I let my ex borrow my PSP to put this game ripper on it so I wouldn't have to buy anymore games. I wasn't too interested in this because I don't mind buying games but my bf wanted to at least check it out. So..my ex's roommate took my PSP w/o asking anyone to start working on it and the moron ERASED all my saved data.
Lumines 2
all my Lain pictures
My ex and my bf was ready to kill the guy as am I. I can't even go up to the pizza place at the mall for fear of seeing him and removing all his boy parts as payment.
I did get WTF (Work Time Fun) though. It's fun and I love it and hate it but I'm more upset that all my hard work on my other games are gone. Luckily it'll only take me about 2 hours to beat Katamari & 3 hours to beat LocoRoco and get 100%. Lumines is a different story. That game is annoying to get farther in. PopoloCrois..I'm just mad that I lost all the movies scenes you unlock when you beat the game. And my Lain pictures are gone. My ex did put another one on there as my background but it's not the same. I'm sad. emo
Life lesson - NEVER LET ANYONE TOUCH MY s**t!
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