our dog. She had said something to the effect of "You shut that thing up, Mister", before my dad decided to show her how my dog was nice and friendly.

So my dad took the dog, who is perpetually in a friendly dispositon and would much rather lick your face off than bite you, and went to see the old lady. Now, both my dog and my dad are very friendly people... mind, they look a tad different... But they are not in the least part threatening. The old lady, however, promptly ran off, terrified and most likely about to call the pound on my dog.

A few months later, I learned that she had been at it again - this time, with her husband and towards our neighbor's dogs. Now, our neighbors were away at the time, and had left their own mum-and-dad pairing to look after the spacious house and the several dogs. The parents are very nice people, seeing as they raised such nice children, who in turn now have their own very nice children. The two were just returning from a walk when the old man and lady pulled up in their truck.

The old lady gave the neighbor's mum a smoldering evil-eye glare. She rolled down her window and was just givin' 'er to the mum, who was holding on to the many leashes, plainly stupified. After swearing and yelling and most likely spitlling all over the poor neighbor's mum, the old couple hoisted their chins up and drove off.

Now, while I do have a grandmother and an... "adopted" perse, grandfather in Quebec, I do understand that the elderly deserve a certain respect. But I do not believe that the respect gives them the authority to dole out judgement on others. No one has the right to condemn a neighborhood for caring about their pets, especially not if the pets are from an animal rescue program. I find that many people complain about the younger generations - well, what about the old geezers and farts out there? There are always exceptions, and many of them at that, but what of the old people who shove their middle fingers into the faces of young children, swear at teenagers to their faces, scratch other people's cars and tell off other seniors?

I have a beef with those non-piratical, non-practical, bitching and I-am-on-top-of-the-world-because-of-my-old-age seniors. Sir, I must insist that either you both enlist in a senior's home meant for socially inept people such as yourself, or you "shut that thing up".

Good Night and Good Bye.

End://Slightly non-piratical (see last paragraph) rant #3.

Note to Sen - If you've got a beef, write it in your own Journal. The link is under 'My Gaia'. You'll find it, I'm sure.

Cornered Brain
Community Member

Cornered Brain
Community Member
Wanting Gold...
I want Gold. I want it bad... And so, I'm thinking of starting a mini-store and plunging myself down into the depths of working at drawings all night long.

"Why?", some people ask. "Why would you do such madness?"

Well, I would do such madness only because I want to become pirate. And so, I'm going to make myself a pirate! pirate

I'll make Quest Banners, Signatures, do some art... But Avvie Art only when I want/time permits... aka: DURING SUMMER ONLY. I can't draw crazily good, so I'll make sure I can only do a few stuff, assuring quality...

Yeah... There we go! I'll keep anyone potentially reading this posted... Or not... This is really just because I want to post here and haven't done so in quite some time...

I wanna watch the new Pirate of The Carribean. And s**t... I forgot to return my movie... It is now overdue. F*ck. mad

There's So Much...
...That's wrong with the world these days. I'm not saying I'm old, or that everything's gone to sh*t, but I think that societies little standards have fallen. I'm not a purist, traditionalist or high-strung librarian - I'm a reasonable, piratical girl. Now, I'll start by describing how colour blind the world is. I saw a 2-compartment freight truck hauling under the name of "Yellow Freighting". Now, not only was the truck itself white not yellow, but white, the logo and the text of the phone number & website were in orange. I mean, geez! If you're gonna start a company, you'd better be damned consistent -
"Go with the yellow font sir, we are named Yellow Freighting."
"No, dammit, Jesserie, we're usin' the ORANGE font, and the ORANGE logo to advertise our company named YELLOW freight."

...And, there's more! I recently saw an old lady who had dyed her hair diseased-cat-piss yellow/barf-green. It was horrific. Almost as bad as her much too low shirt. That's also another thing - societies dress standards are at once falling and rising at an alarming rate! I mean, alright, so I've got, like, a perfect body and,like, totally hot, nice 32" legs - doesn't mean that I can run about in "shorts" which qualify more under the category of lingerie than clothing. Girls - leave somethin' for the guys' imagination - they'll be more prone to... performing... If you let them see it all at once, they'll just get it over and done with once and for all. Imagination is much better than explicitly showing - it gives it a bit more romance.

Alright, beefs 1,2 and 3 over. Now, beef #4. A couple days ago, I was waiting for my bus by the University. And, lo and behold, I saw my friend biking towards me. I said "Hey", he said "Good Mornin'" and we both went on our way... Well, he did, I stayed put. And just after he'd gone and brightened my day, three kids came up and decided to talk loud, talk like they knew everything, talk, talk, talk... And they weren't even girls. Alright, tween to 15-year-old boys, I am going to be offensive. If you are in this age demographic and are not:

1) Rude
2) Obnoxious
3) Loud
4) Stinky (no regard to personal hygiene)
5) Immature
6) In Junior High/Elementary

...Then you are exempt from following accusations and I humbly apologize for all the flaming and burning and beefing which will soon be directed at your age group... *takes a breath*

Alright, so I was waiting for the bus, just a block down from a street where there are lots of University students and pedestrians and cars. Lots. Tons. A huge gyrating mass. And so, they all just go about on their business and honk, swear and then wave and move on. Except one man and cyclist. The car was turning right, onto my street, quite fast, and failed to notice the oncoming cyclist (Bad. -4 points) until his bike was halfway under the tire and the cyclist (no helmet, so -2 points) until he'd flipped over the car and landed half on his side, half on his face.

Alright, so far, Car: -4 Cyclist: -2

The cyclist then proceeded to get up, wipe some blood from his arm and swear at the driver of the car. (considering his circumstances, +1.) The driver came out and apologized, then, after assuring the cyclist was alright, went back to his car to fish out a towel. The driver had his passenger call someone, we'll assume it's 911. (Car, +1). The towel went to the cyclist, who gratefully took it to gingerly wipe at his arm. After the driver and cyclist worked together to take the bike out from under the car, the cyclist stood by the corner, where he was attended to by passers-by whom he thanked. (Car: +1; Cyclist: +1; Passers-by: +1 for each, so +7.)

Then, the one kid, whom I thought would be an alright kid, turned, pointed and roared in laughter. "DUDE, that guy hit a biker! Awesome! That's so hilarious! Dude, look'it! He's bleedin' from the head, man! Sweet! That's priceless, man, priceless."

Forgive me lord, for I am about to sin...

-9,999,999,999 POINTS

What the f*cking hell is wrong with kids these days. If any of you reading this is would laugh at such a sight as a cyclist almost losing his life - GO GET HIT BY A SPEEDING CAR AT THIS POINT IN TIME. If you manage to survive/keep your lungs/chest intact - then I'm sure you'd be able to laugh at this and say "Oh, that's not as bad."

Whoever that kid's stupid and irresponsible parents are: -100,000 points!!!! GET SOME THERAPY FOR LETTING YOUR KID PLAY GTA or KILL PEOPLE ON BIKES WITH CARS. OR, help your kid gain some humility and respect for life - CAT O' NINE! CAT O' NINE!

Also, the kid was trying to get his two friends (who fall under category of concerned passers-by so: Passers-by: +9) to laugh with him at the dude now bleeding from the head and shaking slightly. So,


-1,000,000,000 POINTS



End Beef #4. Total Tally:

Car: -2
Cyclist: -1
Passers-by: +9
Parents of Child: -100,000

://End of Non-Piratical Rant #2.

Cornered Brain
Community Member

Cornered Brain
Community Member
Generation X...
I personally don't think that Generation X is all that great. Yes, I know I'm including the majority of you all and myself in this category, but I shall continue in anycase. I live in a nice house, in a nice neighborhood, with three neighbors and no back alley. A really nice place, if you ask me, and it ought to be quiet at night.

I wrote a page long rant on how my neighbor's 21-year old girl brought over her 'friends' and proceeded to hoot, get high, get drunk and scream like monkeys in heat. I do not appreciate having the sanctity of my home violated by drunk and high 19- to 22-year olds having raging orgasms in an open air driveway which I happen to live right beside. If any of you have the power to mysteriously shut these horny monkey-look alikes, please, by all means do so.

I do not like being kept up 'till two o'clock because my neighbor's immature, sex-crazed, look-at-me-I'm-naked-and-signing daughter. By no means am I blaming my neighbor for their daughter's stupidity, but I am by all means condemning the daughter.

Have a beef with me? Suck it up and deal with it, b*tch - or go get a room with that p***s-machine of yours.

://End of Profanity Ridden, Non-Piratical Rant.

pirate Yar.

My Ambition
If you look at my wishlist, you'll see it all... I want to be a PIRATE, mate! Y'know what I think, Gaia ought to have tricorn hats. And pirate boots, and cutlasses, and all those other things a pirate needs.

If you're a fellow pirate fan, aim to wear a pirate brand and sail under a pirate flag - please help me! Seeing as I'm new, I don't really know how to donate, but you can always buy things from me (steady supply of feathers so long as the Tsubasa Quest is still on), or trade with me for some of the stuff I need to make my house a PIRATE CABIN.

pirate says: Yar.

Cornered Brain
Community Member

Cornered Brain
Community Member
Not Bloody Pirates!
I'm on a pirate streak right now - and you'd best be to not disturb it. Yeah... I've just really been wanting to do nothing - can't wait for the May long weekend! Or Mother's Day! I'm going out with my mom, to a fancy restaurant! Yay!

Yeah, I've also been trying to draw a picture for a character I'm trying to create, certain people will know who it is, and I've discovered that I cannot do realistic poses anymore.

That's about all - off to watch Pirates of the Carribean 2! And wait for the third! (I'm not exciteable about movies, so this is saying something.)

Well, then...

Have you ever heard that insomnia is the most tragically romantic condition? Well, I have, and I must say that if one finds being half-dead and only alive in the sense of being consistently on the verge of banging one's head on the table because of tremendous fatigue, then it certainly is. Mostly, it isn't, and I find it horrible.

It's because of this ailment that I have been speaking with the likeness of a pirate for the most part of the day. And to that effect, mate, I say to you I'll be in me bed, sleepin' it-all off 'en.

G'night, mate, don' let me ship crash off 'ose rocks.

Adding to this 'cause I'm too lazy to open up a new one: (And I feel like talking like a pirate - insert Captain Jack Sparrow voice here pirate )

I jus' met me friend, poor mate got a complication wi'd 'is operation for his appendix.... (Tha' is 'ow yeh spell, eh?) 'E can' eat fer quite the tyme... He hadn't eaten in 'bout 54 hours when I met 'im - an' he can' star' eatin' 'gain 'till noon tamarrah. Poor mate, 'e jus' 'bout fain'ed on me... 'En 'e 'ad ta work, poor chap.

Any'oo, I'm'nna git ter me writin' on me stawrry - 'ave a g'night, mate, and again, watch 'ose bloody rocks! pirate

Cornered Brain
Community Member

Cornered Brain
Community Member
And so it Began...

I'm Atalus, that's about all I'll say. I don't really have much to say today aside from the fact that I WANT IT TO BE HALLOWE'EN (or SUMMER), and that I want to see the new Pirates of the Carribean movie. I suppose I could tell you about me-self, if you'll kindly read this through...

I am a small person, and I find no shame in that. In fact, I'd say at times my height is quite the good thing, as I have no need to constantly duck door frames or worry about hitting my head on signs. I am also a fanatic of pirates, if you hadn't noticed, and of Hallowe'en. I love to dress-up as other people, and I really want to be either a pirate, a masquerade attendee (wearing my black cape lovingly sewn by my mother - god bless her - and my own attempt at making a Bunta mask.), or a vampire. If you have something to say, please do - if you have tips on making a Bunta mask or any type of very nice looking mask, then please message me.

Alright, that's about it... Ah, yes... I am also an aspiring business woman and writer. I don't care if you think that's weird, that's me - so suck it up and deal with it. (Sorry if I seem harsh, but I don't change for anyone, savvy?) I have a secret ambition to speak like a pirate for all of Talk Like a Pirate Day pirate and I love to write poetry, which can be either very funny, very dark or just very, very strange.

Well, that's all, I'm off to tackle writing a 6-page french story - wish me luck, I'll need it.

G'night, mateys!

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