Well to start off today is 12/20/07 okay so its thursday and i'm still in school tomorrow is going to be out last day for winter break and i'm excited. i'm not going anywhere so i guess i'll be sleeping in. this week has been crazy in school. just to let you know i'm a sophmore in high school and for some reason some or should i say most of my teachers thought it would be smart to give tests and quizes before the break. well i beg to differ. in english class i had to write the perfect paragraph that was going to be worth the same amount as an essay. well i have found out i'm going to have homework over the break. i'm going to have to read and study for a test because in the first day that we come back we will have tests on what we read and on the other test for language. for language i'm taking Latin. yes latin as in the old language form italy. its totally boring because the only teacher at the school that teaches Latin is like in her 50's. just a fun fact but she is the only teacher in our whole school district that still teaches Latin. i'm just going to do 3 years so i can get the credits to graduate. taking latin for 1 and half has made me regret not taking spanish. oh how much i regret it now. so over the break i'm going to be sleeping a lot. i'm going to try to sleep as much. also to check my myspace. yes i know why do i need a myspace when i have i gaia but its just a way i keep in touch with some on my friends that i don't see no more. so if you want and want me as a friend in myspace well here's my thing myspace/ana_gomez1 just say about gaia and i'll add you. so ...um well in english we are starting to read the catcher and the rye. my teacher says its awsome but who knows. this kid Holden or something doesn 't like phonies and doesn't like movies because he thinks their "prostitutes" and i'm like what because i love movies. especially romantic comedies. he said like they are just fake and stuff so i'm like, is he trying to say that all i love is fake and would never happen. i mean yes some are outrages stories but some can happen . so i don't know if i'm going to like this guy from the book. or maybe even like the book so i guess i'll have to see. oh something else christmas is coming. yay. well i don't know what i want and i have found out before if i let my dad choose something it will problably be not cool. like las t christmas he got me this jacket like 2 sizes too small and i couldn't even fit in it. so i'm trying to think of something for him to get me. i told him that i wanted a puppy or guinea pig but he doesn't want any more pets due to the deaths of my only two hamsters that died for a mysterious reason. i mean like they had foof and water so i don't know how or why they died.
this is personal what i'm about to write. i haven't mentioned my mom because well she died, when i was 5. i'm 16 now. i just turned 16 this november and well there were akward talks with me and my dad. well my mom died by commting suicide. and i don't want to go into more details. she was a good person it was just pressures that well my dad was leaving her for another woman that i got to meet when i lived with her. lets just say she was not comparison to my beloved mother. she was basically a gold digger and got what she wanted. my dad's house and daughter. i haven't seen my half sister since i was 8. well i know my mom is in heaven so i will lit a candle in her honor this christman may she rest in peace and wacht over us. bye now so yeah this is my log of ramdomness.
P.s. don't tell me about the espelling mistakis that i makke because they're just annolying like its not Irak its IRAQ so its like whatevers dude its not like i care how bad my speeling is. bye for now untill our next log.
~Pron ai ( Ana Gomez)
pron ai · Fri Dec 21, 2007 @ 02:49am · 0 Comments |