In the morning whne i got into the school bus a mother of a seven year old girls came into the bus to talk to my best friend who had been screaming at the girls because they make too much noise and sometimes calling them stupid. stare well she told her that the next time this would happen she would tell the school! worst of all is that there is this girl on the bus is stupid showoffer and is allways really nice to us and gives us stickers. She was behing the mother (not her mother) standing there like a b***** she is while she was screaming at my best friend! after that we idin´t talk to little girls any more because they are F***** B*****!!! scream xp eek 5 minutes later my best friend was saying how upset she was and how she hated them and the bus lady came to us really worried because one of the girls asked her if were going to apank them!!! cool stressed (that´s what we wanted to) but af corse we wouldn´t spank them! How stupid! So we got to school and the say was fine. When we got to the bus again in the afternoon the bus lady had prepared a speech about respect in the bus and e.t.c. and she even told us (the older one) to go to the internet and search what "bulying" is! wahmbulance Can u believe this?! how could she call us bullyes just because a f**** girl thought we were going to spank her!! Now we are never going to talk to the girls anymore and we afficially HATE THOSE F******** B*******!!!! twisted

I adopted a dancing thing!
Name: Mr. Bumbum
Age: 23
Likes: Cups,dancing, the movie "The Aristocats"
Dislikes: cream, babies, the smell of wood
Owner: Carmo
Get one now!