My semester is over. I was sceptical about accelerated classes (8 weeks instead of 16 weeks) but I'll tell you what.. I'm HAPPY it's over and done with. It was a pain having all that work that's normally done in 16 weeks done in only 8 but hell...IT'S OVER! Well I have my final for one of my classes tomorrow night but my papers are done and turned in and I'm so happy. I HATE SCHOOL! I understand it's important, but come on. I know everything I need to know for my major. I've been working with children with mental and/or physically disabilites since I was a little kid myself. Have I mentioned that I'm happy this semester is over?
Now I'm deciding on if I should take a class or 2 this summer or just wait till fall.
OH OH OH!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND...I got my Gwee! The most amazing person in the WHOOOOOOOOOOOLE wide world gave it to me and she's amazing (Fantasy_Magick777). One cool Juggalette who I love forever. MCL chicky! Everyone should go tell her how cool she is cause SHE IS! And should let me adopt your Gwee. I'll give him a good home. blaugh
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