Note: For those who do not know, this post is entirely relevant to the following thread.
Description: G'day fellow Gaians.
My name is The Curse, but you can call me Curse. I am an Australian running for president here on the ED-P. I am an experienced, level headed man. I have a mantra of flexibility, and if able, I will help you and listen to your ideas as much as possible.
My vision for the future is public involvement and government transparency and accountability. I hope to unite with you, and through the power of Democracy we will forge a future for the ED-P and Gaia alike.
The Political Compass gave me this score (mean over a couple of times):
Economic Left/Right: -0.88 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.74
Where I stand;
• Position on the right to privacy
Everyone, without exception, has a right to act and behave how they wish, as long as it does not harm others. That is my philosophy. I stress that, socially, the government should not interfere with the happenings of the bedroom.
However, there are exceptions, such as things that risk the safety and health of citizens. Be aware, there are dangers to many drugs, for example. These should not be tolerated.
• Position on the recent developments in the economy. Recession. Economists knew it was coming, but politicians rode the wave like populism was in season. It is time to stop throwing money at the banks and lenders. It is time to stop passing the guilt around. It is time for action.
I want to begin a campaign of involved recovery. Move the money bailing the failed big businesses and invest in small businesses, allow them to soak up the infrastructure required to replace them. This way, in the long run, competition is greater.
Furthermore, in times of recession intelligent money handling is important. I want to provide incentives for our universities to start providing public seminars and lectures on money smarts.
Please be aware; During the campaign, I will take any, and all suggestions on how to act. From my fellow candidates and from you, the voters. I am not afraid to change my position if I am proven ignorant of certain matters. This is a president who listens.
• Position on gay marriage I am a purist in the sense of separation of church and state. I want to see absolutely no discrimination between sexuality on a legal basis.
However, there are many ceremonial aspects of marriage which are religious, I think they are religious matters, and the government should not legislate on them. When legislating with regards to religion, the laws should be inclusive of all religion, or not proposed at all.
• Position on positive and negative liberty in the government. As a moderate, I would warn against prescribing to any particular strategy blindly. I believe that you should plan carefully, a pragmatic approach to liberty is necessary. In this sense, I agree with fellow candidate, Omnileech. Case by Case basis.
• Ideas on the energy problem facing your country. Australia has the largest Uranium deposits in the world. I believe that the only practical solution to solving energy problems, and to significantly improving our emissions standards, is to go nuclear. This will be especially cheap, and especially useful to the needs of our people.
For this plan, I propose providing tax incentives to Coal companies if they diversify to Nuclear, storing waste in an empty section of our vast deserts, and eventually, when it becomes viable, borrow the use of our great allies' space programs' to allow space dumping.
• Political figure you most admire and why The political ideologue I most admire is George Orwell. Although I am by no means a socialist, it is important to me for an individual to be passionate and consistent. Orwell was a brilliant writer and a great ideologue who inspires many to his cause. I aspire to be not unlike him.
* What is the biggest problem that your country is facing today? Today, Australia faces an endless drought. The lower rainfalls and drying rivers are causing our farmers and agriculture industries no end of pain. Solutions are all expensive, and quickfixes may hurt in the long run. It is time for some intelligent action. The Moderate Party will not let the droughts continue to harm us so bad.
• Your foreign policy philosophy Foreign Policy is one of the most important things for a leader. Using your armoury as a weapon is a dangerous and expensive tactic. I believe the Pen is mightier than the sword, I believe that in the end diplomacy works best. Multilateralism ensures inclusion, pragmatism and openness ensures a friendly or at least facilitating atmosphere, and willingness to make concessions ensures agreements are made.
Government Transparency I believe that Government accountability and transparency are important. The Moderate Party wants to ensure that you know everything the government knows about you and that you know everything that a government does in regards to you. This party wants to change the nature of Government spending. Every cent is public knowledge. Every action is public knowledge.
The only exception being that in the interest of national security, the government reserves the right to restrict or prevent information from being known until it is no longer a threat. The government must explain, on demand, what this threat is.
Internet The internet is free, this government will not mess with it.
However, Child Pornography, and other illegal activities (such as breach of copyright law) can and will be prosecuted.
The Curse · Sat Oct 04, 2008 @ 03:47pm · 1 Comments |