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AraRouge's peice of mind things that pop into my head that i what to cram in to you!!!

Ara Rouge
Community Member
Pepin and Angelina Flatermor
Profiles of my OCs Pepin and Angie Flatermor
Pip and Angie in the sun
Heaven and Earth ball
Young Pepin on the right
Ivory Fate

Short family tree:
Pepin- first wife (Emily-dead)
Children from Emily:
Edward (Edward's wife (Autumn) Eddy's kids (Paris and Josephine))
Pepin- second wife (Angie)
Children with Angie:
Agatha (Husband- Shaun)
Lilith (Husband- Vester)

Short into:
Pepin and Angie were first introduces in a story entitled Ivory Vines.
Pepin is a vampire mob boss, in Chicago 1920s era. He runs the rivers and ships bootlegged beer. His daughter, Vanessa, wanted to take over and get him out of the picture. She hired Angelina to seduce and poison him. Pepin ended up being so kind that she couldn't do it and they fell in love. The story wrapped up with Vanessa being taken away by Dracula and Pepin and Angie starting their relationship.

More information on my vampire breeds will be given to anyone who asks.

Pepin Flatermor born in year 1555. Is the master vampire of Chicago. Images have been provided above. He usually appears to be in his late fifties. He has blonde hair and ice blue eyes.
Pepin has a bad temper, the littlest thing can set him off and he loves to kill people. There's nothing he likes more then watching his wife shoot things. Oh, and he LOVES sweets and children!!

Angie has brown eyes and brunette (almost black) hair. Angie was used by her father since she was nine to be a spy in the mobs of Chicago. She's been used all her life, when she met Pepin she kept her mind on her job, but little by little he changed her mind and she fell in love.

Ruin's Profile
Well come to Ara and Ruin’s journal, this is a private thread so please do not post unless you ask first.

Name: Ruin
Owner: Ara Rouge
Stage: Child

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Favorite Colour: White
Favorite Food: Soup
Favorite Season: Winter
DisLikes: Being away from Ara and bullies
Likes:Sleeping and playing dress up


Ara is Ruin’s guardian. She first found her egg with Hotaru’s in the garden behind her home. She’s a noble woman of thirty two; having married a lord to the king she was able to gain money and stature before her husband died. She never gave birth to a family heir but loves children and can hardly stand the thought of harming the young demons. She cares for both of the demons equally, making sure the no one harms them or tries to give away their secret.

She was betrothed to her husband at the time of her second birthday, being raised to marry and have children. She learned how to read and write for the sake of education and learned the ways of the ladies, though she’d much rather play out side with the two demons that she has adopted.

When she was young her mother gave birth to a pair of twins. She took care of them as if they were her own sons, deciding that leaving them behind to get married was her only regret. She doesn’t stereo type against those in the village, giving freely to those who need.

Even though she’s a lady and would most likely be found reading or writing, she’d sooner drive a dagger through your heart if you lay a hand on one of the succubi under her roof.

Name: Ara Rouge
Nicknames: None
Age: 32
Race: Human
Parents: Annie Bird and Anthony Rouge
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Left eye green, right eye blue
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130 lbs

Partner: Widowed
Children: None

Talents: Ara can read and write, draw very well and can sing beautifuly.

Favorite Colors: Dark Blue
Likes: Being at home with her two adoptive demons
Dislikes: Being talked back to, being proven wrong


Ara frowned as she looked out the window of the black coach that pulled through the small village. She pushed her white bangs back behind her ear and sat back in the velvet seats trying to get comfortable as the horses sped through the cobbled streets. She’d left once the queen had attacked, sending her succubus to destroy what they could. She’d left her home in the hopes that no one would search through it when she was gone. Now that it was considered safe to return, she’d taken one of the first coaches back.

The coach slowed and the door opened from the outside, the driver stood holding the door open and his hand out to her. She gratefully took it and stepped out into the night. The air still hung heavily through out the village, as though chaos could corrupt and destroy the peace that was so frail over the houses and huts. She released the diver’s hand and looked up at her home.

She was one of the wealthy ones, a house made to withstand most storms with real wooden floors and a large fence around the yard in the back for a private garden. Her husband had built the house when the village was becoming a larger part of the kingdom with his father. Even though her lover had passed away the family had aloud her to stay in the home, paying for her expenses when ever she needed. The driver walked up the front steps, arms heavy with her bags.

She opened the front door and left out a sigh of relief, no one had destroyed her home, or at least this room. “You can set those things down here.” She said to the man who in turn nodded and did as he was instructed, leaving to go back to his coach before some one stole toe horses. She smiled faintly as she looked around the room. Her house wasn’t the largest, not by far, but it was comfortable. She closed the door behind her, only then noticing a note that had been nailed to the fine wood.

Ripping it open she quickly read over it. Anyone found with an egg of the demon would be put to death or heavily fined. She frowned and folded the paper back up. She had no desire to keep a creature that would destroy a village just because of a command that their queen gave. She shook her head and walked through the rest of her house, looking for anything that might have been out of place.

She swallowed hard. Her mind coming to the conclusion that she was holding one of the demon eggs that were forbidden. But as she stared down at it she couldn’t bring herself to destroy it, the thought that any form of life no rest in her hands was a bit much to take. It moved, twitching in her hand and she nearly dropped it in fright. She glanced downward, her jaw dropping open, another egg lay just beneath a branch of her rose bushes.

She reached out and moved the thorny branch out of the way and looked over the identical egg. She looked between the two, finally picking the other up and cradling it to herself as she stood and walked toward the house, if there was anything else out there for her she didn’t see it.

Stepping into the light of the house the wings that were wrapped tightly around the eggs seemed to come to life and stretch out from the hard shells. Ara walked to the living area of the house, setting each down on a large pillow and making sure that neither would tip nor fall to the wooden floor. Now that she was inside her home she studied the two closer, noting that the egg that twitched seemed solid, hard and heavy. What ever was inside of it was large, or so she assumed. She touched the other and jerked her hand back; it was cold to the touch, like ice to her fingertips.

She frowned, afraid that the creature inside had not survived it’s time out in the wild. But as she continued to think the morbid thought it moved as well, and not just a trick of the flickering candle or of the eye. It continued to move, seeming to warm up to the new surroundings. She smiled, then thought over the whole of the situation. She was now holding a very dangerous item, two actually.

If she was caught with two eggs there’d be no doubt that she’d be put to death for it. But she couldn’t bring herself to harm the two, even before they hatched. She always loved taking care of children and was sure that these two would be the same.

After moving a daybed into a shadowy part of the house that allowed no window to spy on it, Ara placed the two eggs on the mound of soft pillows and moved blankets to cradle them. She had fallen asleep awhile ago watching the two eggs. When she had awoken the morning light was coming through the large floor or ceiling windows.

She smiled down at the pair, they were each different and yet they seemed the same. The small room she was in would do for now to hid them in till she could get the upstairs bed rooms in order.


Ara pushed back some of the white bangs that had fallen in her face as she worked in the garden, the roses really weren’t as bad as they had seemed in the moon light and she was almost done, She had trimmed them back into the garden boxes and freed up the path from vines. Standing she stretched and looked around, aside from having to water the red blooms, all of her work was finished.

She started up the stairs of the house after checking on the two eggs and looked at the few rooms. There was her bed room that had a rather large painting hung over the king sized bed of her late husband. And there was the study that was full of books and had a large oak desk, and the bathroom and the guest bedroom. She opened the guest bed room and groaned, it was in such a disarray.

There was a queen sized bed, an end table near the door and a desk with books piled on top of it. A few chairs and boxes crowed the floor area and a chest. Ara shook her head, perhaps the room was not needed. But she frowned at that thought, what ever was in the eggs down stairs would need a larger space then the area she had them in now.

She dusted at her clothing, having dirt all over herself from the garden. She seat to work moving the chairs out of the room, they went back to the dinning table down stairs. It was rimes like this that she wished that her husband was still with her. She brought the books to the upstairs study and started to go through the boxes, most of them went to the closet and some she brought out side for others to go through or for them to be picked up when the town got back to normal. The chest went to her room and she stripped the bed of the dusty sheet. Last she brought the two eyes up and placed them on the bed.

“There, you’re new room for the time being. I hope you like it when you two finally hatch.” She said and though she thought it silly to talk to two un-hatched eggs, she continued.

Ruin opened her lavender eyes, brushing her messy bangs out of her face she sat up floppily and yawned. She looked around her and frowned, not quiet understanding the surroundings. She became frantic in trying to find comfort, she spotted the sleeping girl next to her and shook her awake.

Ara was eating lunch in the small kitchen of her home when she heard a rater disturbing sound from the upstairs bedroom. It was crying. And for a woman who was all alone who expected to hear nothing but the birds singing, crying nearly made her drop the bread in her hands. She ran us stairs as quickly as she could and was quiet surprised to see the guest bed room had guests. A small girl sat on the large bed with wavy white hair and two small brown horns. She was on her hands and knees and was looking over the side of the bed. Her clothing was indecent and yet very beautiful.

The crying wasn’t coming from her and when Ara took a step into the room she could see another little girl sitting on the floor with tears running down her cheeks. This girl had dark skin that was only shades deeper then honey and bright yellow clothing. Ara noticed then that she also had horns and that the succubus eggs that had been resting in the blankets were no where to be seen.

Ara shook her head out of the shock she’d been in and raced over, picking the crying girl up and placing her on the bed. She checked her for wounds and could only guess that she’d fallen off of the bed. She glanced at the white haired child and then back down to the one that continued to cry. She wasn’t quiet sure how to go about the children but guessed that it wasn’t to different from humans.

“Hush now, you’re fine.” She cooed and Hotaru seemed to notice the woman her sister stared at for the first time. She wrapped her arms around Ara and fell into hiccups. “Hush, sweet heart. You aren’t hurt.” She continued to stroke the child’s hair, careful of the pair of horns.

I’m Ruin.” The white haired child piped up. “And that’s Hotaru.” She said pointing to the other girl.

“And I take it that you two are sisters?” Ara asked as she wiped the girl’s face.

Yep.” She said proudly and Hotaru nodded as well.

Are you our mother?” The honey skinned girl asked as she looked up to the human.

Ara fell silent, she was indeed not their mother, but she wasn’t about to tell the pair that she had no idea who was or where they came from. She frowned. “I’m your mother for the time being, yes. But I did not give birth to you.” The pair seemed content with the answer and hugged Ara, the force of which brought her to the floor laughing.

Ara Rouge
Community Member

Ara Rouge
Community Member
Hotaru's journal
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Well come to Ara and Hotaru’s journal, this is a private thread so please do not post unless you ask first.

Name: Hotaru
Owner: Ara Rouge
Stage: Child

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Favorite Colour: Dark green
Favorite Food: All of them!
Favorite Season: Spring
DisLikes: Having to hide, being away from Ara and having to study.
Likes:Haveing someone who pays attention to her, reading


Ara is Hotaru’s guardian. She first found her egg with Ruin’s in the garden behind her home. She’s a noble woman of thirty two; having married a lord to the king she was able to gain money and stature before her husband died. She never gave birth to a family heir but loves children and can hardly stand the thought of harming the young demons. She cares for both of the demons equally, making sure the no one harms them or tries to give away their secret.

She was betrothed to her husband at the time of her second birthday, being raised to marry and have children. She learned how to read and write for the sake of education and learned the ways of the ladies, though she’d much rather play out side with the two demons that she has adopted.

When she was young her mother gave birth to a pair of twins. She took care of them as if they were her own sons, deciding that leaving them behind to get married was her only regret. She doesn’t stereo type against those in the village, giving freely to those who need.

Even though she’s a lady and would most likely be found reading or writing, she’d sooner drive a dagger through your heart if you lay a hand on one of the succubi under her roof.

Name: Ara Rouge
Nicknames: None
Age: 32
Race: Human
Parents: Annie Bird and Anthony Rouge
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Left eye green, right eye blue
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130 lbs

Partner: Widowed
Children: None

Talents: Ara can read and write, draw very well and can sing beautifuly.

Favorite Colors: Dark Blue
Likes: Being at home with her two adoptive demons
Dislikes: Being talked back to, being proven wrong


Ara frowned as she looked out the window of the black coach that pulled through the small village. She pushed her white bangs back behind her ear and sat back in the velvet seats trying to get comfortable as the horses sped through the cobbled streets. She’d left once the queen had attacked, sending her succubus to destroy what they could. She’d left her home in the hopes that no one would search through it when she was gone. Now that it was considered safe to return, she’d taken one of the first coaches back.

The coach slowed and the door opened from the outside, the driver stood holding the door open and his hand out to her. She gratefully took it and stepped out into the night. The air still hung heavily through out the village, as though chaos could corrupt and destroy the peace that was so frail over the houses and huts. She released the diver’s hand and looked up at her home.

She was one of the wealthy ones, a house made to withstand most storms with real wooden floors and a large fence around the yard in the back for a private garden. Her husband had built the house when the village was becoming a larger part of the kingdom with his father. Even though her lover had passed away the family had aloud her to stay in the home, paying for her expenses when ever she needed. The driver walked up the front steps, arms heavy with her bags.

She opened the front door and left out a sigh of relief, no one had destroyed her home, or at least this room. “You can set those things down here.” She said to the man who in turn nodded and did as he was instructed, leaving to go back to his coach before some one stole toe horses. She smiled faintly as she looked around the room. Her house wasn’t the largest, not by far, but it was comfortable. She closed the door behind her, only then noticing a note that had been nailed to the fine wood.

Ripping it open she quickly read over it. Anyone found with an egg of the demon would be put to death or heavily fined. She frowned and folded the paper back up. She had no desire to keep a creature that would destroy a village just because of a command that their queen gave. She shook her head and walked through the rest of her house, looking for anything that might have been out of place.

Ara walked to the back of the house, it was a two story but there was nothing but bedrooms upstairs. She’d finished walking the halls and smiled as she found that nothing was a miss. The raiders and people who stayed had missed her home as they tore through the village. She glanced through one of the windows in the house and noticed that the moon had risen high into the black sky. She sighed, not realizing that putting up her few things would take her so long.

She was already making way to the back door, which led to the large garden. She wanted to check on her roses before she went off to bed. The thought that the wilds had made her perfectly trimmed plants roam was enough to get her out of the warm house into the night.

The night was cool, and the candles from inside the house lit the garden well. The garden was acutely a large square of land that was blocked in by a high wooden fence, vines covered it with little blooms showing here and there. Roses were planted in to rows along a stone path. It was her mother in-laws before she passed away and now Ara took it upon herself to keep it up.

She walked along one of the paths, the vines tangling around her shoes. She cursed softly. She’d have to go through this tomorrow and try to fix what time had done in her absence. She stopped at the end of the path, a bench had been set for her to read, a gift from her late lover. She frowned, turning on heel to go back in side. Her foot hit something and in the dull light she was unsure of what she’d seen. A soft jingle filled the air and she felt drawn to it.

It faded as the item stopped, becoming entangled in the vines. She bent, looking over the small object, two wings folded around it and a tiny bell, she noticed horns but brushed that out of her mind as she picked it up, carefully turning it in her hands, the bell sounding again.

She swallowed hard. Her mind coming to the conclusion that she was holding one of the demon eggs that were forbidden. But as she stared down at it she couldn’t bring herself to destroy it, the thought that any form of life no rest in her hands was a bit much to take. It moved, twitching in her hand and she nearly dropped it in fright. She glanced downward, her jaw dropping open, another egg lay just beneath a branch of her rose bushes.

After moving a daybed into a shadowy part of the house that allowed no window to spy on it, Ara placed the two eggs on the mound of soft pillows and moved blankets to cradle them. She had fallen asleep awhile ago watching the two eggs. When she had awoken the morning light was coming through the large floor or ceiling windows.

She smiled down at the pair, they were each different and yet they seemed the same. The small room she was in would do for now to hid them in till she could get the upstairs bed rooms in order.


Ara pushed back some of the white bangs that had fallen in her face as she worked in the garden, the roses really weren’t as bad as they had seemed in the moon light and she was almost done, She had trimmed them back into the garden boxes and freed up the path from vines. Standing she stretched and looked around, aside from having to water the red blooms, all of her work was finished.

She started up the stairs of the house after checking on the two eggs and looked at the few rooms. There was her bed room that had a rather large painting hung over the king sized bed of her late husband. And there was the study that was full of books and had a large oak desk, and the bathroom and the guest bedroom. She opened the guest bed room and groaned, it was in such a disarray.

There was a queen sized bed, an end table near the door and a desk with books piled on top of it. A few chairs and boxes crowed the floor area and a chest. Ara shook her head, perhaps the room was not needed. But she frowned at that thought, what ever was in the eggs down stairs would need a larger space then the area she had them in now.

She dusted at her clothing, having dirt all over herself from the garden. She seat to work moving the chairs out of the room, they went back to the dinning table down stairs. It was rimes like this that she wished that her husband was still with her. She brought the books to the upstairs study and started to go through the boxes, most of them went to the closet and some she brought out side for others to go through or for them to be picked up when the town got back to normal. The chest went to her room and she stripped the bed of the dusty sheet. Last she brought the two eyes up and placed them on the bed.

“There, you’re new room for the time being. I hope you like it when you two finally hatch.” She said and though she thought it silly to talk to two un-hatched eggs, she continued.

Golden eyes looked up at her in confusion as the second child sat up. Green messy hair covered her head as she watched the girl who had awoken her. She too noticed the absence of a care taker and began to panic but as she tried to slide off of the bed to get on firmer ground she slipped off and hit her head and started to cry.

Ara was eating lunch in the small kitchen of her home when she heard a rater disturbing sound from the upstairs bedroom. It was crying. And for a woman who was all alone who expected to hear nothing but the birds singing, crying nearly made her drop the bread in her hands. She ran us stairs as quickly as she could and was quiet surprised to see the guest bed room had guests. A small girl sat on the large bed with wavy white hair and two small brown horns. She was on her hands and knees and was looking over the side of the bed. Her clothing was indecent and yet very beautiful.

The crying wasn’t coming from her and when Ara took a step into the room she could see another little girl sitting on the floor with tears running down her cheeks. This girl had dark skin that was only shades deeper then honey and bright yellow clothing. Ara noticed then that she also had horns and that the succubus eggs that had been resting in the blankets were no where to be seen.

Ara shook her head out of the shock she’d been in and raced over, picking the crying girl up and placing her on the bed. She checked her for wounds and could only guess that she’d fallen off of the bed. She glanced at the white haired child and then back down to the one that continued to cry. She wasn’t quiet sure how to go about the children but guessed that it wasn’t to different from humans.

“Hush now, you’re fine.” She cooed and Hotaru seemed to notice the woman her sister stared at for the first time. She wrapped her arms around Ara and fell into hiccups. “Hush, sweet heart. You aren’t hurt.” She continued to stroke the child’s hair, careful of the pair of horns.

I’m Ruin.” The white haired child piped up. “And that’s Hotaru.” She said pointing to the other girl.

“And I take it that you two are sisters?” Ara asked as she wiped the girl’s face.

Yep.” She said proudly and Hotaru nodded as well.

Are you our mother?” The honey skinned girl asked as she looked up to the human.

Ara fell silent, she was indeed not their mother, but she wasn’t about to tell the pair that she had no idea who was or where they came from. She frowned. “I’m your mother for the time being, yes. But I did not give birth to you.” The pair seemed content with the answer and hugged Ara, the force of which brought her to the floor laughing.

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Ara Rouge
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