ANGEL of BROKEN HEARTSYou are the angel of broken hearts. The angel of broken hearts is a very sad and depressing angel. Most of the time sitting in the rain and drowning yourself with tears because all you feel is pain and you feel like life has turned on you. You cry so much that you no longer shed tears, instead you shed bloody tears that represent your pain. You have blind faith...pull the blind fold from your eyes to see agin.
Energy source: tears, sadness, depression
Take this

I just read this funny pick up line, "Are you a UFO, because you just abducted my heart!"
"Roses are red, carnations can be pink. On this day of Valentine, I love you... I think."
"Do you have a halo? 'Cause you must be an angel.*wink*"
"I had a dream that was a lot like this, except you were made of wood and scary."
"Do I have to spell it out? I L U!*heart*"
"This is so much better than hugging my pillows!*hugs*"
"I've found the missing piece to my jigsaw."
"My love for you is beyond emoticons.*wink*"
"Forget monthly collectibles... my love for you is perennial.*smiles!*"
"Aww, this is nice. Thanks for the hug. Thanks. I said thanks! OKAY, GET OFF ME!*screams*"
"Your pepper spray has an exquisite aftertaste."
"You are #1 on my wish list!*wink*"
"If you were in the avi arena, I'd vote you a 10!*hug*"
"Are you a ToS violation? Cause you got fine written all over you!*wink*"
"If you were a booger, I'd pick you first!*laughs*"
"'Stalker' is such a strong word..."
"Are you in the arena? Cause you're a work of art!"
"You remind me of Pokemon. I just wanna Pikachu"
I think that it is cute and funny!!!!