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My Poems/Stories Just like it says

Daring Pen and Paper
Community Member
Don't forget to bite me! (A story)
‘‘Jessica-May was the name of a wonderful princess’, okay, that sounds really bad. I groaned softly as I set the silver and purple mechanical pencil down at the side of my creative writing notebook. I was writing a story for my creative writing class, it was supposed to be the type of fairy-tale where the damsel is in distress and she is save by her ‘prince’, of course the class was allowed to add other elements so the stories varied a little.

“Miley-Riley, might I be able to have this seat?” The cheerful voice came from behind me. It was my best friend.

“Of course Rattie-Mattie.” I cleared my other books from the seat beside me so that the petite Asian girl could have a spot to sit at.

Mattie looked my creative writing paper, “are you stuck?” She grabbed my notebook from in front of me and took a closer look, “’wonderful princess’, well there is one thing you need to fix. Make her vain, that would give the girl a little twist,” Mattie loved to write as much as I do, but she hated being told what to write and when to write.

“I’ll try that, it sure beats having zombies protecting the ‘wonderful princess’ and stopping the prince from saving her.” I laughed, yep, that was going to be my plan to make this story my own.

“Zombies? Vampires would be better! So, they should protect her, and the prince will have to find another way to get her.” Mattie suggested.

I sniggered a little at the thought, and I wrote down ‘vain princess’ and ‘vampire guardians’, after I scratched out my lousy eight words. “How about, her rescuer wasn’t much of a charmer, and so, one of the vampires is the one that actually saves her.” I fell in love with the idea almost instantly.

Mattie’s eyes glinted in approval, “coolness!” I loved it when her stormy gray eyes showed that she loved something.

I looked down at my notebook to add my other ideas, ripping out the page to start up my story again, this time I had a little more direction.

“Ick, look, Shane’s here.” Mattie’s voice was filled with disgust as she shoved my shoulder roughly.

“Shane isn’t that bad.” I replied in his defense. He used to be our best friend, that is, before he turned popular, distancing himself from everyone. Everyone, except a few other really popular kids and a couple of the teachers.

“You don’t actually believe that. I mean, you just think he is completely and totally hot! You drool at the thought of seeing Shane again!” She said a little too loudly, which, he then turned to our table and pressed his finger to his lips after he indicated at Mattie.

“I do think he is attractive,” I was choosing my words carefully, as well as, speaking quieter. “But, I also know he doesn’t even like me, which is slightly on the depressing side.” I sighed a little, also, shrugging my shoulders. I looked at Mattie and smiled a little, and then went back to my paper. Which was do in a week.

“Mr. I’m-so-cool-I’m-on-fire is actually Mr. Jerk.” She said equally softly, and played with the cover of her algebra II book, which was our last class of the day. She chuckled a little, “you know, the way he looks, he could be a vampire. It’s funny actually.” She chuckled again.

“Yeah, I guess you could be right.” I giggled as I thought about it a little. Perfect looks, pale skin, angry look in his eyes, distancing himself from everyone, sounds vampire-ish to me. I thought about adding a character to my story that was like him. Of course, that character would have to be a vampire! Again, I giggled. Which, at that point I remembered Mattie, and that she quit speaking for some reason. I looked up from my paper, “Ratt--” I was staring at Shane. “Hello Shane,” my voice sounded shy to me. Almost like he and I didn’t used to be friends when we were younger.

“You and your friend need to be quiet in the library.” He was glaring at my best friend. I was glaring at him, and so was Mattie, had I heard him right, ‘your friend’?

I stood up, holding my books to my chest, giving him a look of death. I could be a jerk too, “I said ‘hello Shane’, I do recall that we used to be friends. Oh, and we just so happen to be neighbors for seventeen years.” I glared a little more before starting back up, “oh, wait, you mean that was a different Shane? And he died trying to find a way out of his growing ego? Why didn’t anyone invite me to his funeral? I know I would have gone to it.” I was close to tears by the time I was finished. I shook my head, my long brown bangs fell over my face a little.

I turned to Mattie and smiled sadly. “What did I tell you? Depressing.” I made a strangled sound that was supposed to be a chuckle. “I’ll see you in algebra,” I spoke softly and walked to the counter.

“I need a pass to study hall.” I said to the doe eyed woman at the counter.

“You’ll be banned from the library for a week, Miss Reed.” She answered as she wrote the pass.

“I’d rather be banned from here than from school altogether.” I replied quietly after I took the pink slip of paper.

Mr. Gene, study hall, room 1215
Suspended from library- one week- leaving class early

After I closed the door, I rubbed at my eyes, never in my life had I be angrier than I was right then. How could he act like I was dead? It hurt me a lot, I mean, we’ve been friends our whole lives, being neighbors and all. And now, I don’t even know who he is any more. Again, I rubbed my eyes, just before I walked into my study hall class. I handed Mr. Gene my slip of paper.

“Suspended? What on earth for, Riley?” He was always interested in the small things about my life. Which was cool by me, because he was my favorite teacher in this entire school.

“Shane, I think he forgot that we used to be friends.” I sighed softly, putting my books on his desk. I had a few minutes, and I knew that he would keep me talking, because he was cool like that. Plus, he was really young, so he knew what life was like when he was a teenager. It didn’t hurt that he was insanely handsome. He, like Shane, was pale skinned, but he had really warm gray eyes.

“It’ll be okay, Riley. Shane will get over this, and you’ll be friends again.” He patted my shoulder, though I was wearing a thick hoodie, I could feel the coolness of his hand.

“Yeah. But, it still hurts.” I sighed softly. I turned to look at the clock, I had a couple minutes. “Mr. Gene, what do you think of these ideas for my creative writing class?” I handed him my paper of ideas, making sure not to touch his ice cold hands. They always bothered me.

“Vampires? What about zombies? They are cooler.” His voice was warm and light.

“But, falling in love with a zombie? They eat people!”

“And falling in love with a vampire is better? Sucking their blood.”

“Yeah! They have minds at least.”

Mr. Gene laughed a little and shook his blond head, “not always the case, my dear.”

“Okay, well, they are the most human while still falling in the category of monsters. Plus, they are beautiful.” I challenged the slightly older male.

“Okay, you got that a little closer to correct.” His laughter rang in my ears. “I would have thought that zombies in your story would be better, but you are stubborn girl.” He handed me my paper back to me, he too, made sure that we didn’t touch hands.

He had glanced up at the clock at the exact time the bell rang, “it seems that the bell is off by three seconds.” He told me quietly. It made me laugh a little. “I’ll see you on Tuesday.” He called as I was beginning to walk out of the classroom. Mr. Gene was actually a very sick man, and needed a blood transfusion once a week, and so he missed Mondays.

“Riley!” Mattie’s younger sister called lightly from the sophomore lockers. “Where is my sister?” She asked looking around me like Mattie would appear just out of the thin air.

“She’d be coming out of the library, that is, if she didn’t kill Shane after I left.” I looked at the other girl that I held dear to me. “Bell, where is your brother?” Bell had a twin brother, and they were almost constantly with each other, and they had all their classes with each other, which meant that all three of them were in the same algebra II class, poor Miss Oliver.

“Home, Dillion twisted his ankle in gym, we were playing mat-ball, and his foot fell off the stupid mat in a weird way.” She brushed her black hair, highlighted neon green, away from her face. “And why would Mattie want to kill Shane this time? Being way too hot for her league?” She asked as she hooked her arm with mine and we started to walk to our math class.

“Nope, he basically said that I didn’t exist, or that I wasn’t important enough to be acknowledged.” I answered, and I heard her breath a hiss.

“Are you sure that you like him?”

“No, I mean, yeah, but, right now, no.” I shrugged a little.

“You know, my brother is pretty much in love with you.”

I looked at the ground, “I know, but, I can’t date him.” I didn’t look at the younger girl.

“He likes you Riley, and you want a guy that doesn’t even care if you live any more!” She pleaded with me.

“No, he is my best friend, plus he is my best friends’ brother.”

“Shane used to be your best friend too.”

“I know, and look where I am at now!”

“Whatev!” She rolled her eyes as we entered the room.

I put my things down in the front desk. I was practically blind, and needed to sit in the front in order to see the board. As I headed to the back, where Bell sat, I looked at her. “Okay, look at it my way. Dillion, he is your brother. I date him, I dump him, you two hate me. Or, I date him, he dumps me, and you never speak to your brother again. Neither seem appealing to me.” I explained, and I was about to go on if it hadn’t been for Mattie’s angry huff from the door.

“Can you believe it?! He actually made it sound like it was my fault you left the library!” She growled, slamming her book on Bell’s desk, crossing her arms over her chest.

“You’re kidding!” Bell and I spoke in unison.

“Everyone, to your seats!” Miss Oliver walked into the room when the bell rang, being that was off by three seconds, she was actually late, but like I would say that to the woman. She was scary enough, I don’t think saying something like that would put me on her favorite students list. Not that I aimed for it. Shane was on that one.

Miss Oliver was not my favorite teacher, but she was the prettiest female teacher. Pale skin, copper colored hair, amber brown eyes.


“Hey, have you two ever noticed that there are a lot more pale people?” I asked, setting down my can of ginger ale.

“What do you mean Biley?” Bell forgave me as she finally saw my way of thinking with Dillion. She was looking at me from the other side of her kitchen counter, and over her can of orange pop.

“Well, Miss Oliver and Mr. Gene are both extremely pale, I mean, I look tan compared to them! And then, there a few students that are so distant from everyone, but everyone envies them because they are beautiful. And those students are just as pale as Mr. Gene.”

Mattie looked at me, placing her Coke on the counter and reached over to pat my shoulder gently. “You’re over thinking it. I mean, sure, they’re pale, but so are you.” She patted my shoulder again. “You’ve got vamps on the mind, give your story a rest, okay?”


I got home the next day from staying the night at Mattie’s place. “Hey, sweetie! How was your night?” My mother called as I walked through the front door, she was dusting the front room like she did every Saturday.

“It was the same thing as usual. The game wasn’t at home, so, we ordered a pizza and watched a movie on the TV.” I shrugged, putting my bag on the couch for a moment so I could hang up my coat in the closet.

“What movie did you three watch?” She never really thought that Dillion would ever sit through an entire movie with three girls, especially since two of them are his sisters.

“I think it was a vampire, I think, I kind of don’t remember…” I knew this would make my mom upset. Actually she was more than upset, she had set down the rag, and crossed her arms over her chest.

“Riley, did you girls go out to party?” That horrid low voice, the one where she thought I was skipping out on details, or when she thought that I was lying to her. Both of which were not that often to happen around her.

“Not hardly! I was just mostly thinking about something Shane said to me.” I was always truthful with my mom, especially since it was just the two of us. My dad died in a car crash when I was three, so, I always had a special thing with her.

“Oh, speaking about Shane. He left you something.” She knew I didn’t lie about that. I mean, have you ever seen me lie? No? Good, it is horrible.

My mom walked to the kitchen and I followed silently, it was hard to imagine that Shane would leave me anything. Much less think about it any more.

“Here it is.” She handed me a small, pale blue envelope, my name written on it sloppily, that was always his hand writing.

“Thanks.” I mumbled as I took it carefully, walking through the front room, grabbing my bag on my way to my bed room. I was indecisive about opening it. Like one of those movies where the person finds a box with their name scrawled on the side. Always like; ‘should I open it? No. I mean yes. I mean, I can’t. I mean, maybe, no, I really shouldn’t. Maybe a little peek won’t hurt. I mean, I don’t know.’ That was exactly how I was, staring at the tiny parcel.

I threw my bag in my closet beside my computer, sitting at my desk to turn on my computer to start typing up my story. I ended up deciding that I would get some of my story done, then I would decide what to do about the letter later. It wasn’t like it was a confession of love, nor was it a letter bomb, or so, I really hoped. Actually I rather the former option, but I doubt that one even more than the latter.

I sighed as the computer took its time to warm up enough for me to open Word Processor.

“Riley,” a voice I was in love with spoke softly. If I hadn’t whirled myself around to look at my bed I would have thought that I’d just gone crazy.

“Sh--” I cut myself off, glaring at him as I remembered how much he hurt me at library, making me kick myself out of my sanctuary. “What do you want? And why are you in my room?” I asked coldly, turning back to my computer, it was ready for me to type away.

“I’m sorry. But, please, you don’t understand me. You never will. Not now at least.” He sounded so sad, my right hand raised up on my desk and fingered the pale blue envelope.

“I don’t understand you, well, you got that right! No one is telling me why you hate me.” I shoved it away, it was on the edge, if I shoved it again, it would hit the floor and never be seen again.

“I don’t hate you. I just, I need you to understand, I’m not the same.”

“Oh, really?! Thanks for letting me know that! Uh, hello! I’ve been left out of this for over a year now!”

“Look, I can’t be here too long. I have to go soon.” He was behind me, I hadn’t even heard him move, and I should have, my floors squeak like no other.

“Go? As in moving away?” I accidentally let the sadness slip through my voice. I was back at fingering the envelope again, it was a good bye letter. “Well, good riddance. It means I don’t have to keep looking at you and wonder where ‘Shane’ went.” I growled at the computer screen, I could see him.

“No, I’m just going out with my um… friends?”

“Oh, right, friends. Best not keep them waiting for over a year.” I felt his fingers over mine so that I couldn’t shove the envelope again, ensuring that I couldn’t lose it on purpose. “I mean, after all, I wasn’t your friend. Just Mattie’s.” I moved my hand away, or tried to, he kind of trapped my hand under his too-cold-hand.

“Please, Ri, don’t be too mad.” He moved his hand away from mine, his sapphire eyes said that he was hurting. Those eyes usually did win me over, that was, until yesterday. If he had used that look yesterday, before the library incident, and asked me to forget that he had been too cold to his friends I would have done so. Today, it was completely different.

“Don’t ask me that. How would you feel right now, if I acted all, I don’t know, vampire-ish! And then said to your closest friend that he and his friend better knock it off.” I glared coldly, my hands were trembling.

Shane just smirked. “Well, if you acted ‘vampire-ish’, you’d look like a fool. But, I know I’d forgive you.” He looked at the window. “Well, I best be going. Just, please think it over.” He smirked in my direction, already I was forgiving him.

“Shane, wait. Please, don’t go… I- I miss you.” I got up, I was reaching for his shirt, my neon pink nails missing him by a centimeter.

“Sorry, just promise me that you forgive me.” He was walking for my window. My house was only one story, so I wasn’t worried about him.

“I don’t know…” I glanced at the floor. I was waiting for the window to squeak open. I blinked for a minute, how come, when he walked across my floor it didn’t squeak, but it was protesting with me just standing there? I looked up at my window, he was straddling the window sill, which made him look incredibly sexy.

“How did you-”

“Later. When you are ready for it.” He promised sweetly. He was out my window after that. I walked to my window, hoping to catch a glimpse of him, but I didn’t see him. That guy was getting weird now.

“Mom!” I called from my room. “When Shane leave that letter?”

“Um… shortly before you came home, like two minutes before.” She answered as she was walking in the hallway. “Why do you ask, Riley?” She peeked in my room, “I didn’t know you open your window.”

“Oh, yeah, it was getting stuffy,” I answered, not looking at her, actually I looked at my window. “It was pretty amazing how easily it opened. Did you do something to it last night?”

“No. Maybe it was just lucky. Close it before you end up catching a cold, it is cold out there.” She smiled sweetly, ruffling my hair.

“Okay.” I waited until she was walking away before I closed my door, even that squeaked now and again. I wondered if there was anything in my house actually didn’t make a sound it wasn’t supposed to. Well, other than our door bell, but that was because it was broken, so it didn’t make a sound, period, end of story. I closed my window, and of course, it squeaks even louder than ever as I shoved with all my weight to shut it.


I went to bed a little early because I was feeling a little sick. I think it was the rush of seeing Shane, and he wasn’t angry with me! Oh God! I am starting to sound like I was a kid, happy that my dad wasn’t upset that I spilled his cologne all over the floor while I was trying to get to ‘mommy’s ‘candy’’.

I was staring at my ceiling when I remembered about Shane’s letter for me. “Might as well see what it is.” I said to myself, walking across the squeaky floor to my desk. I brushed the paper, I suddenly remembered his too-cold-hand over mine. I almost pulled back my hand, but, I was really curious about what was on the inside.

I knew you would read this, you are too curious for your own good. Let’s see if curiosity really killed the cat. (Somehow, I imagine him laughing, mostly because the letters were extra sloppy at that point.) Any ways, if you think you are ready, meet me outside, by the tree we used to play in, you know, the one at the park. Be there at eleven PM. I promise, I’ll be there.
Always your friend,
P.S. I am not exactly sure when you were planning to forgive me, so, I’ll be at the tree as long as it takes.

I glanced at my Cinderella clock, it read 9:28 PM, so, I had some time, but mom would never go out unless I left now. I pulled on a pair of my purple sweats, the Capri styled ones, and my white hoodie, and slipped my tennis shoes on with out my socks.

“Mom, I am going to stop by Mattie’s. I forgot to get my book from Dillion. I might hang out for a while too.” I called over my shoulder, picking up my keys.

“Be home before midnight.” She called from the living room, she was watching one of those tear-jerkers on Lifetime, because her voice sounded like she was crying.

“I know, later, mom!” I was out the door before she said good-bye. I had no clue what I was going to do for a little less than an hour and a half. That was a lot of time to spend on my own. So, I made true on stopping by Mattie’s, she needed to know about Shane any ways.


I knocked on the door of my best friends’ place, and she answered. “Heya! Can I come in for a little bit?” I asked smiling warmly.

“Um, yeah.” She let me in, her mom and dad were out for the night, they always spent Saturday nights at Mattie’s grandparents’ place. “So, what’s up?” She plopped herself on the blue couch between her sister and their pet cat, Darcy. Dillion was on the floor with his foot propped up on top of a stack of pillows and an ice pack on his ankle.

“Hey Dillion, your ankle still hurting?” I asked, sitting down next to him. I knew he was looking at me, in a way I couldn’t return.

“Yeah, a little. So, why did you decide to visit us today? Did you realize that there was someone you couldn’t live with out?”

“Yep! I realized that I missed you…” I turned my head to him, and then whipped my head in the direction of the little black cat, “ah! Darcy! I missed you too much!” I giggled reaching for the cat.

“Ha-ha! You’re funny.” Dillion didn’t like that.

“Sorry bud. The cat beat you to it. You should be as cute as her.” I leaned forward, looking into Dillion’s gray eyes, they were both stormy, and warm.

He smiled before pulling me closer to his body. He was nice and warm, it was actually comfortable. Maybe I shouldn’t tell them about Shane. And now that I think about it. I was still a little upset over what he said. He could wait another day, right?

“So, why such the sudden visit?” Bell asked touching her toes against my head, ha-ha, short legs, I barely felt it.

“I’m not allowed to see my friends? Plus, it was this, or sit watching Lifetime with Mom, and I hate it when she cries. I always start crying to.” I cuddled closer to Dillion’s warm body. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders so we were both comfortable.

“Could have called.” Mattie tried to be sour, but I could hear the smile in her voice as she looked at her baby brother with her best friend.

“My bad?”

“No! You have nothing to call fault for.” Dillion’s voice was low, so smooth. It felt good hearing it. “Why don’t you spend the night again, you look ready for bed.” He looked at me, grinning widely.

“Yeah! Mom always says you could live here if you wanted to.” Bell’s voice chirped. What was with everyone trying to getting me to get with Dillion, even the cat was ganging up on me. She was laying on my lap so I wasn’t able to move with out her complaining. Stupid Darcy…

“Can I have your phone then? And I would move my car out of the way for your parents, but a couple creatures insist that I remain where I am.” I giggled lightly.

“I’ll move your car.” Mattie grabbed my keys as I offered them to her, and Bell handed the phone to me.

“Mom? Hey,” I sweetly spoke to her. “Can I spend the…” she cut me off with a ‘yes’. “Okay, thanks. I love you mom. And don’t cry too much over the movie.” I giggled into the phone.

“Good, now, come here.” Dillion pulled the phone away from my hand practically a second after I turned it off. He even shoved Darcy off my lap so I could curl up against his side.

I knew I should have said something, even think about Shane, but I couldn’t. He was just too warm, unlike Shane, plus Dillion has been there for me. I loved him to death… my heart almost stopped beating, I did love him, and not in that best friend way.

“Do you like him?” Bell asked me. And I knew that she knew what just dawned on me. It was just weird that way. She knew some things before I did.

“Yeah…” I meekly whispered before burying my head against his chest.


I woke up in Dillion’s arms, we had fallen asleep in the living room the position that we were in, the only difference was that we were covered by a white blanket and that I must have woken up for a moment to take off my hoodie because I was in my spaghetti strapped shirt. Mattie and Bell weren’t in the living room though, they must have left in the middle of the night. I knew I fell asleep first, so it was likely that they discussed this.

“Morning Riley.” Dillion smiled cutely at me.

“Good morning. I didn’t kick your ankle, did I?”

“You know how to ruin a moment.” He laughed, rubbing my shoulders a little, getting my blood circulating.

“Shush up kiddo. I’m older than you. I’ll ruin any moment I want.” I giggled, moving my body so that I could slide underneath his arm again. “And I know how to fix one to.” He laughed lightly, nuzzling my cheek. We hadn’t made anything official, but, he figured that it was said and done, and I was acting it too. So, I would assume that this actually official, I wasn’t about to complain about it.

“My ankle actually doesn’t actually bother me any more.” He pulled the blanket off of us and Darcy raced toward us, wanting to get fed. “Better get something to eat,” he smiled pushing the cat off of him lightly. I couldn’t help but laugh at the cat when she looked like she was the head cheerleader that asked the team captain out, but he said no because he wanted the marching band girl.

“Your cat is so spoiled.” I was being pulled up from the ground by Dillion. He was wearing an ankle brace, I wonder when he put that on.

“Yep, and I know another girl that will be spoiled just like her.” He chuckled lightly wrapping an arm around me, leading the cat and myself to the kitchen.

“I need to go home soon, my day to do laundry, and don’t you have your own things to do today?” I asked, leaning against the counter while he fed Darcy.

“Yeah, I might miss you too much though. Might stop by the tree that we all hung out at. You know, so I don’t miss you too much.” He laughed. Thankfully he was not looking at me when I remembered Shane and the tree. How was I supposed to tell him that he shouldn’t do that with out sounding like I was in love with Shane, still.

“Um… I think I am going to go home now. Call me sometime today. You have to, Dillion.” I knew my brown eyes grew round.

“Alright. I promise.” He smiled at me, hugging me tightly, and I kissed his cheek softly, glad that he promised me that he would. “Be careful.”

“Will do. Later Rill, tell Rell, and Ratt I said bye.” I smiled, using the nicknames that I used for them all. We all switched the first letter of the our names to the first letter of our own name. We just started that shortly after Shane left us.

“See you Diley!” He waved at me as I grabbed my stuff and stuffed my feet into my shoes.


It was late now and Dillion never called. He must have forgotten about it. He was never good at remembering things. It took him like four years for him to remember that my favorite color was red.


I wasn’t able to meet up with Shane last night because of it being a school night. So, I wrote a quick letter and shoved taped it on his door.

Sorry about not meeting you. I got busy Saturday. And, last night was obvious. I forgive you, by the way.
Your friend still,
P.S. Don’t tell the others that I told you, but, we have a nickname thing going on. You would be called Rane, and I would be called Shiley. Okay, so, yeah. It should be first letter only, but you are an odd ball, so yeah. Talk to you later. I’ll see you Thursday night, promise!


Dillion wasn’t at school. His sister’s said that he was really sick. They looked really worried. I asked them if I could do anything, and they both told me just to stay away for a few days or so. They promised that if Dillion got any better, or worse, I made them promise that too, that they would call me.

I also noticed that Shane looked pretty bad, like angry, bad. Like I went off the edge of horrible friend thing because I stood him up on Saturday, serves him right! At least I am not waiting for a year to go by.


None of my friends were at school today. But Mr. Gene was. And since I was stuck in the room I decided to talk with him.

“What’s wrong Riley?”

“Dillion. He’s sick, and now Bell and Mattie are missing.”

“Dillion, that Asian sophomore, correct?” His face was concerned, his pale face paled even more so, is that physically possible?

“Yeah. Have you heard something?! Please, tell me.” I pleaded, my hands pressed against his desk, my brown eyes round and scared, I knew it.

“Just, be prepared for tomorrow.” He warned. I wish I knew why this guy knew some much about my friends.

“Why? Mr. Gene! What’s wrong? Is-- he can’t be dying or dead!” I was sinking in my emotions, as well was I sinking to the floor. “No, no, no… they promised, they-”

Mr. Gene came from around his desk and held me against his cold body, this time, neither of us cared about the contact. “He isn’t off like that…” He said softly, murmuring his words against my head.


Mattie and Bell were both back, but they both looked like they were about to fall over. “Is Dillion alright?” I rushed to them, they both looked at each and nodded.

“You might not believe us, but, we have to tell you that you have to break up with him.” Bell’s stormy gray eyes watered up and hugged me. I was standing there, my body stone cold. I didn’t even move.

“Riley, I’m sorry. We’d tell you why if we could.”

“Go away.” I muttered, pushing the younger one off of me. I knew I should have stopped what I was doing with Dillion, I should have just waited at the park for Shane. But, no, I realize that I liked the only other guy friend I ever had. I might as well stab myself in the eye. It’d be more fun.

“I’m sorry. I’ll see you in class then.” Bell looked at me. Understanding that I was upset. She also knew that I wasn’t actually mad at her. It was just that whole shoot the messenger because they have to deliver the horrid news. She and her sister walked off to their French I class and I walked to my locker, leaning against it, before falling to the ground. I was crying.

“Not fair!”

“You don’t know what you are saying.” Shane was standing in front of me. He was just too quiet. He was in my first period class, government. “You can’t say ‘not fair’,” he glanced at me, holding his hand out. Of course, way too cold, but inviting at the moment.

“Why is it that one guy ditches me, I get over him, find someone else, and I’m ditched like that again?” I asked, taking the hand pulling myself off the ground.

“Can’t answer, at least not now. If you want answers, you have to meet me where I told you to. Or we could go now…” He glanced at the doors. “We won’t get noticed.”

“Whatever. I don’t care. You can sneak out yourself, I’m going to class.” I pulled away, well tried. Shane’s grip was stronger than I was. “Leave me alone.” I growled.

“You don’t understand us.”

“Us? Oh, you mean Dillion and you. Thanks. I got that already. I don’t think I want to understand jerks.”

“We both still love you Shiley.”

“Don’t ever say that to me.” He let go of me, looking at, hurt. I took the chance to go to class before the tardy bell rang. Of course, he had to follow me, it was logical since we were in the same class. It didn’t exactly help that we sat next to each other.

“Please, Riley, you need to know. His sisters know.”

“Great to know.” I muttered pushing open the door and walked in.


Mattie walked me to my car. “Listen to me, Riley!” Why was everyone telling to listen to them. Even Mr. Gene and Miss Oliver tried saying that. Well Miss Oliver was getting mad because I wasn’t paying attention to her in class.

“No. I need some time. Okay, do you get it? I want to be alone. You are supposed to be my best friend, give me some room! I can’t keep going like this. Every guy I get close to, I lose just like that. And they also go to the other side.” I was referring to the popular people side. The pale and popular side, that is.

“Fine. Call me.” Mattie turned away and I felt so alone now. I was not paying attention until I got to my car and I saw Dillion leaning against my car, so cool, so distant, so sexy, and so pale. My jaw twitched, and I looked away. My arms over my chest.

“You lied to me. You promise. And here I thought you were better than Shane.” I was looking at some cheerleader’s car that was parked next to mine. Better to look at it than him.

“He hasn’t done anything wrong.” His voice was the same, sweet, and warm, but it sounded a touch angry.

“He ditched us! And so are you! So, get it over with. Walk away, now! Don’t let me see your face again. Make me cry every night. Make me avoid my best friends because they just so happen to be your sisters. Thank you for ruining what I had left.” I rubbed my eyes, there was dust in them, I lied to myself.

Cold arms wrapped around me, almost like the Saturday night, but he was cold and I didn’t like the feel of him. And he didn’t smell as nice as he used to. “I’m sorry. One day you’ll understand.”

“No, I don’t want to. I want it to go away. I want to wake up from this nightmare. I want to wake up with Darcy spread out on our laps and I am in your arms, where I was warm, and you smelled really good.” I didn’t move, either I was too cold to move, or my mind thought that if I kept wishing, he’d get warm again.

“I can’t make it happen. Can you just pretend that we were never friends? Never fell asleep in the living room. Never called each other Rillion and Diley.”

I shook my head, the only part of me that could function now. He let go, his warm, stormy, gray eyes distant. “I’ve got to go. Friends to meet up with.” He looked at the asphalt.

“Friends? You’re great. Just like Shane. Guessing I am going to live a miserable life. Have fun with your friends, Rillion.” Shoving past him so I could get into my car. I wasn’t going to put up with him, or Shane, or anyone else today. Mr. Gene even got on my nerves right now.


I barely made it through the rest of the week. I had no one to talk to. I sat at lunch by myself, playing with my food, I did the same thing at home. Mom got worried and threatened to send me to grandma’s if I didn’t eat, that made me eat a little. Grandma scares me.


I was in my room, it was Thursday night, almost 10:00, mom was in the living room watching her movies. I had my hand under my pillow, I felt an envelope, I scrunched up my face, when did that get there? So I pulled it out. It was red in color, and it had my name written twice. One in pale blue ink, that was Shane’s hand writing, and the other was black ink. It looked like Dillion’s printing, which was weird. I opened it, not even caring about if I should actually see what’s in it.

Meet at the tree at 10:30 tonight!
Please, we’re both really sorry about what has happened. Plus, my sisters are getting mad at me.
We need to tell you what is going on.
I still want you with me…
Love you with our hearts,
Shane & Dillion

I glanced at my clock, I might as well do it. I need to know, and if I can see them together, then I could give them a final piece of my mind before I ask my mom to move out of here.

“Mom, I am going out. Got a text, a friend of mind found a really cool movie she wants me to see. I’ll be home late.”

“Okay. As long as you get out of here. You need it.” She called, of course, she sounded like she was crying.

“Okay…” I pulled a black hoodie over my head, and grabbed my keys.


It was raining outside as I got to the park, I had to park on a side street because the park was closed. I was glad I decided to wear all black, I didn’t want to get caught just so I could yell at a couple of guys, and then my mother finding out that I was lying to her.

“Riley..” I turned around, both of the boys were walking in my direction, I didn’t paid to no mind that Dillion could pick me out in this down pour.

“Hey…” Dillion spoke, and stopped about a foot and a half away from me, Shane was closer to me than he was.

“Dillion, Shane. Let’s get this over with. Say your final words. I’m useless, I’m pitiful, I’m clingy, yaddy-yaddy-yaddah.” I looked at the muddy ground, it was soaking into my tennis shoes, it was gross feeling.

“What are you talking about? Didn’t you read the letter properly? If we loved you, do you think we would actually think that?” Shane’s bass voice rumbled softly in my ears. I used to love it, so deep, so full of feeling. Now, it was nothing to me, just another voice in my ears, other words that was most likely meant to hurt me.

“I read it…”

“Then listen.” Dillion’s voice, a tenor, so full of warmth, and sweetness. I looked at him, squinting against the rain. He almost looked like Dillion, some minor differences. “Riley. You know how we are writing stories in creative writing?“ He glanced at the other boy, struggling on what he should say.

“What does my story have to do with this? Are you getting at that you don’t to be with me because I just so happen to have a character based exactly like Shane? God! If that’s it, then I’m glad you don’t want me!” I was thanking every possible thing for the rain covering my face so I could let the hot tears fall on my face.

“Not even close Riley.” Shane brushed away the bangs that were plastered to my face. He tilted my head up, “you are thinking too far. Think simpler.” He turned my head to look directly at Dillion. “What’s in it?”

“A princess?” I blankly answered.

“And?” Shane urged me to continue on.

“A prince?”

“Come on Riley, you wrote the thing!” Dillion sounded like I was hurting him just by saying a couple words at a time. What was he expecting, vampires don’t exist, or I thought.

“What do vampires have to do with this.” I jerked my head away from Shane’s hand, stepping back. “I can’t believe you are ganging up on me because I wrote a vampire story!”

“We’re not ganging up on you, Riley, look at me. What is wrong with me, comparing me to what I looked like Saturday.” Dillion took a couple steps forward so that he was standing right next to Shane. I never noticed how short he was compared to Shane.

“You’re cold, I don’t like it. And you got really pale like you are sick. And you don’t smell the same.” I answered quietly, almost embarrassed at the last bit, but he asked me.

“And, what does that mean to you?”

“I don’t know.”

“Yes you do.” Shane was beside me, I didn’t even see him move in my direction, he was pushing me closer to Dillion, it was like he was forcing me to say that I actually thought that they were vampires.

“Put your hand on his wrist. What’s missing?” Shane did everything, he had my fingers over his wrist as if I was checking his pulse, or it was supposed to be there. I didn’t feel a thing there.

“A pulse.” I looked up at Dillion, I had to squint, if it wasn’t raining my eyes would have been the biggest and roundest they had ever been. “You can’t be that way. I mean, I wouldn’t write a story if-if…”

“If vampires exist?” Dillion finished up for me. His hands were at my arms, holding me in place. His voice quiet.

“Yeah. Dillion, why, how, who bit you?” I looked up at him wanting with all my heart to touch his cheek like he was my Dillion instead of the undead’s.

“I am not sure actually. Austin, Shane, and Emma were the ones that found me later on Saturday. If it hadn’t been for them I could have died.” He pulled me closer, I wonder what it was like for him now that he was a vampire and he was having to suffer through me being alive. I didn’t care that he was one, I wasn’t afraid, maybe the shock. That was all I could think.

“Oh. Wait, Mr. Gene and Miss Oliver are, you know, like you two?” I wasn’t so much shocked as I was not sure I was fully sane at the moment.

“Yeah. I heard you Friday when you were talking about all the those pale people at our school. It is kind of funny how I end up joining them.” Dillion’s voice sounding like he was smiling a little. Maybe because I was still there.

“Shane,” I turned my head to look at the guy that I thought I loved. Maybe I did at one point, but I knew who I would rather be with. “Thank you for saving him. You don’t realize how much it means to me. I know you didn’t do it for me, but it still means a lot nonetheless.” I heard my voice crack a time or two. I wasn’t afraid to cry in front of them now.

“Um… yeah… I wish though, you know, you would pick me again. But, maybe Bell will go me.” He cracked a smile, I could see the flash of his teeth. I think I saw his fangs, they made him look scary, but it suited him in a funny sort of way.

“Riley…” Dillion’s voice soft as I turned to look at him. “Aren’t you scared?”

“Nope. I wouldn’t want to be scared of you Dillion. Especially since I have been in love with vampires since I was like twelve.” I smiled sweetly and I looked at the ground shyly. “I love you Dillion. I- can you, maybe bite me?” I didn’t want to look at him, surely he would laugh at me, and then that would mean it was over completely.

“Do you really want it Riley?”

I was shocked, did I just hear him ask me if I wanted to be bitten. “Yes! I want to be bitten!”

“No, I mean, do you want to be with me. Isn’t it Shane you are in love with?”

I looked at Shane and smiled sadly. “I’m sorry.” I said quietly to him.

“You love him.” The boys said in unison.

“One at a time! Okay, Shane, yes I love him. And Dillion, yes I do, but not like I did. I really absolutely love you, and I am sorry I took forever to realize it.” I leaned forward to have my head rest against his chest. It was too cold, at least for now at least.

“I love you too, Riley.” Dillion lifted my head up at him. There was a look in his eyes I never seen. Maybe because it was that I wanted him to bite me. “I am scared to bite you though. I’ve only been like this for a few days.”

“I could do it.” Shane offered. “I could consider it a thank you gift from you both and a good-bye girl from Shiley.” I didn’t look at him, I didn’t want him to do it, but I wanted to be with Dillion now.

“Couldn’t you instruct him on how to do it?”

“How am I supposed to tell him that he can only bite you for a couple seconds so he can’t have much of your blood?”

“I can control myself.”

“Too young.”

“Uh… he is only a year younger than us.”

“No, vampire-wise.”

“Oh, yeah…”

“I want to. So, I just bite her like anyone else. I stop myself from taking her blood though.” Dillion’s arms were around me, holding me a little too tightly.

“Dillion…” I coughed a little.

“Oops. Sorry. So, Shane, what about it, isn’t that how it is supposed to be?”

“You have to take some of her blood, but you won’t know when to stop.” Shane’s voice soft, and worrisome. He didn’t want to lose me because of one fatal mistake. I knew that much.

“Riley, what do you want?”

I opened my mouth and just looked at Dillion’s mouth. “Right now, I want you to kiss me. Maybe I can wait until you are able to do it.” I was truthful, also, I wasn’t ready to leave my mom just yet. “How about I graduate high school first? That way, I can get out of the house, and my mom won’t have to know.” I felt guilty, but it gave Dillion time to learn to control himself.

“I can work with that. Sorry Shane, you don’t get a good-bye gift.” He almost had a nasty tone in his voice. He leaned his head down and brushed his lips against mine. Lightly at first, then a little more hungrily, like kissing me was the way he would make up not being able to bite me tonight and making up for the last few days where I thought I was destined to be alone. I guess I was way off on that one...

The end’


A pale brunette female smiled at the class she was reading to. She was in front of a chalk board, curly writing declaring ‘Cliff Hangers Month’. “Thank you Miss Adams.” An old woman smiled warmly at the female. “We will have another reader tomorrow. Those of you who haven’t turned in your stories will be expected to tomorrow.”

The pale female walked to her seat in the back and brushed her fingers against the desk next to hers. A boy, looked at her with an adoring look in his eyes, “you can’t give us away like that. You are lucky people see you as a Goth with the normal love for vampires.” He laughed lightly.

“Shut up Jason. You know, people love it when I write a vamp story, I don’t care that I am one too.” The girl flipped her brown hair so that Jason could see the bite marks to remind him that she was not caring.

“Miranda…” he sighed, rolling his eyes. “You are lucky you are cute, and that I love you.”

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