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Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 @ 10:10pm
Character 27: Ssuanyakondae, High Shaman of the Emerald Fist
Hid in the shadowed depths of a hooded robe, your gaze is met with eyes of glittering malice, glaring golden-yellow in the light and slit vertically. Trailing from the eyes, struck down the cheeks, and crossing the slits of a nose, lines and sigils trace a face bearing little to no cheekbone, flattened and angular. The markings glow faintly of an eerie blue beneath the hood. The body twists in a vague, distorted mockery of something once human. A thick, coiled tail replaces feet and legs, and as such the creature slithers as a snake, leaving a hiss of scales against ground in her wake. The torso is thickly muscled to support the upper body. Arms bared through sleeveless clothing, are carved and dyed with patterns of twisting serpents in a dark green-black, the body winding down each arm to leave the head to flare over the back of her hand, and the tongue to flicker over the middle finger. Her scales are deep emerald green, strewn with natural patterns in black, her underbelly a light shade of beige. Her robes are black, though seeming to be a very dark shade of green, split down the front and folded loosely over her. Held by way of a tied sash in a matching color, the robes extend a short way past where the tail begins, bearing a large piece of embroidery in various hues of shimmering emerald on the back depicted a closed, scaled fist. Under the robe, a glint of chain link can be seen, covering her top. The sash holds secured within its folds a falchion and a dagger in a hard leather sheathe. Hung onto the sash at her hip is a quiver holding not arrows, but a bundle of sticks of varying size. Her monstrous hands are gloved in fingerless gauntlets of a silvery metal in a mesh pattern, leaving her claws free to strike with. Finally as you take in the entirety of the monster before you, your eyes focus on the amulet about her neck. Fashioned from silver it is shaped as a great serpent curled around the world, set to devour it, the small emeralds of the serpent's eyes shining with the same malice as her own.Character Details: Name: Ssuanyakondae Age: Comparitively to a human she would be considered a mature adult Race: Yuan-ti (they're a snake-like race) Hair Style/Length: Her head is as a snake's, so she has no hair Unusual Features: Ssuanya is a yuan-ti abomination. Of the three types of yuan-ti, abominations are the closest to looking like large snakes. Most abominations (like Ssuanya) have large snake-like heads with baleful golden-yellow eyes slitted with black irises. The neck curves down into a human-like torso (this means the males have a broad, muscular chest while the females are more slender and, yes, have boobs xd ) covered in scales and bearing two long, muscular arms ending in elongated hands. The hands are sharply clawed and strong enough to attack with. The torso then blends seamlessly into a giant snake's body coils and tail. Yuan-ti can have the physical traits of different types of snakes. Ssuanya, in fact, has the look of a viper with the triangular-type head, heat pits on the face, and long fangs that she can fold back into her mouth when neccessary. Her scales are an emerald green color with natural patterns in black. Tattoos/Markings: Coiled around and down the length of both her arms is a stylised, tribal tattoo of a snake which she has the ability to call to life. Also, her tribal sigils are daubbed on her head and down her neck in a liquid compound that glows a phosporescent greenish-blue (feel free to use your imagination on how those look). Clothing: I'm not really satisfied with the outfit described in the above description, so please feel free to go wild with her clothing so long as it has a tribal, shamanistic look to it. Character Personality: Somewhat arrogant (she is used to her tribe jumping when she says jump as she is the High Shaman), cruel, twisted, sadistic, somewhat on the savage/barbaric side of civility, reverent, fervent in her religion Class: Cleric/Cultist Other: Ssuanya started out as a half-blooded yuan-ti and went through several stages before she finally became a full abomination (which was important as abominations are considered the closest in lineage to their goddess, and thus are the only ones allowed in the highest tiers of the priesthood). If you are interested in drawing Ssuanya as a half-blood or somewhere between the stages of half-blood and abomination, feel free to contact me for details 3nodding Reference Pictures: As a half-blood: Art by Oomi from WotC's Forums In-between stages: Art by BhrynAs a full-blood: by ChimeraNell
Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 @ 08:55am
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Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 @ 08:41pm
Iridethian Gods and Elemental Lords
These are the dieties and deific lords of Irideth. They rule over different races on the plane, or perhaps lord of the planes around Irideth, or perhaps just aspects of daily life. The utmost of these, the embodiments of the five primal forces that created the planes and drive them to this day, are the gods of the Astral Pantheon (who are all considered androgynous despite that they are often depicted as male or female). The trick to these characters is that for most of them there's no one set way to depict them, so I will give a general idea of what the god/lord stands for and is like and leave it up to the artist to design a complete look for them. Consider these characters 'freeform' type pictures wink Update: I am adding some ideas to help artists along should they choose to use them. However, please don't feel like you -have- to conform to these ideas! They are only meant to be guidelines to spark an idea, not neccessarily concrete features that must be included! The Astral PantheonAozark, God of Harmony and Balance -Greatest of all the Astral Gods -Keeps the multiverse in balance to keep it from being torn apart by the other four primal forces (creation, destruction, order, and havoc) -Is often depicted as either androgynous or male -Ideas: Aozark is the most powerful of the Astral gods, however he also has the most difficult job keeping all the other primal forces in harmony and balance. Some scholar's have even called him Irideth's Heart in the grand scheme of the cosmos. Irisiva, God of Creation and Kindness -Associated with all that's good -Often depicted as a feminine motherly figure -Ideas: Here's a great example of one type of look I imagined for Irisiva. The picture is actually of Demeter from DnD's Olympic Pantheon--> [link]) Falz, God of Destruction and Malice -Associated with all that's evil -Often reffered to as male despite having no set form -Ideas: Falz is often depicted as a large wraith or undead of terrible appearance, among other forms Torah, God of Order and Law -Associated with order and the constant drive to strive for betterment. -Also associated with justice -Generally depicted as a male despite having no set form -Ideas: Torah is probably the most warrior-like of the Astral pantheon. He always has a neat, orderly, perfectionist appearance. He metes out justice with no preferences or prejudice always doing what is fair and just no matter what the cost. He believes that being unbiased, even when it means showing no pity or mercy, is the only way to truly bring order to the world and step closer to perfection. Streekal, God of Havoc and Luck -Associated with chance, fate, chaos, and anything unpredictable -Often named "Lady Luck" or "Lady Fate" and believed to control good and bad luck -Generally depicted as female -Ideas: Often depicted as a rogueish female or a female gambler, she has a strong association among games of chance (such as dice, cards, arena games, horse racing, etc). Streekal is always changing, never staying the same for too long, and whenever she touches the world, change is inevitable, for good or bad. The Elemental LordsInga, Lord of the Spirits and the Plane of Athiande -Generally depicted as feminine or androgynous -Associated Colors: black, midnight blue, silver, gold, white -Ideas: Souls and spirits are often associated with the stars in Irideth as each star is said to be the remnant of a dead soul left after one dies and becomes a petitioner to their god. Some souls burn brighter than others, waiting, it is said, for the time when Inga will take their spirit and carefully carve it to fit into a new body to return to the world. Inga is also associated with magic, spirit energy being the baseline of all spells on Irideth. Phyralox, Lord of Fire and the Plane of Vaeros -Generally depicted as masculine -Colors associated with element: Red, yellow, orange, gold -May have fiery red skin or red-gold eyes and/or hair. May be composed of flames either partially or fully. -May dress in a vain or prideful manner. May have intricate fire motifs or designs reminiscent of flames -Personality associations: Varies to extremes, vain, proud, quick temper that isn't easily quelled, careless, uncontrollable, untameable -Favored weapon is a chained kama (basically a spiked chain that ends in a short scythe-like blade on either end) that is wrought in flame patterns and has a reddish-gold tint Naiades, Lord of Water and the Plane of Juserous -Generally depicted as feminine -Colors associated with element: Sea green, aquamarine, ocean blue, gray-green, foamy white -May have blue-green skin that may be scaled as a fish;s. May have hair like a waterfall -May wear clothes that resemble falls or ripples of water or the crests or waves. May wear light metal armor. -Personality characteristics: Proud but not vain, steady but variable when neccessary, adaptable, persistant and forceful when required, nurturing but stern, not quick to anger but very formidable when roused. -Favored weapon is a scythe whose blade is a rising wave Mistryl, Lord of Air and the Plane of Zephyrin -Generally depicted as feminine -Colors associated with element: Light blue, white, silver, light gray -May have light blue skin or calm blue-grey eyes. Maybe have pattersn on skin reminiscent of a breeze -May wear clothing that billows or flutters in an unseen breeze -Personality associations: Carefree, ever-changing, active/never in one place long, easy to offend but quick to forgive, unpredictable, variable extremes -Favored weapon is a light blue-tinged rapier with a metal-work hilt wrought to look like clouds or symbolize or give a feeling of wind Kragral, Lord of Earth and the Plane of Lithos -Generally depicted as masculine -Colors associated with element: "earthy" tones, greens, browns -May have rocky or pebbled skin. Skin may be dark greenish-brown with forest green eyes and veins of brighter green strewn through. May have leaves, vines, or grass for hair. May be solidly built. -May dress in heavy armor or sturdy clothing with leaf, vine, or tree motifs. -Personality characteristics: Steadfast and careful, slow to anger but ferocious when angered or offended, careful and cautious always thinking things through before acting. -Favored weapon is a heavy flail worked with nature motifs Frysa, Lord of Ice and the Plane of Argelid -Generally depicted as feminine -Colors associated with element: icy blue, white, silver -May have frosty skin or skin of an light, icy color. Hair may have icicles in it. May have sharp blue eyes or light hair. -Clothing may be in icy shades or have snowflake and icicle motifs -Personality characteristics: Aloof, cold, regal -Favored weapon is a longsword that rembles a shard of ice or crystal Tephyris, Lord of Magma and the Plane of Volkan -Generally depicted as masculine -Colors associations: red, black, golden-orange -May have skin pebbled with black rock and shot through with veins of fire -May wear heavy armor gilded and worked in gold with fiery or volcanic motifs -Personality characteristics: Angers easily but is slow to let it show, however displays of anger are very violent, cautious, proud and slightly vain Myrkal, Lord of Smoke and the Plane of Saarni -Generally depicted as feminine -Associated colors: black, dark gray, ashen gray, dark silver -May appear as a billowing smoke cloud with a humanoid shape. May have smoke or ashes drifting from the eyes or mouth or hair trailing off into smokiness. -May wear clothing that is light and billows on the wind in dark, smoky colors -Personality characteristics: Forthcoming -Favored weapon is a spiked chain Dreck, Lord of Ooze and the Plane of Alumyre -Generally depicted as masculine -Associated colors: black, browns especially muddy browns, muddy greens. -May appear as a broad shouldered humanoid shape rising from a pit of mud. May have a dark skin complexion. -May wear clothing or armor that is heavy but flexible. May wear sturdy clothes in dark, murky colors -Personality characteristics: Forthcoming -Favored weapon is a warhammer The Elven PantheonSaelithar, Father of the Elves Isilyme, Daughter of the Dance Liloth, the Black Widow Links, info, and more coming soon Finished Commissions: Irisiva by Katherdante Irisive by Xan-Phorie Rei Falz by ChimeraNell Torah by ~The Elven Pirate Ninja~ Streekal by Xan-Phorie Rei Inga by ~The Elven Pirate Ninja~ Phyralox by ~The Elven Pirate Ninja~ Naiades by BudhaPimp Frysa by Umetsuki Myrkal by Xan-Phorie Rei
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 @ 08:15pm
Character 25: Lyn'tora and Tyffron
Lyn`tora Dae`Ithildin Lyrcolath *Note* Technically, Lyn'tora is still a child at present, so the description I'll be giving will be of Lyn'tora more into her teen years 3nodding Race: Raukodae Gender: Female Age: Late teens (16-17-ish) Hair color/length/style: Her hair is fiery red like her mother's with the exception of a thick strand of hair framing the front of her face on the left side in a deep blue-black that fades to platinum blonde at the tips Eye color: Red-gold Skin color: Medium fair. She's darker than Jalil, but still has that fair "redhead" skin Body build: Slim, but curvy. She's not stick thin, but she's not overly fleshy either. Armor: Sparse coverings of leather armor, if any Weapons: She tends to rely on the One Power more than anything else. Clothing: She has Tyff's penchant for a more 'rogueish' dress. She enjoys shirts off the shoulder, necklines which dip teasingly without flaunting, breeches that show off her hips and laces to show skin. However, she also enjoys wearing Domani cuts and fashions such as dresses that cover from neck down, but mold the body in such a way as to leave no questions what lies beneath. Tattoos: None in any visible spots Jewelry: Lyn'tora is fond of earrings having several piercings in each ear. She also likes wearing numerous bracelets, but only ever seems to wear one necklace at a time. Other: Because of a childhood condition, Lyn'tora's crimson feathered wings never grew fully and are only vestigial and unusable. She cannot retract her wings like her mother and father. (imagine them as chibi wings in a way) Character Personality: Lyn'tora is a born and bred Domani, just like her mother, so she knows how to get her way with a man (not to mention she's had several years of practice wrapping Daddy around her little finger). Most people would consider Lyn'tora a more 'playful' personality than her mother. She's a bit more carefree and flirtatious (although Jalil attributes it partly to her age). -- Tyffron Lyrcolath *Note* Tyffron is not my character and is posted with permission by his player smile Race: Raukodae/Human Gender: Male Age: Appears early to mid 20s Hair color/length/style: He has short, ruffled hair left to an unkempt appearance. The color is black with platinum tips. Eye color: Red Skin color: Medium-tan. Tyff's skin appears well-tanned compared to Jalil's fair complexion and he is still darker than Lyn`tora, if not as much. Body build: Handsome, but light. Not overly muscled, but not weak. Clothing: Where Jalil dresses in a regal manner, Tyffron's look is often slightly more casual. His clothes are always chosen to enhance his charming good looks and tend to add to his casually ruffled appearance. Tyff often dons blacks and reds, but isn't exclusive to those colors of clothing. Other: Tyff has a pair of black feathered wings, the tips of each feather dotted crimson red. Like Jalil, his wings are retractable leaving only the appearance of two slits on the back when withdrawn. Character Personality: Charming, sly, sexy, suave Reference Pics: Lyn'Tora: by Celestial~Moonbirth OC TyffArtist: Lumo Gaian Tyff: Artist: Katherdante OC Tyff and Jalil: Artists from Left to Right: Budha Pimp, Rabscuttle., Songjewel Row 2: Lumo Tyff, Jalil, and Lyn'tora: by ChimeraNell Gaian Tyff and Jalil: Art by BhrynTyff's Gaia Avatar: We both based our Gaia avatars on our OCs save for the minor details
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Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 @ 08:10pm
Character 24: Jess Fistone
Slim by a touch when compared to her twin, Jessica Fistone cuts a highly 'girl-next-door' type of figure from her gently smiling face to her often coy demeanour. Barely reaching five foot six, her oval face shows a golden tone overlayed with bronze where the sun has gently caressed her skin over the years with a youthfulness that could make her seem only fifteen or sixteen summers of age if one didn't look closely. Even through the light tanned complexion, her cheeks are naturally rosy, complementing deep green eyes which easily give away that she is slightly older than she looks by glance. The crown of her head is topped in long golden-blonde locks, always carefully preened and designed despite what may outwardly seem like a casual arrangement, often braided with decorative ribbons matching her clothing run through the length, the loose strands tucked behind very slightly pointed ears. For clothing she now dons a pair of tanned trousers for travel wear tucked into boots to her mid-calf with a low heel. A short skirt overlays the breeches in a peachy colour, secured with a low slung belt over her hips bearing a pouch and a medallion. Finally, a short-sleeved, fitted top of light blue laces modestly over her chest, adding to the overall look of a simple farm girl.Character Details: Name: Jessica Fistone Age: 19 Race: Half-human, 1/4 dragon, 1/4 elven Eye color: Green Skin color: Golden complexion (comes from her draconic heritage) lightly tanned Body build: Athletically slim (she's worked with the animals on the farm for years, but all the heavy lifting and pushing was done by her dad and brother, so Jess still has a fairly 'girly' look about her) Hair color/length/style: Long (to her shoulder blades or mid-back) golden-blond (another hint of her draconic heritage, her hair may seem more golden than natural). The way she styles her hair serves a double purpose. To look pretty but also to be managable while she's working. Unusual Features: Light, practically invisible patches of golden scales dot her body in various, less visible spots (such as the back of the neck, between her shoulder blades, etc). Also, her because of her elven heritage she has slightly pointed ears (as a half-elf). Clothing: Jess likes to dress in colours like peach and pink with light blues to accentuate to the lighter colours. She also wears simple beiges and tans as well. Her outfits are always simply cut shirts and breeches, sometimes with a short skirt worn over the breeches. Jewelry: Very little if any, and simply made. She would likely have very little gold or silver jewelry having more stuff made from beads and string or the like. Character Personality: Simplistic, friendly if a bit shy, she's easily scared by strange things and definitely a bit naive (adventuring with Lori has helped that some, but she can still be jumpy). Jess is also the more responsible one between her and Lori. Character Preferences: Jess is an animal lover to the core. Even though monsters and odd creatures make her jumpy, if she ever saw a creature in pain her compassion for it would likely overcome her fear. Class: Druid Other: Jess and her twin may have been born together, but looking at them side by side at a glance one could easily think they weren't related, especially since Lori looks more tomboyish and Jess looks more girly. Even in the way they think the two girls are a slew of opposites. However, while they do fuss and squabble a good deal, when they get along they make for quite a pair. Reference Pics: Art by Xan-Phorie Rei Related PicsJess's Sister Lori. Overall they don't really bear much of a resemblance, but you can see it in their faces when you look closely. Art by Bhryn
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 @ 07:02pm
Character 23: Cooky the Fae Dragon
With blink and a poof, a very young fae dragon appears before you. She stands at a mere 6 inches tall, and that doesn't even include the 7 inch long tail! Her scales resemble a sapphire jewel, the insides of her wings shiny silver as well as her underbelley. Her eyes swirl with mischeviousness like dots of molten mercury. She always seems to wear a grin...a very large one that hints at some off-the-wall sceme for mischief being plotted. She wears a finely made dress of silver, given to her by her bestest big friend, Tisca, and made to allow plenty of room her for butterfly wings and prehensile tail. Hide your shineys...put the cookies away...for Cooky the Fae dragon is back with a vengance ^_^Character Details: Name: Cooky (supposed to be pronounced like "cookie" but more often is said like "Kooky" as in strange or crazy) Age: Would be considered around the age of a 10 year old Race: Fae Dragon Eye color: Silvery blue Skin color: Her scales are mostly a sapphire blue with silver scales along the underside of her belly and neck Body build: She's small, but has the build of a miniature dragon save having butterfly wings instead of dragon wings Carried items: She may carry a pouch in which to stuff anything shiny she can lay her little paws on Clothing: Is often seen in a silvery dress that was tailored especially to fit her as a gift from her "bestest big friend!", Tisca Jewelry: Wears some of the odds and ends she picks up from time to time, though a bracelet would have to be a necklace for her and a ring a bracelet, etc etc, because of her size Missing (or extra) appendages: She has a pair of butterfly-like wings and a prehensile, scaled tail Character Personality: Playful, young, immature, a bit of a prankster Character Preferences: Cookies, shiny objects, and generally having fun Other: Cooky should always have the type of cute appearance that generally makes people go "Aww, how adorable!" Makes it easier for her to prank them wink Reference Pics: Artists from left to right: Katherdante. Xan-Phorie ReiOther References: Delphi Azteca, a Fae Dragon - Artist Unknown Delphi Azteca (c) herself
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Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 @ 06:20pm
Character 22: Iriondar
Iriondar (Ee-rie-AHN-dar), daughter of Erevain (Eh-REH-vay-een), daughter of Alelle, daughter of Miorinne of Stedding TsofuEasily standing out from the crowd, your eyes fall on this fairly unusual woman. She appears to be a large human by figure, standing close to nine feet in height, but the similarities end there. The first major difference you notice are the large, soft ears sweeping out from under her hair to a delicate point, tufted on the ends and twitching as they cautiously take in the noises around. Looking upon her face, it is clear how few resemblances there are. Her face is shaped slightly shorter and thicker than a human's would be with a broad, flattened nose and large, bushy eyebrows which droop over her eyes. Broad shoulders give her the appearance of strength, but her smile is disarming and kind. Large hands seem to perform actions with measured delicacy, despite their alarming size. Her hair is worn long down her back with two braids falling over her shoulders.
Her garb is fairly typical for her race. She wears a tailored dress in a beautiful hunter green embroidered with a colorful flower and vine motif around all the hems, and a large trefoil leaf design on her shoulders. A knitted shawl of creamy white hangs over her shoulders, but is usually hidden by the large tan cloak. She carries with her a beautiful staff which appears as if it's been lovingly carved from the finest of wood, but oddly bears no marks that it has ever been touched by a carving knife. Large boots, which seem to be shaped specifically for her, cover and protect her feet. The jingle of braclets around her wrists follow her as she walks, each bracelet molded in a different flower motif, as well as the soft clink of her necklaces.Character Details: Name: Iriondar Age: 187 (Ogier reach maturity around 90) Race: Ogier Eye color: Chocolate brown Skin color: Average Body build: Ogier are tall with broad shoulders and huge hands, but are a gentle, peaceful people Hair color/length/style: As normal for her people, Iriondar wears her hair long down her back with two fair sized braids of hair hanging from either temple either over her shoulder or down over the front of her dress. Her hair is a light chestnut brown. Unusual Features: She has a broad, flattened nose and two large, delicate, tufted ears poking through her hair. Carried items: She carries a staff of sung wood (Some Ogier, like Iriondar, have a talent for singing to trees and causing them to grow or heal themselves. Taken a step further, this talent allows shapes to be created from the wood without harming the tree or even needing a carving knife) and sometimes a light travel pack. Clothing: She wears a dress in rich, hunter green with a fair amount of colorful embroidery spiraling halfway up her skirt in motifs of vines, flowers, and leaves. (The more embroidery on a female Ogier's dress, the higher her station. Iriondar is well recognized for her ability to Sing to the trees, and though she's considered an adult growing well into maturity, she's still in her younger years for an Ogier, so she has a fair amount of embroidery for someone her age, but nowhere near the neck to hem embroidery that an Elder or well respected Speaker would have). Jewelry: She wears several bracelets in similar motifs as her dress's embroidery. One type of jewelry she would never wear is earrings of any sort as Ogier are very sensitive about their ears. Character Personality: Gentle, thoughtful, kind, warm, curious and outgoing for an ogier (which would mean a human might still believe her just a little shy. Ogier are very cautious and not ones to be hasty about anything. They always think things through) Other: More info on Ogier can be found at Wikipedia here:--->[link] Will add if anything else. Reference Pics: Art by KatherdanteOther References: A female ogier wanderer (from the Wheel of Time RPG guide)
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 @ 06:16pm
Character 21: Ariadne
So your sitting there, enjoying yourself, when the sound of mad laughter reaches your ears. Curiosity does its thing and you turn and look, your eyes taking in this woman who seems to be around 28 or 29 summers. She stands a bit shorter than the average human female, topping out at a neat 5'4" tall and appears to weigh in the neighborhood of 120-130 lbs. Her face is usually drawn into deep contemplation, her ocean blue eyes seeming wide as if they're taking in the entire world at once. Her hair is a dull reddish-brown, best described as an auburn color, and exotically braided, woven, and styled around her face, giving her the look of a mystic. Black seems to be her favorite color as she swathes herself in it, wearing a cowled black cloak over her other clothing. Armor can be seen just under the cloak, the type looking to be some kind of cold-iron make. The edges of a holy symbol can be seen around the neckline which seems to be some type of circle of dark green with greenish-white shafts of energy touching the edges. What ever else the symbol consists of seems to be hidden underneath the cloak. A plain, black, cold-iron forged shield is strapped over her back with a morning star hanging in the belt-loop at her side. She tends to hunch over at times, keeping her hands drawn up to herself, while at other times she may walk and talk normally...the world never may know if she's truely mad or not.Character Details: Name: Ariadne Age: 29 Race: Human Eye color: Brilliant blue Skin color: Average Body build: A bit shorter than average, around 120-130 lbs, but otherwise about average for someone her age Hair color/length/style: Auburn (reddish-brown) worn long with the lengths twisted and turned into all sorts of helter skelter designs that change all the time. Unusual Features: She's insane? Tattoos/Markings: None visible if any Clothing: Clerical robes beneath a breastplate with a cloak wrapped over that, all in dark black save any symbols or accents stiched into the clothing which are always a vibrant gree or pale green-white color. The most common symbol on her clothing is her god, Bane's, holy symbol (a dark gauntleted hand clutched into a fist with rays of bright green and greenish white energy streaming through the fingers) either stitched over her left breast or etched into her breastplate. Armor: Ari generally wears a breastplate, gauntlets, and leg/shin guards. Aside from that, her robes are enchanted and she carries an enchanted shield. Weapons: Ari weilds a morningstar alongside her spells Jewelry: her holy symbol strung around her neck and often tucked into her robes. Character Personality: Utterly and irrevocably schizophrenic. Often she is encountered in an child-like state in which her actions, while devious and sadistic, resemble nothing more than a child at play. Other times, especially when enraged or if she feels done wrong by, she succumbs to a violent, sadistic personality. Other times, especially when she recieves visions from her god, she reverts to a happy-go-lucky seer who almost seems sane, but always speaks in rhymes. The list of personalities goes on an on, but most recently a new personality has taken hold since the dissapearance of her squadron's former leader, Garak. This new personality is cold, calculative, and tyrannical accepting nothing less than complete and total compliance. It can only be assumed that either the loss of her leader fractured Ariadne's personalities further, or her god finally decided to step in before she drove her squadron insane (and her squadron certainly believes it's the latter and thanks Bane daily lol ) Class: Cleric/Blackguard/Divine Seer Other: None currently Reference Pics: Art by ChimeraNell (Ari having a sane moment) Other: This picture seemed a good comparison with Ari's looniness. It's from the Wizard's Magic: The Gathering tcg and it (c) to them and all that good stuff 3nodding
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Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 @ 06:14pm
Character 20: Anya Anare Soliste
Anya Anare Soliste Standing at a height of 5'1", Anya is a light framed woman who looks to have aged around 27 summers. Her hair is brilliant red, radiating in the glow of the sun with a shimmer like fire; a deep contrast to the calming blue eyes that peer out from under her locks of red. She likes to keep her wavy hair pulled back in with a red ribbon, but many times it frames her face. She wears a fairly long, almost shawl-like robe, which falls to her knees. It is colored like a midday eclipse, being yellow around the neck, then fading to orange around the shoulders, contrasting to a deep violet-blue around the chest area, then finally fading completely down to a nighttime black from under her chest and down. The robe is tied with a midnight blue sash at the waist, allowing for the draping sleeves to fall over her arms in folds. Under the robe she wears a pair of solid white pants that tuck into her simple, beige, knee-high boots. She carries with her a mid-sized beige satchel, the same color as her boots, in which she carries lots of extra parchment, and in a pouch on the front, a bunch of quills and vials of ink. Anya carries with her a look of sophistication that also shows in her demeanor. She comes across as serious but with a calming aura that surrounds follows in her fearless footsteps, and even sometimes a very friendly nature. She has the nature of a diplomat or mediator, never seeming to be one to take sides, but always searching for the perfect solution.Character Details: Name: Anya Anare Soliste Age: 27 Race: Human Eye color: Cool Blue Skin color: Average/medium 'caucasian' Body build: Slim, she has a sort of delicate look to her physically Hair color/length/style: Vibrant red, naturally wavy, long (to mid- or lower back), often tied back with a red ribbon with loose strands to frame her face Carried items: She carries with her a mid-sized beige satchel, the same color as her boots, in which she carries lots of extra parchment, and in a pouch on the front, a bunch of quills and vials of ink. Clothing: She wears a fairly long, almost shawl-like robe, which falls to her knees. It is colored like a midday eclipse, being yellow around the neck, then fading to orange around the shoulders, contrasting to a deep violet-blue around the chest area, then finally fading completely down to a nighttime black from under her chest and down. The robe is tied with a midnight blue sash at the waist, allowing for the draping sleeves to fall over her arms in folds. Under the robe she wears a pair of solid white pants that tuck into her simple, beige, knee-high boots. Jewelry: May be added at the artist's discretion. Most jewelry would have some sort of sun motif and be in gold with any gemstones being either dark blue or vibrant red-gold. Character Personality: Anya carries with her a look of sophistication that also shows in her demeanor. She comes across as serious but with a calming aura that surrounds follows in her fearless footsteps, and even sometimes a very friendly nature. She has the nature of a diplomat or mediator, never seeming to be one to take sides, but always searching for the perfect solution. Class: Diplomat (Dillitante [sp?]) Other: Reference Pics: None Yet