Gothic Susie
Lamenting Lucie
Kingly Gaze
Nitemare Collar
Black Traveller Top
Beyond Obsidian
EarPhone Diva
Wishful Cheating
Lumiere Noire Reborn
The Nightmare

Premium Heart Warm Locks
Ruthless Jaeger
Erlking Ears Type Dead Doll
Western Zodiac
February Birthstone Necklace
Goddess of the Damned
Tsunami KO Shadow Shirt
Shadow Virus x2
Fragments of You
Infernal Spirit
Fiendish Circle

Yemaya's Pearl ========== ==== Dark Dakuwaqa
Magical Pink ============ ==== Beelzebub's Wings
Cool Imber Eyes
The Life Whisperer
Elven Ears (Platinum)
Smooth Talker
Demon Vassal
Goddess of the Damned
Blight's Armament
Exiled Plumage

Cool Suave Jazz Style
Carol of Ol' Ebenezer
Yemaya's Pearl
Swim Team Dreamboat
Azure Guidance
Ravenous Mariana
Uranus Surge