I find this sight really interesting. I guess it's more interesting comming from a person who's 22, but grew up online. When AOL first came out... yea I was there. I started going online when I was I was about 10. If you do the math.. you'll see just how long ago that was. Times have definatly changed. We didn't have really cool sites like this when I was younger. Only cool places I hung out at when I was about 14 was "The Palace" I'm sure it's still around and if you use it today.. let me know. I've had great times there, but when I joined, there were very few people there. So..it was a family. A real close family. Then it got flooded with with far too many new people who were morons so I lost intrest.
But many years later...I find this site. It reminds me of The Palace. I also see that there is a family here. People who first came to this site, got real close to each other, and now they have to deal with a ton of new people every day. That's why you might not see me write much on tihs site. I think I have about 1000 posts now. From what I've seen (I read people's profiles all the time) my post count is much lower than the average person's posting. I mainly post my opinions in anime or gaming forums. Otherwise..I don't have much to say because people have already said what has needed to be said. This brings me to a huge problem I have with this site...
People, a lot but not all, don't read other people's responds. So you get stuck reading threads of the excact same things being said over and over. Since all I do is read this site it hurts my head. I think if more people took the time to stop and just read what people say, you'd get a lot more..meaningfull conversations. You wouldn't get so annoyed with everything and everyone. Hmm..I can't really explain exacally what it would do so I'll move on.
It's also running across people who are 11 years old, but have so much maturity. Things like that make me happy. There are a lot of very mature people here! This site is really interesting to just read through when I have the free time.
Plus I really like my outfit. The gold system is cool. I'm just...really not too interested in trying to collect it. Since I don't have much intrest in posting things..I don't ever see me getting something like the Bear Pajamas. blaugh I'm completly fine with that. So many people are COMPLETLY obsessed with the idea of getting TONS of gold to get these things. Heh.. this is where my kindness comes in handy I guess. When Im reading threads I also look to see what people are questing for. (You guys have REALLY creative SIGS. I'm completly blown away. I could never do half the things you guys can!)If I see a person who's said something really nice or intelligent or just...witty..I don't know - it varies, I try and help them out. I've sent out gold to random people for their quests. It completly shocks people!!!! I've even sent out a few items to people that I've had. Heh..I don't mind sending some help to people. I don't like being asked though. I mean..I've had a couple people flat out ask me. I won't send them anything. Though..I've had 2 people ASK me, but the way they did it.. made me smile. I mean they were really nice and it wasn't even like begging so they got what they wanted. 3nodding
Hmm...I could go on a lot longer but I'll end it at this :
The people who created this site are incredibly creative and this site has provided me with tons of entertainment. The people here are interesting. I'll be here for a while.
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