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My Blood stained words This is the place where i have typed many word whom are both strong and weak which could effect your life, I sigh for the words whom i have'nt thought of the ones whom i neglected and i hope you will recognize as those words do means something and ma

Community Member
The weep Of the birds Chorus forgive me it has a rushed end
The Weep of the Birds Chorus

In a land off the shore of the farthest ocean, an island of great hope and divinity existed. The island was named Crimson Island by fishermen who rarely spotted it in its mysterious fog which cloaked it from sight and it would sometimes even vanish as if it was just a mirage. The island was called Crimson island from the strange ruby red berries and gems they would find in the water from where they thought they had seen the island. Crimson Island was of great importance to all deities but mostly the ones with the abilities of flight. Every creature that soared in the skies originated from this paradise. All of the colours that made the rainbow were once in a puddle in this island of majestic proportions. All that spread their wings a flew from this island mystified and inspired all whom saw it. A married couple who where lost from a civil war fled their home and life to escape the fate which wanted their souls. They took a boat and sailed into a mysterious ocean which still lingers unknown. A god of hope watched them come ever closer to his home which was Crimson island. He looked into their past to see their hardships and joy. With a the consent of the main ruler of this island, Okuta,
He allowed the couple to take shelter on the island. The couple sailed into a thick fog and noticed the water becoming shallow as the sun glittered amongst the soaked rocks and pools of water of them, they wondered where they have just landed. A mermaid like creature broke from the ripples of the sea to reveal herself to the two. She looked at them oddly and said “hello creatures what art thou?” The couple stared intriguingly at the creature before them the man said “excuse me I have not introduced myself I am Furai Uyoku and my dearest is Yatai Uyoku, we are humans and what are you?.
When the Mermaid Creature herd this she was alarmed “That is not right it is dangerous here you must leave or…”she said and then she trailed off lowering her head “Its alright child they are permitted to be on the island” said a motherly voice. Furai and Yatai turned their heads in the direction of the voice. A pool of water rose and started to form a figure and added more details to it. A woman of beauty far beyond imagining appeared from the pool of water and gave a kind smile, Her hair flowed around her clothe less body covering her in a way that it seemed as a celestial robe covered her. She had eyes which reflect the blue of the sea and violets of the perfect shade. Her skin was a rich texture and golden as the sunlight piercing through a tree and finally her aura of kindness and admiration set a motherly tone around this divine being. She lifted her hand as the pool of water around the mermaid caressed the mermaid then lifted the mermaid to the palm of the woman. The mermaids blue eyes and blue scales shined as the sun touched her pure body. The woman said “ these are our guests for the moment and you should let them find a shelter before the fog comes again. The mermaid smiled and said “of course m’ lady I shan’t disobey” as she jumped of the palm of the woman’s hand into a pool of water and giggled“ I may not be of great service but lay not thou boat in that part of the beach or thou shall be pestered by the water elves!” Yatai smiled and said “thank you “ The mermaid disappeared quite quickly into the water mostly because of her size as the woman walked over to the couple and said “ I suggest you take her opinion those elves get annoying easily and you should find shelter soon, once the fog comes around it becomes cold for a while “ Furai thanked her and stepped out of the boat onto sand and rocks as he help his dear wife onto shore. They brought the boat up onto the shore and gazed into each others eyes. “It will be okay Yatai, I don’t know where we are but if we follow what some of the creatures say we will be okay!” Furai assured, “but you’ve remembered what our grandparents would pester us about not trusting any creatures!” Yatai sighed. “ I know what they said but I trust the woman she seems nice” Furai said as Yatai agreed . The woman looked at Furai and thought “Interesting indeed… I have not met a single man who hasn’t stared at my figure or once thought about me in a corrupt way, This man is true to his heart Okuta you have made a worthy choice. The sun started to disappear behind a think layer of clouds making a fog rise slowly, creeping into ever crevice and vast landscape seen. The ocean itself seemed to be covered as this fog made its way along the water. Also a wall of clouds started forming a kilo meter from the shore of the island making a barrier so that no one could see past the cloud from the island. The couple looked back and saw the fog slide its way over every obstacle to the young couple, out of fear the started to pick up their walking pace until the walking became running… they past plant life animals and mostly birds until they reached a lake. Their where creatures of unknown species at the lake playing inside and around the lake. The fog rose to the lake but did not touch it so Yatai and Furai jumped in but then something tossed them out saying “Thou shall not pass!” with a thunderous angry voice. A man of great muscle and height appeared. He has flowing white hair and powerful yellow eyes, he was riding a dark violet horse with red eyes and wings of great length. He had a Staff in his hand with a design of dragons swirling upwards with their mouths and arms biting a multicoloured circular crystal as both of those dragons wings were spread out. He came from the sky at the speed of lightning as his hair flowed back against the wind. The horse beamed his blood red eyes at the two frightened humans, They where shocked at this sudden appearance of a godly being. They shook at the sight of his angered eyes peering at them so heavily it would crush your emotions and smother them into the very ground they were created. He howled “How dare you enter the lake of salvation without permission!’ Furai looked dumbfounded the thought “salvation” and then he figured it out, the lake gleamed of its own life source and he noticed how the elves just kept coming out of the lake in a playful manner like children. CHILDREN! he thought, that what was coming out of the lake! Then he said “:We apologize lord…”Okuta” Okuta interrupted ’ oh sorry milord’ Furai continued ‘ we had no idea about this lake and we were escaping the fog which seemed to engulf everything near it” he finished. “look at you feet humans’ he said while he rose his finger in the direction of the two humans. They looked at the ground in curiosity and saw the fog they had once feared. Yatai was about to scream but then the fog dissolved as the sun broke through the clouds onto the land. “ the fog is merely a cloak for this land as it passes through to the land of the gods” Okuta stated as if he was explaining something of slight importance to a child “GODS!” Yatai exclaimed almost choking on her own words, the human civilization is already privileged to be told that a god exists and humans are even blessed to greet one but stepping into the land of gods is a whole other story itself as if you are becoming a holy being yourself or as if you are trespassing on a land that does not belong to you. These words they have just heard stunned both humans and changed the way they thought already. “This is absurd we must leave we have no rights here and we cannot stay in a gods land” Yatai shouted and then panicked as if she had just murdered a creature. “ Stop your foolish acts humans, my brother Balmung of the Azure waters had seen your troubles in his eyes and has let you come to live on this island and let you continue your life here away from you terrible past “ explained Okuta “ But be warned if you do not follow our rules and disobey us or makes us loose our trust with you we shall abandon you to your deaths” he finished. “Thank you very much milord we shall not break the bonds you have made” Furai said with tears in his eyes. He knew that a god himself allowed him and his wife to stay in a paradise of an island.

3 years later

Yatai woke with an feeling in her stomach as she woke Furai up “ dearest” she whispered “ I think I am going to have him “ Furai’s eye lids opened as quickly as a jiffy then he said “I understand” he jumped up and picked up Yatai and ran as quickly as he could to the lake of salvation , at the moment he reached the shore Yatai moaned “quickly” Furai laid her beside the waterbed and put his hands together in a praying position and closed his eyes, “ Oh mighty gods I call, I abide by your law to grant me the divine waters of this lake, hear my call by the powers of flight wind water and earth Okuta Grant me permission to use the lake of salvation!” he stated as light orbs started appearing out of thin air. “ You have been given permission to utilize our waters” a booming voice said. Furai quickly moved to take Yatai as she moaned and said “quickly!” he moved her into the water as she sighed and thanked him. The waters glowed a light blue and Okuta came from the heavens flying on a chariot like cloud with his violet horse attached onto it. He came down with a smile which did not suit him at all, he looked down at the couple as Yatai closed her eyes and her head went underwater. Furai was about to leap inside to save her but Okuta stopped him and said “ its not called the lake of salvation for a reason” Furai gave him a worried look as Okuta held his multicoloured staff in the air and said “ By the power of the gods I grant the child whom will be born today, with the powers of flight but if he uses them in an unjust way they shall be ripped from him and he will be punished by death” Furai became even more worried as he watched the staff of Okuta glow a beautiful warm colour as the lake itself reacted to the staff glowing white then going
Blood red for 5 seconds as Furai screamed out of terror. The moment it changed back Yatai stepped out of the water as if there was a underwater staircase. She climbed the stairs with a baby in her arms, the child was tanned skin and was sleeping. He was different in that way because both Furai and Yatai barely obtained a tan and seeing his golden skin Furai was sure that he was blessed. The moment Yatai gave Furai the baby she collapsed into a sleep. “ The child’s name is Touhi, he will obtain his true gift at the age of 10 and until then he will have his gift of tongue.

5 years later
Touhi ran up a hill then jumped of a rock as he yelled “ Tifa get back here!”, a red bird flew off and Touhi chased it. He almost cached up to the bird but his hand missed and he tripped and fell. He cut his hand and it got bloody but before he could wipe it off a splash of water hit it and it healed. A blue bird tossed a flower full of water at his hand, “ oh thanks Soren!” said Touhi as he got up “hey, how about I get you the blue stone you’ve been looking for if you can find Tifa and get the location of that multicolour pearl?” Touhi asked. The blue bird chirped excitedly as it flew off in the same direction as the red bird. Touhi ran back towards his parents house which they made out of enchanted wood, then ran into the main area where birds live on his way, he started hearing a song, no wait, many songs. The birds all sung a different song but when they sang it together it was the most beautiful of them all .He sat down intending to listen to more until he herd his mother call him. He apologized from his having to leave this song so beautiful. He sped off in the direction of his mothers voice. He reached her location right beside a field of flowers. She looked at him with tears as she said “ I’m so sorry my child, I am so very sorry” tears were flowing down her face as she said this. Touhi hearing this started to tear too and said “ sorry mother for whatever I have done I am sorry…”. She grabbed him and held him close and she said “ no child the woman of the waters instructed me to go to the other side of the island alone, she said this and according to Okuta I must do what she said therefore I will be gone for the years you will most need me in your life and please forgive me for that…” Touhi didn’t understand but all he wanted to do was caress his mother and let her cry even though it was breaking him slowly he would allow it only because it was her. A couple days past and the preparations for the leave of his mother was becoming ever closer and the nights were long a weary. Touhi completed the conquest he set on with Soren the blue bird, The multicoloured pearl was the last item he needed. The time was ever approaching and both Furai and Yatai were having the worst of times. Touhi appeared with pears in his hand then ran off to do work in his room. When the day actually came he came to his mother with a box made of a enchanted wood. Yatai opened it with curiosity to find a pearl necklace with the multicoloured one in the middle. She was amazed at the kindness he put into such a piece of jewellery and how he tried his best to make her a gift no one has ever given her. When Yatai left to go for the quest that was give to her Balmung watched her and was curious, He saw the woman who the couple first met hiding in a pool of water near the house and on the trail Yatai left. Balmung said in a Angered soft voice “ ALIA COME HERE” a stream of water formed into a woman and there she stood. “Alia where is Yatai leaving too?” He asked, “She has left on a quest to find the seeds of the countless birds“ she responded with a smile. “Seeds of the Countless birds you say” he mumbled and thought. “ Are you talking about the seeds which will one day blossom into a new breed of birds?” he asked, she confirmed that he was correct and then she smiled again. Her smile was different from when she first smiled and it felt a little more hidden in a way that it felt incomplete but on the outside, that smile fooled everyone. Furai was crying when she left as if his world just ended and Touhi crying himself did not even know what was happening

5 years later

“AAAAARRRRRRRGGHHHHHHHHH” Touhi screamed. It was the dead of night and he was piercing it with his nightmarish screams. Furai did not respond for it has been the 5th day in a row he has done this screaming. Strangely enough Touhi is screaming in his sleep, not a single memory of it when he wakes. One week later it was the last day when the clock struck 12 he stopped screaming and in the morning when he awoke he screamed again.
This time Furai rushed up to the room, black feathers filled the room and covered every surface, also trickles of blood were everywhere also causing Touhi to panic at the sight of his own blood. The blood stopped quickly when Furai placed a lotion of nuts and fruit he created on the edges of where the wings and body joined. Touhi was still dumbfound that in one night he had gained the wings. It would explain everything to his father by the screaming but still it was a absolute trouble for him. 3 weeks later……
Touhi had finally gotten used to his new wings. He flew around with Tifa and Soren with the Other birds too singing with their songs even though he knew his voice could not even compare to his. As he was distracted by this Alia came closer to his father more and more. She was craving something, something big, what she wanted was vengeance. Not a single man from the day she gained her inexplicably beautiful body has ever ignored her looks. No man besides Furai never thought any vulgar thought. He was the only man who did not even care about her. She was absolutely insulted, “why should I have to put up with his ignorance and tastelessness” she thought as her mind slowly became vile and wretched. After a while she became obsessed with Furai and kept trying to seduce him to get him killed by breaking his loyalty to his wife who was on the other side of the island trying to get seeds which only could work if a god touched them. Yatai had been fooled and if she continued to do her quest she would either be killed or too feeble to return. Alia’s plot had finally come into place. Touhi was becoming an advanced flyer and found ways to hide in trees and other areas, he made his fathers work a lot easier by getting fruits and other items needed for daily errands. Alia on the other hand was trying her best to seduce him so she would come at night wanting to sleep in their household and take the place of Yatai but her attempts where failing continuously. One night in the 7years later she tried to poison Furai with a natural substance which made men want to conceive. Instead of Furai eating his dinner Touhi ate it instead trying to conserve food. That night he felt absolutely lost, his control of himself was barely anything to keep him from moving, he left his home and flew off to the bay of the lonely sirens. They called for him and his drug took affect, the cries of the sirens where herd all night as if their love finally returned. The siren’s call only drove human men to them but Furai being entirely in love with Yatai Blocked out the sound. Alia was shocked and ran towards the sirens, when she reached them she was too late, they have already had their way with them and the sirens no longer wanted to call to the ocean for their needs have been fulfilled by the human angel Touhi. Alia felt terrible and took Touhi’s feeble body back home. In the morning Okuta roared in anger, he was enraged that Touhi had done such an act of selfishness and banned Touhi from flying for 1 year and 1 month past after Touhi finally recovering from the drug. He found Alia speaking to herself in his father room and how she admits to her poisoning him and setting his mother up for a trap. He becomes enraged by her lies and fly’s off. Balmung was watching Touhi and alerts his Older sibling that Touhi has broken his rule. Touhi find his mother about to be eaten by an ogre and sees her with a bag of seeds she trying to protect. He swoops down with a two headed axe and decapitates the ogre in a gruesome way. She is amazed by his wings as he picks her up and takes her home.
“TOUHI HOW DARE THOU DISOBEY ME!!!” Okuta said enraged with such anger which only was fuelled even more by having Yatai’s quest which was supposed to be solitary, aided by a rule breaker. Touhi got home as quickly as he could with his mother as Okuta came down like thunder and killed Touhi with a toss of his Staff. He looked stern and he was about to kill even more until Alia stepped forward she told her greedy story and as she finished Okuta looked at Touhi’s dead body and said” Alia this was at your cause?” and she said during her sobs “ yes milord” she fell to the floor crying as Yatai and Furai both grieved the death of their son. “Yatai give me the seeds ” said Okuta Yatai quickly gave him the seeds as she fell forwards crying “ Alia your treason has caused much grieving these seeds which you tricked that woman will now hold your beauty and hold your temptation inside of them” Okuta said as the seeds began glowing and her beauty was sucked inside leaving her a mere grotesque creature. The Birds ate the seeds as they held the memories of Touhi Uyoku inside of them as they never sung the symphony of Touhi again. Okuta Raised his Arm and Furai and Yatai Grew younger and The body of Touhi reformed into a human baby, “ No human shall ever walk of the ground of gods again to prevent another tragedy” said Okuta as he teleported them to the land, They forgot their memories as the new Touhi opened his baby eyes. No Human every stepped onto A gods land again, I know for i am Balmung The Brother Of the creator...

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